The meeting was a big success, but the meeting was not easy.

At this time, Chu Jianghe, as the reporter, was under great pressure. The old man's eyes were like a knife, scanning his body back and forth, and he was so nervous that a trace of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Ji Ming, who was sitting below and concentrating on taking notes of the meeting, couldn't help but sweat for his boss. If he were to report, he would probably tremble even when speaking.

"The above is the whole story of the Asakusa Resort. The reason why Duan was able to operate such a sinful place in the territory of the Magic City was mainly because a group of investigators headed by Zhu Quan secretly accepted bribes and condoned and condoned. They have now all been arrested and put in the prison under the building, waiting for trial."

After reporting the last word, Chu Jianghe couldn't help but let out a deep breath.

Fortunately, he was also a person who had experienced big scenes. Although the report was a bit painful, he still managed to get through it.

"Okay, thank you Jianghe for your report. You can go back to your seat first." The presiding judge Mei Chengping, who was sitting in the front, nodded and motioned Chu Jianghe to sit back first.

"Yes, presiding judge!"

Chu Jianghe bowed to Mei Chengping and walked back from the big screen nervously.

It can be seen that his position is already in the last few rows. In the same row with him are three men and one woman, who are law enforcement officers from the four major districts of the Magic City.

"Just now, Law Officer Chu has told us what happened. Next, I will briefly say a few words." Mei Chengping spoke after Chu Jianghe returned to his seat.

After hearing Mei Chengping's words, everyone in the audience began to get nervous, knowing that it was time to be criticized.

Mei Chengping continued, "I don't need to tell you about the impact of this incident. You should know that it is a big deal. In the jurisdiction of our Magic City, there is such a lawless place all year round. It is really jaw-dropping. In the conference call with the headquarters, I almost lost face."

"I lost face, and you people here don't even think about escaping." He looked around and narrowed his eyes. "Today, everyone in our branch is here. Let's have a good talk."

"Who can tell me who worked for Zhu Quan and his group who accepted bribes before?"

After Mei Chengping finished asking, a judge sitting in the second row stood up and answered, "To answer the presiding judge, Zhu Quan is an investigator under Qi Kun, the law enforcement officer of the East District."

At this time, a man in his thirties sitting on the right of Chu Jianghe suddenly turned pale. He was Qi Kun, the law enforcement officer of the East District.

"Qi Kun, Zhu Quan is your subordinate, do you have anything to say?" Mei Chengping's eyes immediately looked at Qi Kun.

Under the gaze of the big leader, Qi Kun stood up tremblingly and defended himself: "Judge, I really don't know about the dirty things Zhu Quan did. If I knew, I would definitely report him first."

"Oh? You tell me now that you don't know anything about what your subordinate did?" Mei Chengping's tone suddenly rose, and the terrifying aura shocked everyone at once.

"I... I..."

Qi Kun hesitated for a long time under this terrifying aura and couldn't say a complete sentence. He was so anxious that sweat covered his forehead.

"Hmph, I think you know something." Mei Chengping looked at Qi Kun's poor performance and his eyes turned cold. "You have been the East District Law Enforcement Officer for many years. Now you can still make such mistakes. I think you may not be qualified for this position."

"Ah? Judge, please don't, I..."

Qi Kun was immediately anxious when he heard that Mei Chengping wanted to remove him from the position of East District Law Enforcement Officer.

He has been in this position of East District Law Enforcement Officer for a long time. His merits have long been enough to be promoted to Chief Law Enforcement Officer, but in order to stay in the big city of Magic City, he has never applied to be the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in other places.

After all, leaving Magic City for a small place is equivalent to a demotion instead of a promotion. It is better for him to continue to endure the position of East District Law Enforcement Officer.

Moreover, the eastern area of ​​Magic City is more prosperous than the other three districts, and his status is also slightly higher than the other three law enforcement officers.

He had finally gotten rid of the previous Chief Law Enforcement Officer, and he thought it was finally his turn to take the position. However, another person named Chu Jianghe was parachuted in from somewhere else. He was so angry that he almost smashed the table in the office.

Now forget about the Chief Law Enforcement Officer. Because of Mei Chengping's words, he might not even be able to keep his position as the East District Law Enforcement Officer. He panicked and couldn't help but glance at a person in the front row.

The only person who could save him at this time was that person.

A judge sitting in the first row seemed to feel Qi Kun's gaze, sighed helplessly, and then stood up and said: "Judge, although Zhu Quan is Qi Kun's subordinate, after our investigation, Qi Kun did not know Zhu Quan's private actions, otherwise Qi Kun would not be able to sit here now."

"Qi Kun is an old man in our branch. Over the years, he has been working diligently and has solved many cases. You directly removed him from the position of East District Law Enforcement Officer. It is not fair to him, and it will also hit the work enthusiasm of other colleagues. Please think twice."

The speaker is Lu Yushu, one of the two judges of the Magic City Qianlong Branch. He is over 50 years old this year. He is definitely young for a judge at this age. His own qualifications are very outstanding. As long as he works step by step, the position of a judge in the future is a sure thing.

So even the judge Mei Chengping has to respect his words.

Mei Chengping thought for a moment and said, "Okay, since Judge Lu has said so, Qi Kun's position transfer will be put on hold for now."

Chu Jianghe, who was standing below, frowned unconsciously when he heard Mei Chengping's words.

After hearing this, Qi Kun, who was beside him, regained his color on his pale face, and he looked at Lu Yushu's back with gratitude.

If it weren't for Lu Yushu, he might have been dead today.

Mei Chengping changed the subject and continued, "But the death penalty can be exempted, but the living crime cannot be escaped. The people under his command did something wrong, and Qi Kun, as Zhu Quan's direct superior, has an unshirkable responsibility.

How about this, Qi Kun's salary and benefits this year will be halved. Does anyone have any opinions?"

Everyone remained silent, and Lu Yushu had no objection to Mei Chengping's decision.

Mei Chengping nodded, then looked at Qi Kun and said, "Qi Kun, what do you think?"


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