After entering the gravity room, Lin Qixuan looked around curiously.

Xing Yan had turned off the previously set 4.7 times gravity when he left. He pointed to a computer on the table at the door and said, "Brother Lin, you can set the gravity on that computer. Just enter the number and press the OK button."

"Okay, I'll go and take a look."

Lin Qixuan came to the computer in two steps. The computer screen was showing the software interface for gravity adjustment.

Just when he was thinking about whether to input 6 times or 7 times, Xing Yan stood there and said with concern: "Everything depends on your body in the gravity room. Don't think about using the energy in your body to resist gravity, otherwise the meaning of training will be lost."

"And don't adjust it too high at once, otherwise it will hurt your body and it will not be worth it."

"Got it." Lin Qixuan nodded, "Brother Xing, how much gravity can you withstand at most?"

"Don't worry about me, how much you can withstand, I am definitely above you." Xing Yan said proudly.

"Are you sure?" Lin Qixuan asked suspiciously.

"I am sure and sure, you just need to take care of yourself, don't worry about me!" Xing Yan said while stretching his muscles.

Lin Qixuan is just an ability user in the control realm. In Xing Yan's view, no matter how much Lin Qixuan can withstand, he is definitely not as good as himself. He is very confident in his body that has taken E-level gene liquid.

In addition, he is an earth-type ability user, and the heavy power of the earth element makes his body more adaptable to gravity than ordinary ability users.

After stretching his muscles, he started doing push-ups again. Today's training quota has not yet been reached.

"Okay, I know!"

Since others have said so, Lin Qixuan will naturally not be pretentious.

He directly entered 5 times the gravity on the computer, and an invisible force field immediately enveloped the entire room.

Lin Qixuan twisted his neck twice, making two crisp sounds.

He felt it a little and felt that there was nothing uncomfortable. He looked at Xing Yan and said, "Are you OK?"

"O... OK!" Xing Yan, who was doing push-ups, said with a forced smile.

He didn't expect Lin Qixuan to be so fierce. He started with 5 times the gravity, which exceeded the gravity he usually trained with.

But he could still bear 5 times the gravity, and didn't think of stopping Lin Qixuan.


Lin Qixuan rubbed his hands and clicked the plus key, directly increasing the gravity to 6 times, but still felt nothing.

At this time, Xing Yan groaned, and his body suddenly sank. He panted with a fake smile: "Brother Lin... have you ever practiced this body?"

"It's okay. I practiced for two months when school started some time ago. I haven't practiced recently. My body feels a little rusty." Lin Qixuan said modestly.

"What, you are still a student?" Xing Yan immediately grasped the point, his face full of disbelief.

"Yes, I'm only a freshman, what's wrong?"

"Nothing... nothing, I just didn't expect Brother Lin... is still in school."

Xing Yan thought Lin Qixuan just looked young, but he didn't expect that he was really a student.

He immediately put away his contempt. He could have the level of mastery and physical fitness in his freshman year. His future is definitely limitless.

"Brother Xing, can I continue to increase the gravity?"

"Yes...Yes..." Xing Yan showed a smile that was uglier than crying. He had already boasted, and Gong Lanyue was watching outside. If he said no at this time, he would lose face.

"Then I will continue to increase it."

7 times, Xing Yan, who was supporting himself on the ground with both hands, was no longer moving. He felt that if he did more push-ups, his body would not be able to support it.

8 times, Xing Yan's hands began to tremble.

9 times, Xing Yan's whole body began to tremble. He knew that he could not maintain this posture. He gritted his teeth and tried to stand up.

When he stood up halfway, Lin Qixuan directly raised the gravity to 10 times.


Lin Qixuan, who was concentrating on adjusting the gravity, heard the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground.

He looked up and saw Xing Yan kneeling on the ground with both knees.

"Brother Xing, why are you kneeling?" Lin Qixuan hurriedly trotted forward to check.

"It's okay..." Xing Yan's forehead was bulging with veins, and he made a blocking gesture with difficulty.

"Then you get up, Brother Xing!"

"No... no, don't...

...Don't worry about me, I'll rest...for a while." Xing Yan gritted his teeth and tried to save his dignity.

"I like this. As an earth-type ability user, leaning my knees on...the ground allows feel the power of the earth better and draw from it the power of Mother Earth...!"

Xing Yan is a bit socially dead now, and he wants to use magic to bury himself in the ground.

But at the same time, he also felt the horror of Lin Qixuan's body. He could only kneel, but Lin Qixuan was clearly jogging just now.

You should know that the gravity that the human body bears when it is still is not comparable to the gravity that it bears when it is moving.

When still, the average person's body can withstand up to 90 times the gravity. If it moves, the bones of the body with 9 times the gravity may break after moving one or two steps, not to mention Mention running and exercise.

Gong Lanyue and Qu Lang, who were standing outside the door and watching, clenched their fingers tightly. After looking at each other, they raised their hands and covered their mouths tightly, trying not to laugh.

If Xing Yan dies and is sent to the crematorium for cremation, he will definitely still be stubborn.

Looking at Xing Yan who was fine in front of the tomb, Lin Qixuan touched his nose and returned to the computer to continue to increase the gravity.

11 times...

12 times...

Until 15 times, Lin Qixuan's body sank, and finally Feeling the invisible pressure.

He left the computer and walked to an open space. He stomped his right foot on the ground, did a backflip in the air and landed steadily.

He smiled, obviously very satisfied with his current body.

In addition to the extraordinary physique brought to him by the seeds, the immortal body also contributed.

When using vitality to impact the acupuncture points of the body, it also opened the treasure house of the body, and the physique was rapidly improved.

Lin Qixuan fell straight to the ground and did push-ups.

After doing more than a dozen in a row, he felt that he still had some strength, but he didn't plan to continue practicing. After all, he just came to report today, and he didn't bring any change of clothes in the dragon ring.

At this time, Xing Yan knelt on the ground and didn't know what to say. Under 15 times the gravity, if he didn't use the energy in his body, he couldn't even stand up. Lin Qixuan, this little kid, could still do push-ups easily, which made him feel unreal...


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