Seeing Xiao Junzhe kneeling down, Liu Siqing said with a serious face:

"I have been watching from the side for a while. As a senior, he doesn't know how to take care of his junior, but covets other people's things. This is not a just act.

He even fought and killed people with every move. What is the difference between this and the evil ability users? Is this what the Demon University taught you?"

Xiao Junzhe knelt on the ground without saying a word. He was very scared at this time, fearing that Liu Siqing would drop the sword of judgment on his head. The Saint Realm made a move, which was not something he, a person in the Extraordinary Realm, could resist.

At this time, the energy of "Thousand Blade Storm" was exhausted and slowly dissipated. Liu Siqing watched Lin Qixuan walk out of the Tower of Light, and removed the giant tower. She looked at Lin Qixuan with a relaxed expression and said:

"Student Lin, are you okay?"

Lin Qixuan didn't expect the beauty to ask him suddenly. He didn't know that the person in front of him was the vice president of the auxiliary college, but he still said respectfully:

"I'm fine. Thank you, fairy sister, for your help."

Liu Siqing saw that his breathing was steady and knew that Lin Qixuan was fine. She nodded and said:

"In the final analysis, this matter was still the school's negligence, which allowed him to take advantage of the loophole. How do you want to solve this matter?"

This question made Lin Qixuan a little at a loss. He wanted Xiao Junzhe's life, but could this beautiful sister do it?

Seeing Lin Qixuan in a bit of a dilemma, Liu Siqing said gently:

"You can say whatever you want. I am Liu Siqing, the vice president of the Auxiliary College. I have the right to deal with this matter. Even if you want his life, I can consider it."

When Liu Siqing said this, the students who were eating melons around screamed.

They didn't expect that such a beautiful goddess in front of them was actually their vice president. She didn't look very old.

But no wonder Xiao Junzhe knelt so quickly. This guy was too cunning. Everyone looked at Xiao Junzhe with contempt.

And Xiao Junzhe buried his head even lower. He didn't expect Liu Siqing to really want his life. He was a natural awakener, and his strength had reached the extraordinary realm. How could he kill a garbage in the control realm just because he was told to kill him? He was so upset.

Lin Qixuan was also surprised. He didn't expect that this fairy sister was actually the vice president. Could he really want Xiao Junzhe's life? But Xiao Junzhe has an uncle who is a school director. If he is really killed, it will definitely cause endless troubles. After weighing the pros and cons, he hurriedly said:

"Hello, Dean Liu! Although Xiao Junzhe is despicable, insidious, vicious, and evil, God has the virtue of loving life. After all, he and I are classmates. I am also a compassionate person who is afraid of hurting the lives of ants when sweeping the floor and cherishing moths covering the gauze lamp. I don't want him to die in front of me like this."

"Xiao Junzhe, listen to me, this is the way of justice. Don't think that you are great just because you are in the extraordinary realm. This is nothing in front of me.

The real strong does not lie in having overwhelming strength, but in being able to maintain a kind heart after having strength.

You have a bad character. Even if you grow up in the future, it will not be a blessing for mankind. Today you can be exempted from the death penalty, but you can't escape the living crime."

Liu Siqing's pretty face was full of majesty. At this moment, everyone had forgotten her identity as a beauty and felt that she was like an angel of judgment at this moment.

The Sword of Judgment hanging above Xiao Junzhe's head turned into pieces of light runes and returned to Liu Siqing's hand. In an instant, it formed a Judgment Spear emitting golden light.

Liu Siqing held the Judgment Spear in her hand, and the tip of the spear pierced straight into the center of Xiao Junzhe's chest, then penetrated his body and sank easily into the ground, keeping him in a kneeling position and firmly fixed.

Xiao Junzhe screamed immediately. The Judgment Spear continued to emit a scorching breath, constantly burning his nerves, but it did not make him faint. He knew that this was a kind of torture.

"This spear will last until tomorrow morning, you should reflect on it here." Liu Siqing looked at Lin Qixuan again, "Student Lin, are you satisfied with my punishment? Do you have any other requests?"

Lin Qixuan didn't expect that Dean Liu was so powerful. This punishment was even more satisfying than killing Xiao Junzhe. "Satisfied, thank you Dean Liu for doing justice for me. Dean Liu is very perceptive, wise and brave. He exudes the breath of justice in his every move. I am lucky to be able to study in Demon University."

Liu Siqing was very happy with this flattery. She liked justice and liked to help the weak. Lin Qixuan's flattery just hit her sweet spot. She asked with a smile:

"This is what I should do. Our Light Department should spread the light of justice to the earth, so that the world will be filled with love and peace. I hope you can do the same in the future and dare to take action when facing injustice."

"I understand. I will do my best to follow your teachings and move forward along your light."

Liu Siqing looked at Lin Qixuan with satisfaction and said:

"Mr. Lin, are you sure you are fine?"

After saying that, she winked at Lin Qixuan.

Lin Qixuan immediately understood and wailed:

"Oh, I thought there was nothing wrong just now, maybe it's because of the drop in adrenaline, I'm in great pain all over now!"

Liu Siqing said with concern: "You have to get good treatment if you are injured, and the medical expenses will naturally be borne by Xiao Junzhe."

Then the two looked at Xiao Junzhe who was kneeling on the ground. Xiao Junzhe's face was immediately blackened, knowing that this was going to blackmail him, and he said with great pain: "It's my duty, it's my duty, I wonder how much medical expenses Lin Junior wants. ? "

Lin Qixuan grinned and said, "It doesn't take much, just give me 10-8 million, we have a hard life, it's easy to support."

"What?" Xiao Junzhe didn't expect Lin Qixuan to be so shameless. He really didn't have much money, otherwise he wouldn't sell sunscreen. "I... Lin Junior Brother, stop joking, I don't have so much money!"

"Ah? No money? Then why don't we just chop it off?"

Lin Qixuan looked at Liu Siqing, and Liu Siqing also understood and said yes, and immediately condensed a long-handled light knife, ready to chop.

"Slow... wait"

Xiao Junzhe was so angry that he was heartbroken. They said that sweeping the floor would not hurt the lives of ants, and cherishing moths covering the gauze lamp, and they said that they would let love and peace fill the world. How did these two people become bandits? If they don't give, they will kill people to silence them.

"I still have more than 100 contribution points, which I can transfer to you, my junior."

"Hmm? Why didn't you say so earlier? You're just teasing me."

Lin Qixuan took out his mobile phone with a smile and watched Xiao Junzhe transfer the remaining 100 contribution points in his account.

"Okay, now that we've finished talking about the medical expenses, let's talk about the mental damage compensation and my lost wages.

Your behavior has caused me indelible mental damage, and I estimate it will take a lifetime to heal.

Also, I should have started the live broadcast at this time, but you delayed it. I make tens of millions per minute, so I have to talk to you about this."

Shameless! It's really shameless!

Xiao Junzhe looked at Lin Qixuan with a sad and angry face, "Junior, I really have no money, just let me go, you can see that my pockets are cleaner than my face now."

"Oh? You have a space ring, why do you need a pocket?"

Lin Qixuan stared at the silver ring on Xiao Junzhe's hand with a smile. He noticed it as soon as Xiao Junzhe appeared. What else could the mysterious pattern be but a space ring?

When Xiao Junzhe heard that Lin Qixuan wanted his space ring, he was shocked and said, "No, this won't work!"

This was a gift from his second uncle after he successfully awakened naturally. There were two square storage spaces in it, which were of amazing value. It was impossible to give it to Lin Qixuan.

"No?" Lin Qixuan took the light knife in Liu Siqing's hand and gestured twice at Xiao Junzhe's neck, "Then cut it off!"

Xiao Junzhe: "..."


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