The king of kong kong spiders is a famous spider.

The reputation of the diamond spider in the circle of monsters is very bad, and it is even worse in the human camp!

Compared to stealing monster cubs, the diamond spider prefers to eat humans.

Humans' fragile bodies are more tender and delicious than monster cubs, and they taste like jelly.

Whenever people find the nest of the diamond spider, they can find many humans suspended in the air by spider silk from their nest.

And these humans are the rations they collect, and they will swallow one or two to have a good meal when they have nothing to do.

Any grown diamond spider must have digested more humans than can be counted on one hand, there is no doubt about that.

Therefore, every time a King Kong Demon Spider is killed, it is a contribution to mankind!

Faced with such a good opportunity, how could Zou Wenlong let go of this dying King Kong Demon Spider.

Zou Wenlong approached the King Kong Demon Spider step by step, and the King Kong Demon Spider was horrified, and its eight eyes rolled around.

It wanted to escape, but found that its front legs were still firmly grasped by the dead Silver-backed Gray Bear, and it could not break free.

‘Damn stupid bear, it is still doing evil to me after death! ’

It cursed the Silver-backed Gray Bear in its heart for not being at peace after death, and sweat was coming out of its forehead in anxiety.

Looking at the funny look of the King Kong Demon Spider, Zou Wenlong couldn't help but want to laugh, "Don't worry, I will let you go soon!"

He didn't expect that he could really pick up a big leak today. If he met the King Kong Demon Spider at other times, he would have gone around without thinking, but now the situation has reversed.

Just as he approached the King Kong Demon Spider, the King Kong Demon Spider suddenly sprayed out its spider silk, trying to trap Zou Wenlong.

"Haha, I knew you were going to do this, but it's useless!"

Although Zou Wenlong was excited, he was always alert in his heart.

Facing the King Kong Demon Spider's spider silk, he poured all his strength into his legs, and disappeared on the spot with a light tap of his toes.

His body movements were extremely flexible, and he kept dodging the spider silk while moving around.

If you want to get by in the restricted area, regardless of your strength, you must first learn the skills of escaping and dodging.

And Zou Wenlong obviously put a lot of effort in these two aspects!

He dodged and approached, and when he was less than three meters away from the King Kong Demon Spider, Zou Wenlong jumped and landed on the back of the King Kong Demon Spider.

The King Kong Demon Spider raised its head and howled angrily, and its whole body kept shaking, trying to throw Zou Wenlong off.

But Zou Wenlong's lower body skills were very stable, and his two legs were firmly rooted on its back. No matter how the King Kong Demon Spider moved, it could not throw him out.

Looking at the rotten half of the King Kong Demon Spider's head, Zou Wenlong raised the "hypnotist" on his shoulder and used his triple wave technique to push it hard into the King Kong Demon Spider's head.


The King Kong Demon Spider made an unwilling whine. It had been roaming the Devil's Plain for so many years, and just now even a powerful monster like the Silver-backed Gray Bear died in its hands, but in the end it was picked up by a weak human.

If it was in its heyday, the human in front of it couldn't even break its body defense!

It hated it so much...

'Tired, destroy it! '

The strong unwillingness made the huge energy in its body run wild, and it was obviously trying to self-destruct.

"Isn't it too late to think about self-destruction now?"

Zou Wenlong showed disdain on his face. This King Kong Demon Spider had a glimmer of luck before. If it could choose to self-destruct in the first place, he would definitely turn around and leave without saying anything, but now it's a bit too late!

Zou Wenlong grabbed the long pole of the halberd and stirred it hard in the King Kong Demon Spider's head. The superposition of three forces and the sharp halberd blade combined into one, and immediately smashed the King Kong Demon Spider's brain into pieces.


In the end, he finally made this King Kong Demon Spider lie down helplessly and fell into eternal sleep...

After the King Kong Demon Spider died, Zou Wenlong did not dare to delay. With a halberd, he opened a small hole under the most vulnerable abdomen of the King Kong Demon Spider.

He didn't mind the dirt, and directly put his hand into the belly of the King Kong Demon Spider and dug it out.

After a while, his face was happy, and then he took out a cocoon made of spider silk with force.

The cocoon naturally contained the silver-backed gray bear cub that was swallowed by the King Kong Demon Spider.

Due to the protection of the spider silk, the cub has not been digested yet.

"I hope it's not dead yet...

..." Zou Wenlong muttered to himself as he looked at the cocoon.

He picked up the halberd and used the blade to cut the slimy spider silk.

The little cub was lying quietly inside, motionless.

Zou Wenlong was shocked, 'Oh my god, it's dead now?'

He looked suspicious, lifted the little cub up with one hand, and patted its back with the other hand.

"Cough... cough... cough..."

After a cough, the little cub resumed breathing, which made Zou Wenlong breathe a sigh of relief.

"Huh, it's okay, Silver-backed Gray Bear, you can go now with peace of mind! ”

It turned out that the cub was suffocated by the spider silk, and now it is alive again through Zou Wenlong's power.

After the cub resumed breathing, it opened its eyes and looked at Zou Wenlong, and then fell asleep again.

Zou Wenlong patted its little head and whispered: "This world is so cruel. I hope you can live well and don't let your mother down for her sacrifice for you!"

Seeing that the cub was fine, Zou Wenlong smiled. Now it's time to reap the rewards!

"Hehe, today must be my lucky day!"

"It's still the same old saying. There must be hope as long as you are alive. Maybe one day you will turn the tables! "

In the freshman competition, he gambled everything he had and almost lost everything he had.

Even the start-up capital for coming to the restricted area was obtained by him putting aside his dignity and taking an underwear commercial.

Now his luck has finally turned. He even caught up with the battle between two fifth-level monsters. This luck is really a bit too much!

Zou Wenlong looked at the silver-backed bear wrapped in spider silk, and his eyes were full of passion.

"After searching everywhere for something, it was easy to get it! "

This silver-backed bear is obviously a power type like him. If he can get its blood, he can be promoted to the extraordinary realm now!

Thinking of this, Zou Wenlong's eyes suddenly became a little moist.

How long has it been? He has been at the peak of the control realm for a long time. Today he can finally realize his dream!

He couldn't wait to pick up the halberd and cut the entangled spider silk with force.

But when he saw the silver-backed bear inside, the excitement on his face gradually disappeared, and his eyes lost their spirit...


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