After the robe was removed, Liu Siqing's snow-white and slender body was exposed. Her full and firm breasts were tightly wrapped in white underwear, and her curly black hair fell in the deep ravines on her chest. The black and white were very tempting. Her lower abdomen was flat, without a trace of excess fat, and even the waistline could be seen faintly. Her legs were straight and slender, neither skinny nor full of flesh, and everything was just right. This is not a 40-year-old body! She is more than qualified to be a supermodel. The title of this beauty witch is not for nothing. Lin Qixuan swallowed his saliva and touched his nose subconsciously. Fortunately, there was no bleeding, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Seeing Liu Siqing reaching behind her back and trying to unbutton her underwear, Lin Qixuan was startled and immediately stopped her: "Teacher, that's enough. I'll just take a look at it first."

Liu Siqing was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, it was indeed not appropriate. She nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it. I haven't drawn the complete rune. I'll draw it on paper and give it to you later, although it's not very intuitive."

After speaking, Liu Siqing put her hands together, and the light elements in her body surged. As the energy was agitated, the light runes composed of light elements gradually appeared from under her fair skin, forming a very beautiful pattern.

With golden lines all over her body, Liu Siqing looked both sacred and charming at this moment, which made Lin Qixuan stunned.

"Take a look at these runes first. Although most of them have lost their function, they are still very useful for physical improvement."

Liu Siqing's words woke up Lin Qixuan, who was a little dazed. He immediately regained his mind and encouraged himself not to be distracted, just as if he was looking at a bikini beauty.

These runes were very obscure and profound. Lin Qixuan looked at them carefully, but after a while he felt dizzy and wanted to vomit.

At this time, the light spot in the body seemed to sense something, and suddenly the light was bright, automatically mobilizing the light elements in the air, and all the runes on Liu Siqing's body were copied in the air, forming a 3D stereoscopic image.

Afterwards, the rune images composed of these light elements were all immersed in the light spots in Lin Qixuan's body. He closed his eyes and looked inward, and found that the light spots suddenly expanded a lot, and even brought a bit of burning breath.

The rune of the Holy Tiger of Light seemed to have given it the conditions to complete itself. Then the light spot frantically absorbed the light elements in Lin Qixuan's Dantian and drained them all at once. Seeing this, Lin Qixuan shouted in his heart, "My second energy source!" Alas, he could only cultivate to make up for it later.

After draining Lin Qixuan's second energy source, the light spot seemed to be satisfied and returned to normal.

Lin Qixuan sank his consciousness into the light spot, and he saw the rune of the Holy Tiger of Light floating in it.

When he looked at it again this time, he no longer felt like vomiting. He stared at a simple rune and subconsciously displayed it on his right hand through the light element.

He opened his eyes and started breathing, and then mobilized other light elements to his right hand. After passing through the golden lines, a hot breath was actually generated. Although the temperature was not too high, it was at least a good sign.

He tried to wave his right hand a few times, and bursts of air-breaking sounds rang out. He knew that with the blessing of this rune, the power of his right hand was improved. With another grab of his right hand, the speed of condensing light elements was also a little faster.

Liu Siqing was very surprised at this time. He had seen the changes of Lin Qixuan just now. This was definitely not something that an ordinary light-type ability user could do.

She calmed down the energy, and the golden lines gradually faded. "The fact proves that my guess is correct. There is indeed something strange on your body. You actually copied its rune and used it.

But it's good this way, so I don't have to draw it for you again. I see that your original physique is very strong. With its blessing, it is simply like a tiger with wings."

Liu Siqing was very happy. Lin Qixuan did not disappoint him. From the beginning, she felt that this kid's light system was unusual. She also felt the hot breath on his right hand. Although the temperature was not high, maybe he would study the rune of the Holy Tiger of Light thoroughly in the future, and it would also improve accordingly. The rise of the light system finally has hope!

Lin Qixuan was extremely excited. Just this simple rune greatly improved his melee ability. When he fully developed it in the future, he might be able to reproduce the powerful demeanor of the Holy Tiger of Light.

Liu Siqing picked up the robe on the ground and put it on again. "

You have already obtained the rune of the Holy Tiger of Light. You should study it more when you have nothing to do. Now I will pass on my own skills to you. You have seen them when I taught Xiao Junzhe a lesson just now. One is the Tower of Light and the other is the Light of Judgment.

The Tower of Light is used for defense, while the Light of Judgment is used for attack. It can be transformed into any form. My previous sword, gun, and knife are just one of its manifestations. Later you can see how to develop and use it yourself. "

As she spoke, she stretched out her finger and pointed at Lin Qixuan's forehead. The two spells, Tower of Light and Light of Judgment, turned into flowing light and were deeply imprinted in Lin Qixuan's mind.

This is much more advanced than the spell books sold outside. The real top spells cannot be described in words. Only this kind of initiation-like inheritance method can be more intuitive.

The runes of the Holy Tiger of Light are not spells, but just a kind of primitive pattern. They can only be revealed through intuitive display. Therefore, Liu Siqing had to demonstrate it in person. She gave her all to Lin Qixuan, a student.

Lin Qixuan was very moved. Liu Siqing not only saved his life and earned benefits for him, but now as a teacher, she passed on all her skills to him. He didn't know how to repay her.

Liu Siqing sat back on the sofa and resumed his lazy posture. "The Light of Judgment mainly uses the rune transformation I mentioned earlier. Do you know what the benefits of learning runes are for us light system?"

Lin Qixuan scratched his head and asked, "What is it? "

Liu Siqing smiled and said nothing. She stretched out a finger and condensed the light element to draw runes in the air. After a rune was completed, it turned into a burning flame.

This was not over yet. She waved her sleeves, removed the flame, and drew another rune. A ball of water appeared out of thin air.

Then all the elements such as wind, earth, and thunder took turns to appear, which made Lin Qixuan dumbfounded again. What on earth is this? Is the rune so powerful?

Liu Siqing looked at Lin Qixuan, "It's amazing, right? The rune is like this. As long as you learn the runes of different powers, you can show them through your own energy, but there is a problem with the conversion rate.

You can't use the energy of the fire system to restore the water system energy 100% through the water system rune. This kind of opposition is a waste of energy. No one will do such a stupid thing. In the early stage, other rune masters will prepare the corresponding energy crystals in advance to carve runes.

But as the rune master's rune attainment gradually becomes stronger, in the later stage, he can communicate with the energy of heaven and earth to cast runes, so the rune master may not be strong in himself, but still has the power to destroy the world.

But we, the light system, don't have this concern in the early stage. Everything has its pros and cons. Although the decline of the light system has led to the characteristics of the light element being very mild now, it also makes it compatible with any superpower to a certain extent, and the conversion rate is very high.

Even the dark element that is opposed to it can be converted well as long as you learn to adjust the brightness.

Among them, the fire system is the most compatible with the light system. My light of judgment combines the runes of the fire system to increase the temperature and enhance the destructiveness. "

Lin Qixuan was already saying "Fuck it" in his heart. Isn't this just turning everything into light? He will be angry with anyone who says that the light system is rubbish in the future. This move of turning everything into light will let you experience what a kaleidoscope is.

And the appearance of the Light of Judgment gave him hope. He also saw how powerful Liu Siqing was when she used this technique before.

He can develop many things through this technique, such as Kizaru's Ame-no-Kume and Yasakani no Magatama, and Ultraman's eight-point light wheel and various rays.

Lin Qixuan suddenly said at this time: "Then why do so many people still say that our light system is rubbish and is only suitable for assistance?"

Liu Siqing rolled her eyes and said: "You think runes are so simple? You have some talent in runes, and most people have to immerse themselves in them for a long time before they can gain anything.

The time is too long, and many people can't stand the loneliness and give up.

The number of light system ability users is already scarce, and they are outstanding in treatment and purification. Why do other light system people still spend time studying runes? ”

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