The rise of nanometers

Chapter 526 Witness

How to transform the huge number of migrant workers, peasants, and low-end industrial workers into mid- to high-end skilled workers has become an important issue at present.

A member of a strategic think tank suggested: "There must be a study holiday during the holiday, rather than having workers go to night classes."

"Our company's internal industrial worker training has trained millions of new industrial workers over the years, but it is difficult for private companies to carry out this kind of training," Jiang Hailin said helplessly.

“Only public training schools can be established and study holidays are mandatory for all companies.”

"In addition, the minimum wage must keep pace with the times and be gradually adjusted."

The discussion continued for more than two hours, and Huang Xiuyuan also expressed some opinions and suggestions. With his experience of more than fifty years in the future, many of the questions he raised have profound significance.

For example, establishing a reasonable corporate management mechanism is what is urgently needed today.

Social public support plans should also include the elderly and disabled people. The current domestic resources are capable of supporting these plans.

Some people may think that these plans are destined to be impossible to last.

But in fact, even without controllable nuclear fusion technology, with the current various new technologies, as long as they are properly deployed, it is possible to support so many people.

You know, in terms of steel production, grain production, power generation, crude oil, coal and gas production, and the production of various industrial products.

In China, every citizen can obtain 786 kilograms of steel, 554 kilograms of grain, 97 kilograms of meat, 1,377 cubic meters of pure water, 2.1 tons of coal, 132 kilograms of liquefied gas, 421 kilograms of crude oil, and 8,373 kilowatt-hours of electricity every year...

These data only need to be multiplied by the population base of 1.4 billion to find out how huge this number is.

And once controllable nuclear fusion technology becomes a reality, the output of these substances may increase several times, or even more than ten times.

The population can be sustained even if it doubles. If we can successfully enter the interstellar era and control Mars, Venus and Mercury in the inner solar system, we can sustain a population increase of 5 to 7 times.

Therefore, in the recent past, efforts have been made to stimulate population growth and at the same time find ways to improve the quality of the population. Without a large number of high-quality people, there will be insufficient stamina to promote interstellar civilization.

In Huang Xiuyuan's future memory, due to the aging of the population, coupled with several biochemical crises, wars, famines, and natural disasters, the global population in the 1950s was less than 3.2 billion.

Moreover, these populations are divided into several camps, and together with about 70% of the population with low education levels, no force in human civilization will successfully advance to interstellar civilization for a long time to come.

In order for Chinese civilization to advance to the interstellar level in the next 30 to 50 years, it must have a large number of highly qualified people.

Therefore, it is not only necessary to stimulate population growth, but also to turn these people into a high-quality population instead of a burden on society.

At the virtual meeting, everyone paid great attention to talent development.

The township training centers previously invested by Suiren Group have actually led to the quality upgrading of many farmers, migrant workers and low-end industrial workers.

The official also plans to increase investment in this area. Anyway, there is no shortage of money now. Money is spent on training technical workers, researchers, etc. These investments will become a potential in the future.

Huang Xiuyuan finally said: "Everyone, our future is not only about the stars and the sea, but also about the prosperity and upgrading of all the people. This is the responsibility entrusted to us by the times, and it is also the greatest cause of human civilization."

Bang bang bang...all the participants applauded.

The tide of the times is unstoppable.

The road ahead is perilous.

In this turbulent changing of times, where will the helmsmen take this giant ship?

Let time witness all this!

After the virtual meeting, Huang Xiuyuan went straight to the Eagle Space Base in Mobei via a stand-in robot.

Today is March 3rd.

The fifth test flight of the Golden Wing Dapeng will take place today.

He came to the observation tower near the launch site, and Academician Wang was also there. The two of them watched the Golden Wing Dapeng being pulled out by a tractor.

The Golden Wing Dapeng, which includes a simulated launch vehicle, weighs 4,357 tons and looks like a moving steel behemoth on the runway.

This steel behemoth is the romance of industrial man, which makes people feel shocked from the soul.

The staff walking on the runway were making final preparations to ensure that there were no factors that would affect the takeoff. The staff wearing exoskeletons were like a swarm of ants next to this behemoth.

After many improvements, the space inside the Golden Wing Dapeng is filled with dangerous N20 high-energy fuel. More than two thousand tons of N20, if it explodes, the power can reach the level of 40,000 tons of TNT.

Therefore, Academician Wang and a group of researchers designed a special emergency system that can quickly passivate these N20 fuels when necessary and change their explosive characteristics into slow burning.

More than an hour later, everything was ready and everyone came to the underground command center.

The five pilots began nervous operations in the cockpit of the Golden Wing Dapeng. They were also determined to sacrifice themselves. After all, there were more than two thousand tons of N20 sitting under their butts, and no one could calm down.

Captain Guan Haoyun heard the instructions from the command center coming from the earphones. After taking a deep breath, he said: "Get to your stations and start the engines."


Although they have flown four times, they have been extremely serious and cautious every time they fly.

As the engine spits out a light red flame, the thermoelectric power generation module inside the engine also starts instantly, converting a steady stream of thermal energy into electrical energy. Then the turbofan starts, sucking in the huge amount of air, and then pressurizing it and spraying it out.

This is to maximize the overall thermal efficiency. Under the action of this surging thrust, the Golden Winged Dapeng only glided about 850 meters before starting to fly off the ground.

Guan Haoyun pushed the power lever to the maximum, and the Golden Winged Dapeng immediately climbed rapidly, sprinting towards the sky at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour.

This speed is not supersonic, but it is very powerful. This is the largest atmospheric aircraft ever made by humans.

five minutes later.

"Arrived at designated height."

"Start to stand upright."

The Golden Wing Dapeng uses the auxiliary engine to change from a horizontal flight attitude to an upright suspension state.

"Start the launch vehicle."

In the midst of lightning and flint, the Chang 11 simulated carrier rocket carried on the Golden Wing Dapeng was instantly ignited and launched.

As the simulated rocket separated from the Golden Winged Dapeng, Guan Haoyun and other crew members immediately returned the flight posture to horizontal flight, and then began to glide.

The gliding flight state when returning to the ground is the most relaxed and fuel-saving time for the Golden Winged Dapeng.

After gliding slowly for twenty minutes, I returned from the top of the stratosphere, 50 kilometers above sea level, to the space airport at the Eagle Space Base.

And at the same time.

In the command center, Huang Xiuyuan, Academician Wang and others were paying attention to the situation of the simulated launch vehicle.

Although it is a simulated launch vehicle, in the three test flights carrying a launch vehicle, the simulated launch vehicle performed low-Earth orbit transportation missions like a normal launch vehicle, except that it did not transport cargo.

Everyone felt relieved after watching the launch vehicle enter orbit smoothly and stroll around in low-Earth orbit.

As for other forces around the world that have the ability to monitor space launches, they have collectively fallen silent.

Even Noah, who was about to launch the new Saturn V, felt a chill and shudder.

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