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She turned a little dry eyes, and found that the person who was actually full of the house, Ning Cheng hung on the beam, drooling like a drip, it was raining like rain, bathed by Helian Zheng in the rain, holding her head in a very weird posture Sleeping, it seemed that she was awakened by the sound of her snoring. Yan Huaishi was lying on the thigh of his wife's thigh, Yao Yangyu pressed Yu Liang's stomach to sleep.

Everyone was sleeping in a mess, and the room smelled of strange and familiar smells.

On the opposite side, sitting Ning Yi, seemed to be closing her eyes and adjusting her breath. At the moment when she just opened her eyes, he immediately opened her eyes responsively and smiled slightly at her.

Feng Zhiwei also smiled, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Is this person Ning Yi?

Who is hungry, beating him and suffering him, and making a good-looking **** like Chumei, the emperor Chu, who is full of emperor Jing, made this grandmother uncle and uncle don’t love to live like a prison in exile from Guangdong for three years?

And this group of people, don't know how to clean up? Still sleeping in her boudoir?

Her eyes moved, and she swept carefully over the tired faces, and smiled again.

The body is very tired, like someone who has been beaten for a hundred days, but the heart is warm as if immersed in the hot spring, and the blood flows through the body.

Ning Yi seemed to listen to her breath in the air with a slight smile, and then stood up and threw the group of people to kick.

The pregnant woman didn't need him to move. The pregnant woman got up on her own, dragging her sleepy husband, and did not forget to bring the paper door while going out. "Idlers, please stay away!"

Ning Yi smiled gratefully, and said through the paper door: "Ms. Yan is bright, bright, brave, and versatile. I don't know if I will be willing to serve the court in the future."

"Citizen women don't think it's impossible." Hua Qiong's hearty laughter went away.

The door closed, Ning Yi came to the bed, and Feng Zhiwei showed him a light smile on his bed, a tired mute voice: "Are you tired?"

Before he finished, he suddenly fell into a warm embrace.

The man hugged her tightly, trembling slightly, inhaling low in her ears, every word seemed to be forced out of the crack of her teeth, "Zhiwei...Zhiwei..."

He said nothing, calling her name again and again, rubbing her in his arms harder, and she seemed to be afraid of letting go, so she flew out and never found it back.

In the ear of the tremolo, like a silk string, at the same time, Feng Zhiwei's heart sound was twitched unconsciously. With the slight tremor, the bottom of the heart was loose or tight, and the confusion disappeared, like what is continuing, what is there Breaking, she shrank a little, touched his shoulder bone for a while, and the rugged hard touch made her eyes instantly red again.

He had let her go and smiled, "You just woke up, so you shouldn't be tired of you." Sitting across from her, she smiled and looked at her, clearly invisible, but his eyes seemed to look insufficient.

With a clatter, a hole appeared on the roof, Gu Nanyi floated down from the hole, Feng Zhiwei stared again, looked at Master Gu, and gasped, murmured: "I will never get sick again..."

Gu Nanyi looked at her momentarily, her clothes that she hadn't changed in many days clinging to her messily, and she came slowly after a while.

Feng Zhiwei waited for him to stop three steps away, but Gu Nanyi didn't stop. Feng Zhiwei looked at him in amazement and finally stopped in one step.

A small walnut bag hanging on his waist forever fell in front of Feng Zhiwei's eyes. Feng Zhiwei took it, slowly counted it, looked at the moldy walnuts soaked in water, and gently said: "Did you not eat recently?" ?"

Gu Nanyi nodded and looked at her without saying a word.

He was thin, a little messy, a little dirty, walnuts did not eat, clothes did not change.

"I'm not going to die." Feng Zhiwei silenced for a while, pressing down on a sobbing moment, and said, "I'm dead, who are you going to get lost?"

Gu Nanyi stared at her, and then he found a walnut and ate it slowly.

"That damp and moldy." Ning Yi suddenly said, "Ning Cheng, go to accompany Mr. Gu to change clothes and walnuts."

Ning Cheng emerged and smiled to pull Gu Nanyi.

"Brother Gu, take your highness to bathe and change clothes to eat." Feng Zhiwei said at the same time.

Not to be refused, a bunch of people were thrown out, but in the evening, they all ran back, still one on the roof and one by the bed, Feng Zhiwei could not get rid of him, and he was mentally ill. Yi was in the small bed next to her, and she talked to her about what happened in the South China Sea during this time. His tone was light, but Feng Zhiwei heard it thrilling, and after a while, she smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I fell asleep. Missed many good shows."

"You sleep, I almost fell asleep..." Ning Yi suddenly stopped at the end of her sentence. Feng Zhi was silent and did not ask. Both of them were lying on the couch, their eyes wide on the roof. A touch of strange atmosphere drifted away.

After a while, Feng Zhi turned the subject slightly and asked, "That plague is so powerful that no one else can survive the night. Why am I all right?"

"You need to be the bell person to solve the bell." Ning Yi said, "You have contracted the disease from the village, but the people in the village saved you."

"That child?" Feng Zhiwei immediately reacted.

"Yes, that Lizheng vaguely heard that Qiyuan was looking for a famous doctor. He suspected that the person who had passed the village that day was infected with the disease. He thought that his nephew was a little strange, so he brought him to see him, but where did the gatekeeper in Qiyuan believe He, blocking the door and not giving in, still met Hua Qiong and boldly made the decision to let him in. We didn’t know how to deal with it after he came. That’s a big living person, not a medicine. Fortunately, Brother Gu invited him in Beijing The doctor came in time, took his blood and supplemented it with various medicines, and then pulled you back into the gate of the ghost."

"What about the kid? What about the madam?"

"The doctor and Brother Gu are together, and the child has lost too much blood and is still recuperating." Ning Yi smiled. "He Lianzheng's fellow, almost died in a knife."

"It's so ridiculous..." Feng Zhiwei's spirit was awkward, "I'm going to teach him..."

"Sleep." Ning Yi smiled, and gave her a tight blanket, Feng Zhiwei vaguely turned a thought, but did not have the energy to open his eyes, sleep dimly, do not know how long after, suddenly realized The wind was blowing, it seemed that someone was coming, and then there was a thud of the sound of the body hitting the bed. She opened her eyes and saw that Ning Yi was standing beside the bed with a panic. He heard her movements, and her face was panic. The color gradually faded.

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