The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1006: I think we need to talk

When the beetles were able to target plants, everyone suddenly discovered that the battle at this time was almost the same as before. If it weren't for this beetle toxin ineffective against other creatures, they would really be in trouble.

The only thing that can play a huge role on the beetles is the kind of long-range plant weapon. Whether it is a pneumatic gun, a spider tank, or even a long-range attack from an airship, it can achieve this effect very well.

However, the prices of these things are too high, and Chi Nan rarely sells them. They are all used to equip his own army. After the last incident, Chinan constantly increased prices and reduced the supply of various materials from outside, resulting in the actual price of the outside world being several times higher than the price given by Chinan, and there was still no market.

At the beginning, the people at the top of the alliance thought that although Chi Nan's plant weapons were useful, they could control Chi Nan, but now they found that things seemed a bit awkward.

At this moment, Chi Nan also discovered this problem. "Have you tested it, can that beetle toxin really restrain our weapons?" Chi Nan was also very bottomless in his heart.

Before, Chi Nan sent many people out to collect samples and conduct experiments secretly.

A voice from the opposite side immediately came: "This kind of toxicity is indeed specifically for plants, but the toxicity is limited. We don't know if they have more powerful toxins, but if it is only this, it will not have much impact on us. "

"Go on?" Chi Nan felt relieved when he heard what the experimental team said.

"After our experiments, we found that this toxin can only target plants at the bronze level at most. Once it reaches the silver level and has its own magic pattern, the plant has a strong ability to restrain this common toxicity. Normal silver Plants of the highest grade are immune to this toxin."

The silver-level plants, this Chinan didn't take it out. Otherwise, the current one-sided situation would not appear on the battlefield. Today, his territory is fully using silver-level plant weapons.

But here, Chi Nan doesn't want to take it out so early. "Bronze-level plants also have some incomplete magic patterns. How about their resistance." It is not a secret that magic patterns are in the collar of the sacred tree.

Researchers who are responsible for researching and experimenting with various plants all know the hidden magic patterns in plants.

The other side was silent for a while, and then said: "We have tried, and there is no fixed number. After all, the incomplete magic pattern itself is incomplete. If it is our bronze bush warrior, it will probably only be able to survive this toxicity for about ten minutes. ."

For ten minutes, it was much stronger than a normal bush warrior who couldn't even support it for half a minute. But in a battle, what can be done in ten minutes, Chi Nan doesn't know, but sometimes he can't do anything.

At this moment, the person on the other side suddenly shouted with excitement: "My lord, we have found it. We have found it. As long as all plants are added with sun flower ingredients, they will form a very powerful restraint against that toxin. Even ordinary bush fighters can resist for at least five minutes after fusing sunflowers."

Chi Nan nodded gently: "Five minutes is still too little, but you can do this step well, and the reward will not be less for you. You continue to research and strive to find a drug that truly restrains the toxicity."

"Don't worry, sir, we are looking for it. As long as the toxin appears in this world, it will definitely be found."

In this regard, Chi Nan didn't doubt that, if he wanted to, he might be able to see it as long as he looked around on the battlefield. Those plants that can survive under the permeation of toxins are very likely not afraid of that toxin.

At least, the resistance is very strong. For the time being, Chi Nan had no plans to produce high-level plant weapons, so it made sense to use these low-level plant weapons.

Putting things aside for now, Chi Nan began to order the rear to carry out the transformation of Sunflower. As for the ordinary bush warriors, at least for the time being they won't be able to use them. It happens to deal with beetles that use quantity as a way of fighting, and it's really not easy to fight without the bush fighters. It seems that in the next period of time, the defense needs to be temporarily reduced.

But before Chi Nan had a rest, he received a letter from the Alliance. Chi Nan turned on a communicator at will, and a voice came from the other side. "Lord Chi Nan, hello, I think we need to talk."

This voice belongs to the leader of the alliance, it has been a long time since I found myself. Unexpectedly, he would take the initiative to contact himself. Due to the popularization of neuro-brain communicators, this kind of communication is now very common.

"Haha, it turned out to be the lord, I'm Chi Nan, I don't know what you are going to talk about." Chi Nan sat in his own chair and talked about, and his voice was full of ridicule. If the other party could see Chi Nan's appearance at this time, I am afraid his face would not be so good-looking. There is indeed a rift in the current relationship between the two parties.

"Your Excellency Chi Nan, we know that you have some dissatisfaction in your heart, but some things are not done by our alliance, but small actions made by some people secretly. I hope you don't blame everyone for these small things. After all, we are all As a whole, if we fail, the whole world will perish, and no one can escape."

Chi Nan was disdainful, it was you who couldn't escape, not yourself.

But Chi Nan still said, “You’re right, but they take the initiative to do this kind of thing, it’s really chilling, I don’t know if we should continue to struggle.” This is going to be good, opposite. think.

The alliance leader thought for a while, and finally compromised. There was no way. They had experienced the battle assisted by plant weapons. Now let them return to the past. No one wants it, and the soldiers also complained. Not to mention, now that the number of beetles is increasing and the offensive is getting stronger and stronger, even if they go back to the past, they are not opponents.

"For the sake of the overall situation, we need you to provide as many long-range weapons as possible, and the price should be kept down. We will not take things for nothing. Those territories..."

Chi Nan waved his hand: "The territory doesn't matter, anyway, the opposite is wasteland, everywhere is the same."

The alliance leader didn't expect that Chi Nan didn't even ask for this. "Then what compensation do you want."

It is best if you don't own territory, and some people won't come and make trouble with yourself. Without even thinking about it, Chi Nan said, "Are there any special plants? You need to have special abilities. You know what we are best at is manipulating plants."

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