The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1019: Sudden all-out war

Because of Chinan's posture of fish death and net breaking, everyone temporarily put aside the undead plane opening, and instead opened up an external city in that place, dedicated to auctioning various foreign goods.

Chi Nan knew that they hadn't given up on it. If it hadn't been suppressed by the Heretic God Empire, these people would definitely not let it go so easily. At that time, Chi Nan was already aware of this when he was about to speak out. But there is no way, if he wants to stop the sacrifice of the Heretic God Empire, he can only find a way to convince these people.

Fortunately, my goal is achieved after all, isn't it? Fortunately, Chi Nan didn't know about the affairs of the other world. Otherwise, even if they fight against themselves, they will definitely force themselves to surrender the passage.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan made up his mind to completely protect the passage and absolutely not let anyone show it.

As for this side, everyone has basically discussed some things, and then the army began to move towards the Cthulhu Empire in an all-round way. In an instant, the Cthulhu Empire became embarrassed on all sides.

Because the all-out war was moving too fast, in just three days, almost all the frontier fortresses of the Cthulhu Empire were completely lost. There is chaos everywhere in the entire empire.

Those plant weapons only blocked the people inside the Cthulhu Empire, not the people outside. If you want to enter, you only need to hold a special identification certificate, which was given by Chi Nan.

"Hurry up, clean up the battlefield. Clean up the battlefield." A group of people were busy in a camp that had just been wiped out. If you look closely, you will see that this camp is not a soldier's camp at all, but a robber camp. Only at this time, all the robbers were killed, the corpses and blood were all over the floor, and the camp became tattered.

"Captain, what should I do next, bury it on the spot?" The soldier spoke while preparing to dig a hole.

"What have you been listening to before? We are trying to prevent the Cthulhu Empire from offering sacrifices, so the corpses must not be left behind. They are piled up, and then burned. You must remember that even we are the same."

The captain said with a serious face: "If someone dies, remember to cremate it on the spot, so that your body will not be taken by the Cthulhu Empire and desecrated. Just take the ashes back and that's it."

Before, various solutions have been spread throughout the army. They all know that the Cthulhu Empire will desecrate corpses.

Indeed, for the sacrifice of evil gods, it is obviously best to use living people, but if the living people don’t have it, the dead are also possible. The effect is a little worse, but it can be compensated by quantity. Regardless of whether it belongs to one's own person or an enemy's, there is no difference in the eyes of the evil **** at all. All living beings are just materials used for sacrifice.

What they are doing here can be considered as having a bottom line, and what really has no bottom line is the army from the Holy Light Empire. After fighting with the Cthulhu Empire for so many years, the two sides really couldn't understand each other's methods.

Those transformation mages with weird bodies are completely useless under the purification of the holy light. A large swath of plants fought over and stopped the opponent's counterattack, followed by various holy light magic arts. Restraining his own magical skills from hitting his body, the transformation parts of the transformation mage suddenly rebelled and began to swallow each other.

It's just that these people from the Holy Light Empire didn't just kill the empire's army and robbers, even civilians, they would not let it go. Chi Nan saw from high above that an army of the Holy Light Empire forcibly rushed into a village.

"Quick, kill them, don't let them go."

"But collar, these are some civilians." A soldier was a little bit clueless.

"Hmph, these are the people of the Cthulhu Empire. Even if they are just civilians, they are definitely not innocent. These are the citizens of the Cthulhu. They were born with sins and came to this world. What we need is to purify them. Drop."

Speaking of this, all the people suddenly looked pilgrims, as if they had been baptized by light. The soldier who spoke before also looked ashamed: "I know the collar, but my consciousness is not enough."

"No, you have done a good job. Those demons will pretend to be innocent and deceive us. You must learn how to distinguish in the future. These people seem innocent, but they have been eroded by the power of the evil god. . And if they are left behind, they will also voluntarily sacrifice for the evil god, and we must eradicate them."

In retrospect, all the human beings and other intelligent creatures were killed and burned according to the order given to me above, and the sacrifice of the evil **** must not be allowed to continue. Now they can only bite the bullet and do it.

Besides, the citizens of the Cthulhu Empire are infidels themselves, so they should be killed. This kind of thing does not conflict with their own ideas for them, so they can do it.

If it was normal, they would still catch the prisoners and educate them over and over again until the complete transformation was completed. But now is different. It is an extraordinary period. No one has time to do this kind of thing. All they need to do is to kill them all and turn all the intelligent creatures they can see into ashes on the ground.

The civilians resisted the army, there was no way to resist, and soon these people died clean.

"Sure enough, these hypocritical bastards, no matter where they are, fanatical believers are not things that make people happy." Chi Nan saw this scene with a high-altitude satellite, and his eyes were full of disgust.

Simply not seeing the heart or being upset, Chi Nan knew that although this approach was a bit extreme, it was indeed useful. Anyway, it didn't threaten him for the time being, and Chi Nan didn't dare to accept the people of the Cthulhu Empire on a large Then let them go by themselves.

It’s better to look at your own army. The army of plants in Chinan is advancing fast. Because of the large numbers, it is the fastest. Wherever they passed along the road, all the people were brought down directly.

Those belonging to the army and robbers were killed on the spot and directly made into fertilizer without even burning them. Those ordinary people should be transferred quickly after being anesthetized and handed over to other forces to deal with them. Anyway, Chi Nan will not care about them for the time being.

For the people coming out of the Cthulhu Empire, even civilians, when anyone comes into contact with them, that can't be taken lightly. This is almost the same as the isolation during the outbreak of the plague.

The sudden explosion caught the senior officials of the Cthulhu Empire by surprise. During the meeting, I suddenly heard all the major forces attacking at the same time. Even the people of the Cthulhu Empire were shocked enough. ...


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