The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1068: Take down 1 entire continent

"That weird mud zombie is in the middle, and we have already discovered his breath." The undead creature is not good at converging its aura. The two guards that have been in contact immediately showed the existence of the undead.

"Leave it to me." Olna also found the other party, and without hesitation, an arrow flew out. Now, the mud zombie could no longer hide, and could only rush out. Seeing so many opponents in front of him, the mud zombie's pupils shrank, he knew that he might be in trouble today. These human beings are indeed very powerful.

Those two hateful idiots, who knew this would happen a long time ago, shouldn't have dragged their two alliances. If I quit this big 6 earlier and went to unite with other undead masters, it wouldn't be like this.

But now he is very helpless, even as an undead, he can easily feel that the other party has locked himself in. If you dare to turn around and run away, then you must be the one who died.

Looking around, two idiots have already fought two humans who look like women. But these two women are really amazing. Both the undead and the skeleton are warriors, and they are also warriors at this level.

The big sword of the bone in the skeleton's hand swung quickly, as if it had turned into a silver-white wheel. This great sword not only carries a strong force, but also a powerful undead power that can directly kill the soul.

With such a power, Hermilla dare not touch it casually. But Hermilla also discovered that although the skeleton is not slow, it is still not so flexible due to its own structural problems, as long as it is controlled not to be overtaken by the skeleton.

A wave of ice emerged from Hermela's body, entangled with each other's domain. Even if it had just broken through, Hermilla's domain was still at odds with the opponent, and there was no situation of being suppressed by the opponent. After realizing this, Hermilla felt more relieved, and her white wrist swayed out boundless icy thorns.

The ice thorns fell, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​ice. Skeletons affected by the ice are slower and slower, and the opponent will leave a scar on their body from time to time.

Up to now, Hermilla has not used her pet, which shows that the battle is still under control.

Sophia's side is more relaxed, the zombie itself is not as good as the skeleton. It relies on its own powerful strength and defense, even at this level. Even his own field is attached to himself.

The zombie domain itself is a defensive type, a very powerful special domain, but it is not offensive. The realm covered by Sophia continues to burn, causing continuous damage.

The power of the flame burned around, and a series of flame spells smashed at the zombies as if they didn't need money. The zombies were completely burnt in black, and it might not be good to continue. It's a pity that even if the zombies regret it, it is too late, and they have no chance to escape. Can only roar while chasing and attacking.

At this moment, the mud zombies have no chance to observe anything. Because the fire phoenix is ​​flying towards him. That's right, it's the Fire Phoenix, these are the arrows that Olna shot out.

The power of the fire phoenix is ​​directly blessed on her bow and arrow. Olna did not put her elemental pets away, but wanted to use the battle to better use the elemental pets, and combine the power of the two as much as possible.

So this happened. After every arrow flew out, it would burn out of thin air. The burning flame will automatically change into the form of a fire phoenix, which is very beautiful. Faintly, Olna realized that she could still control the direction of the arrow that had been shot, and turned very flexibly in the air, just like a real bird.

Whenever the arrow hits something, a flame of very high temperature will burst out for the first time. This flame made even the mud zombies feel frightened.

Under the control of the mud zombies, countless bats flew out, desperately resisting those arrows. But it often takes several bats to be able to resist. When bats are broken, they will explode, exploding countless black spots.

"These are all made of mud. It seems that this guy is of soil attributes. What kind of zombie is this? How come I have never seen it before." Chi Nan was a little surprised, thinking silently, staring at him. screen.

On the other side, the natural incarnation controlled by Chi Nan was also observed at close range, but I just can't remember such a zombie, and there is no similar among the familiar undead. In the end, Chi Nan could only be sure that this guy must be a mutated undead. Undead mutation is very common, but it is rare to be able to mutate benignly.

It's a pity that this mutant undead is now facing the existence of Orna, who crazily wants to improve her strength. Don't look at Olna's expressionless face as if there is nothing, but Olna's pursuit of strength is fiery. Whenever he enters the state of fighting, that kind of fighting instinct, even Chi Nan feels unusually enthusiastic.

Orna didn't have the guidance of Slinka Ye, but even if she relied on herself, her archery was no worse than Chi Nan.

"Damn, I know that you are humans, in fact, we can live in peace. As long as you let me go, I can swear that I will never be your enemy in the future." The mud zombie shouted.

Just now, an arrow exploded on the body, exploding half of the mud on the mud zombie. Although he recovered quickly, Chi Nan still keenly noticed that the color of the mud on the zombie's body had become lighter, and the number was much less.

I don't know where this thing is a weakness, but as long as the attack continues, it will definitely be consumed.

"Unexpectedly, you still know Unfortunately I am not, and we and you don’t have any peaceful thoughts." Orna said calmly, she is a half-elf, how can you say that she is a human? .

Now, it's the mud zombies' turn to be stunned. In my memory, isn't such a human being? No elves had ever appeared on the plane of the undead, and naturally there would be no such creatures as half elves, how could he know it.

As for the iconic pointed ears, there is nothing strange in the impression of a zombie. Perhaps, human ears are this pointy. It's not the time to talk, it's still fighting. The mud zombie who was shocked was hit again, so there was less mud on his body.

"Damn it, **** it, you hurry up to stop me, the power of the undead is not what you can imagine. Even if you take this big six, the emperor of the undead will never let you go."...


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