The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1085: Ran away, why did you ran away

The three legendary masters didn't have the intention to constrain as soon as they shot, and they went all out. A huge jungle of illusory plants grew, entangled the bone dragon constantly, and took root on the bone dragon.

Although it was only illusory, the death aura from the bone dragon was continuously absorbed, and the aura on the body was continuously weakened.

A lot of magic hit the bone dragon, but it didn't cause much influence on the bone dragon. The rich death power and the dragon's own resistance to magic make the bone dragon extremely resistant to magic.

I thought that bringing a mage could sweep and restrain any undead. But who knows, now he has been restrained by the other party. The keel itself is unusually hard and highly resistant. Not to mention the bones of the original third-generation dragon emperor, even if the dragon emperor now comes here in person, the bones are far inferior to this guy.

If it weren't for this guy who had been dead for many years and had been sealed by the Necromancers for so long, his strength had been weakened all the time. This time I am afraid that even the entire elven forest will suffer a catastrophe.

And this huge bone dragon obviously felt something was wrong with it. Originally, even if he became a bone dragon, his power would decrease, but at least it was the top-level existence among the dragons.

But now, he can clearly feel his weakness. Obviously, the quality of his strength is higher, but what's the matter with that weak feeling. The power from one's own bones is simply not enough, once the power is exhausted. Just relying on the skeleton without power to protect, he is not the opponent of these two elves at all.

Thinking of this, the Bone Dragon became angry: "Damn mortals, you do good things. Even if the final sacrifice does not give me enough sacrifices, then use you instead."

With that, the power on the bone dragon erupted, stunned countless undead and undead professionals below. Then the big mouth sucked at the ground, and the huge death force was absorbed and swallowed, like a huge pile of smoke, just the other way around.

With the absorption of the power of death, the aura of the bone dragon continued to condense. "No, stop him, I can't let him go on." The illusory forest spread quickly, competing with the bone dragon for the breath of death.

What is different from the bone dragon is that after those illusory forests absorb the breath of death, they will wither and die, but the breath of death will disappear. The illusory forest spread, and the undead still living on the ground, as well as professionals such as necromancers, were strangled one after another. After he died, he couldn't provide the power of death to this bone dragon.

Lan Li waved her hand, and the four elemental **** around her flew out instantly. "Elemental Ring, stop him."

This elemental ring was her own domain ability, and this time Lanli herself was desperate. The four element **** flew to the bone dragon's side, suddenly twisted and deformed, butted two by two, forming a huge circle composed of four colors.

Although it was just a circle, it cut off the power of death all at once. The Bone Dragon suddenly realized that he couldn't absorb the breath of death at all, and then he noticed the ring around him.

Before the bone dragon could react, the ring suddenly began to shrink, and at the same time it continued to rotate. The bones of the bone dragon began to smoke, making an overwhelmed sound. Even if there is no pain, the bone dragon feels something wrong.

"Damn, the imprisonment type domain ability. No, it's not just the imprisonment type. How can such strange people appear in the elves these years. If my power is not gone, the emperor will let you all die here. "The Bone Dragon roared, while struggling with all its strength, the death force on his body was constantly surging.

The force of death is sandwiched in the middle to prevent the element ring from contracting, and the element ring is constantly rotating and shrinking, wanting to use this method to completely strangle the bone dragon. Outside, there are a large number of illusory plants absorbing their own power.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the bones of the bone dragon. Then there was another crack. If this continues, his bones will probably break apart. After finally resurrecting, the bone dragon didn't want to die again.

Perhaps all creatures that become undead have this idea. After seeing their transformation, those who don't want to live are only a few. This ancient dragon emperor was obviously in the category of normal creatures.

"Damn it, when my strength is restored, I will definitely make you pay the price." The Dragon Sovereign shouted loudly, and at the same time the power in his body burst out. The huge death aura formed a gray circle around the Dragon Emperor. The ring and the element ring collide with each other, and the space is slightly wrinkled because of this huge force.

Finally, the death ring collapsed, but the surrounding element ring was also fluctuating, bright and dark, but it seemed that it was also in danger. The Dragon Emperor did not hesitate, the huge dragon claws directly grabbed the element ring, and then tore it fiercely.

The "Kacha" element ring was torn apart, and the two claws of the bone dragon were burnt black, and countless small bone fragments fell down. In the distance, Lan Li's face turned pale, which was a manifestation of the field being forcibly broken open. Even if it is just the element ring formed by the domain ability, it will take ten minutes to recover again.

Moreover, this time he was able to put an element ring on the Dragon King by surprise, but there would be no such opportunity next time.

Just when the two elves were ready to go all out, the Dragon King suddenly yelled: "I will let you go this time. When we meet next time, you will be dead." No one thought that the Dragon King would be like this. speak.

While talking, the huge bone dragon suddenly turned around and flew away. In the air, even the huge sky of death that was brought about at the beginning disappeared in an instant. This is a manifestation of the bone dragon's complete convergence of power.

" can't let him escape, otherwise he will be stronger next time he comes back. We chase him."

Moras was chasing the Bone Dragon, and Lan Li said loudly: "The next battle is over to you, the Necromancer should have no other means." After that, Lan Li also disappeared.

On the ground, everyone was staring at the sky blankly. The invincible bone dragon escaped like this.

The elves have not yet realized what is going on, but the necromancers are desperate. The bone dragon ran away, but took away two master elves. But what do they do, their main opponents are not those legendary existences, but plant weapons, and those powerful elves that fight with plant weapons.

This bone dragon is really unreliable. "Well, let's withdraw as soon as possible. If we don't leave, it will really be too late."...


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