The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1348: Let's talk about the distribution problem first

Huang Sha didn't conceal anything. He nodded and said: "Yes, that's what it is. I can find it, but you can't find it with this map. The important thing is hidden by me."

"I can also tell you that this map is actually the key to enter the Dragon God Tomb. Without this map, it is impossible to enter it." Chi Nan nodded clearly.

That's why it's no wonder that this map is a divine tool. How can the things that dragons use to open their cemeteries and treasures be ordinary goods? Inside, all the treasures of a generation of Dragon God were left.

"Why do you want to share it with us? Isn't it better for you to get a place like this by yourself."

Hearing Lan's words, Huang Sha said indifferently: "I also thought about swallowing myself, but I don't have this ability. There is a very troublesome existence in the Dragon God Cemetery, and I am not his opponent."

Judging from his appearance, he seems to have been there once. Huang Sha did not hide it, and said directly: "The most troublesome thing in there is the body of the first generation of Dragon God himself. Because the grievances of the Dragon God did not dissipate, he became a special evil spirit. Even though his strength has declined, it is still not. I can deal with it. If he couldn't leave the cemetery, I couldn't get out last time."

Looking back on the original situation, Huang Sha still has lingering fears. Chi Nan understood now. No wonder the other party asked to join him. It turned out that there was an upper **** level **** evil, or **** corpse type.

The main body is the dragon **** of the dragon clan, and the combat power is naturally not too bad. If the strength is not enough, it is not the opponent's opponent.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly. With our strength, an upper **** level **** is not our opponent." Hong jumped up, but was glanced at by Lan, and quickly sat down and closed it. mouth.

Huang Sha glanced around, did not answer, but said: "Before we leave, we have to discuss the distribution of the harvest. I found the map, so I have to get something first. There is no problem."

"Let's talk about it first." When it comes to treasure, the Dragon Clan has never given way. Even if it is a cold beauty like Blue, her eyes are still shining, staring at the yellow sand, as if she will attack whenever there is a problem.

Huang Sha stepped back calmly, and then said: "I don't care about other things, but the body of the first-generation Dragon Emperor and the dragon ball inside must be given to me." Huang Sha put forward his own terms.

Chi Nan just watched and didn't participate in the discussion. He knew that others would definitely come over with his share.

Lan Danyan smiled: "If I remember correctly, the first generation of dragon gods was the earth-based dragon clan. If you get his dragon ball, then you will have a chance to enter the upper **** level, right?"

Huang Sha didn't conceal it, nodded and said, "Yes, that's it. I don't care too much about treasures, because I know that strength is the most important thing. As long as I become a high-ranking god, nothing else matters."

There are not many high-ranking gods in the dragon clan, after all, the dragon clan's talent is too powerful, and each level up is more troublesome than other gods. Dragons not only need to comprehend their own godhead, but also temper their bodies, which consumes more resources.

Therefore, there are not a few high-ranking dragons. If Huang Sha can become the high-ranking **** of the dragons, his status will be very high. Second only to the contemporary dragon gods, none of the other dragon races dared not give face.

With the strength, what treasure can't be obtained yet.

Looking at the weird eyes of the red and blue people, Huang Sha continued: "The corpse of the first generation of dragon gods, I will return to the purpose of the dragon clan. The corpse of the dragon clan is sacred and inviolable. Do you all know that."

"Of course, but the dragons who send back the dragon corpses will receive racial rewards. With the first-generation dragon corpses, the rewards must be very large. With this, you may have a chance to become a top high-level god."

A top high-ranking god, in terms of strength, is no longer inferior to the first-generation dragon god. But if you want to become the main god, it's impossible. The main **** and the upper **** are not the same thing. It can even be said that the appearance of each main **** is an accidental phenomenon. Let them come again, they themselves are not sure to reach this height.

"Okay, I agree. After all, you provided the map, so it doesn't matter if these things are handed over to you."

Although Lan was very distressed, he knew that to get other things, he had to pay. Besides, the dragon ball left by the earth dragon is useless if you get it yourself. It is impossible to rely on this to become the upper god.

Both of them are fire dragons, otherwise they wouldn't be so generous. And Chi Nan understood that this yellow sand is really smart. He had never invited one of the Tulong who had the best relationship with him.

Otherwise, after seeing this Dragon God Dragon Ball, after the transaction is completed, who knows if the other party will use other methods to deal with himself. Finding other types of dragons can guarantee your own safety. It's really cunning.

"Well, apart from this, how to distribute the other treasures?" Hong said anxiously.

Huang Sha thought for a while, knocked on the table, saw other people's eyes, thinking silently in his heart.

Just before Huang Sha speaks, Chi Nan, who has not had any sense of existence, finally said: "The distribution of treasures, it is better to rely on means, whoever gets it first, how about no competition between each other."

Huang Sha's eyes lit up and then nodded in agreement: "Yes, anyway, the most dangerous thing is only the evil spirits formed by the dragon emperor's corpse. The other traps in the dragon emperor's goal are not enough to threaten us. After entering, we Just separate, and what you can get depends on your own ability." Huang Sha is not afraid at all, red and blue glance at each other and agree.

Chi Nan relies on his own ability and strength to be the strongest, and he doesn't believe in the three dragon races. Huang Sha is because I have been there once and I have a map in my hand. I believe I can use the map to seize the opportunity.

The red and blue are different. They don't have a map or the strongest strength, but they have two people. Two people together, how can it be much faster than a single person detection. Therefore, none of the four objected.

"In that case, get ready, let's go out now." At this time, the dragon clan was more anxious than himself. But even after working out, several people still did not forget to erase their traces and breath. Such an important matter needs to be kept secret until it is completed. They don't want to have just arrived and someone will follow. ...


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