The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1356: Khakilis

At present, most of Chi Nan's gods came with Chi Nan, and they didn't know much about many things between gods. If it used to be, the one who knew best was the violent beast god.

After all, the violent beast **** has lived for a long time and will always know something. But it's different now. Romelia, who can also enter the Pantheon, is also very curious about things between various gods.

Because there is no pressure, Romelia usually spends most of her time in the Pantheon. While chatting with her sister and other friends, she is distracted and asked about various things in the Pantheon.

Many rumors, whether true or false, will be recorded and discussed with others. Also, because I didn't know the truth or not, I didn't enter these messages into the plant brain. Many times, when encountering some things, even the violent beast gods will come to Romelia to investigate the information.

Romelia wrote various materials and spells on a large number of special papers, and the piles of paper were everywhere in the temple. This is not so much a temple, as it is a large database.

Chi Nan had some doubts whether it was a mistake to make Romelia a **** of the storm attribute, and it seemed more suitable for her to become a **** of knowledge or a **** of wisdom.

Just after returning to his kingdom of God, Chi Nan brought things to the kingdom of Romelia.

"Brother Lord, why did you come to me, hey, what is this in your hand."

Romelia rushed over and saw the strange thing in Chi Nan's hand at a glance. After receiving the news, other people gathered soon, and Chi Nan took the initiative to investigate the information. This was the first time.

"Well, this is a mysterious egg I found, and I don't know what it is."

Hermilla, who had just arrived here, looked at the egg strangely, sensing it carefully. "There seems to be a little breath of life in it, it shouldn't be dead, this vitality is really tenacious."

"Yeah, this thing doesn't know why, it always gives me a very uncomfortable feeling." Sophia frowned beside her. Others felt it carefully, and it was the same feeling.

Because this thing was so special, even the violent beast **** was shocked. The violent beast **** instantly appeared in this kingdom of God, and when he looked at this thing carefully, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Why, do you know this thing?" Chi Nan asked immediately.

After a long time, the violent beast **** shook his head and said: "I remember that I heard it somewhere, but I can't remember it. Anyway, you, this thing shouldn't be an ordinary creature." Chi Nan rolled his eyes. Does God store it? Will it be brought back by himself? I can feel that something is wrong.

Even Chi Nan didn't want to incubate this thing before Chi Nan branded his soul into the soul of the creature that was not conceived. If you hatch and don't listen to yourself, it will be troublesome.

If you want to be branded, the more powerful creatures are, the more troublesome they are. Even if this egg has not yet been born, Chi Nan, the upper god, feels very difficult to do it himself. This is why the egg has been sealed for many years.

If it weren't for this, Chi Nan would just give up when it was replaced by a strong vitality.

Even so, Chi Nan felt that in a few years, it would be impossible for him to control the soul of this creature.

"I came to look for it. It seems that there are some rumors in the ancient mythology." Romelia quickly searched through her data pile, and countless papers were flying everywhere in an instant.

Of course, this is not a random look. When these papers are flying, they actually follow a certain rule. When the look is over, everything will return to the original place. Romelia is not a sloppy little girl. With the calculation ability of the gods, the order of the papers is not complicated.

After looking through it for about two minutes, Romelia finally found a piece of information in the pile of old papers. "I found it. It seems to be this thing. There are three revolving lines on the egg, which has an aura between gods and gods."

Chi Nan lowered his head and felt: "Yes, it is this kind of breath, no wonder it makes us feel uncomfortable. Although this is not the breath of gods, it has the ability to restrain the gods' divine power. Do you know what this is? "

Romelia nodded: "I found it. It seems to be something called a fallen beast in the legend. It's just that there are too few rumors, and I don't know what it is."

Suddenly, the boss of the violent beast **** stared: "The fallen beast, Khakilis, is actually this thing. I remember, this is a very terrifying beast in ancient times." The violent beast god's eyes seemed to be a little frightened.

"Do you know this thing? So what exactly is this thing?" Chi Nan was very curious.

"I used to be a member of the Orc God System. The Orc God System's research on various animals can be said to be the most complete of all the God System. There are records in the data. There have been many disasters in the ancient times, and another disaster. , It was caused by the Fallen Beast. I remember this pattern, it is the Fallen Beast Khakilis."

"There is not only one fallen beast, but the number is definitely not large. Each fallen beast is a very special product. No one knows how it was produced. Some people say that fallen beasts are descendants of gods and gods."

"Who is so disgusting?" Miria who had just arrived said with her tongue out.

Chi Nan waved his hand: "Milia shut up, you keep talking." Chi Nan became more and more interested in this thing.

"No one knows where the fallen beasts come but their strength is very powerful. Every fallen beast has the level of a higher **** at its worst, and the fallen beast Khakilis, the strength is even among the main gods. It is also a top-level existence. In order to deal with Khakilis, sixteen main gods used to besiege at the same time, and finally eight main gods died before they were killed."

Sixteen main gods shot at the same time and lost half. You must know that each of the main gods is a top-level existence. It is a big event to die one. To die so many all at once, this is definitely a large-scale **** battle.

"It is said that Khakilis was not completely wiped out. In the end Khakilis was transformed into an egg, but was snatched away. No one knows exactly who did it. After all, a long time has passed."

I don't know what happened in the past few times, and it is not easy to leave some rumors.

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