The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1496: One more main artifact

After appreciating it for a while, Chi Nan took out his bottle. Chi Nan also figured out the power of this sacred tree of life. In addition to the materials used to make the main artifact, it also has the ability to support the kingdom of God.

These two aspects are much stronger than the sacred tree of life. There is also an ability to increase, within the scope of the sacred tree of life, this thing can actually increase the sacred tree of any natural spell. Even the power of the main **** can be enhanced to a certain extent, no wonder the natural gods and lives take it so seriously.

Just such an auxiliary function is enough for the value of a main artifact.

Moreover, near this kind of life tree, any **** with natural attributes can accelerate the speed of comprehending the law and condense the divine power. This kind of ability is more valuable than the main divine weapon for a **** system.

The sacred tree of one's own life does not have this ability, and there is no way, after all, the two are not moving in the same direction. Although Chi Nan has figured out everything about this kind of plant that has reached the level of the main god, it can be cultivated by himself, but it is too difficult to cultivate. With his current strength, it would take thousands of years to cultivate one.

Within a short period of time, Chi Nan didn't need to think about it. He would cultivate a few trees in two days, and then wait for the time slowly. And Chi Nan himself put the tree of life in front of him into his bottle.

Although the sacred tree of life is very useful, it is still more valuable to strengthen the sacred bottle of life.

The sacred tree of life melted into it, and the entire bottle burst out with a dazzling light. Fortunately, he temporarily blocked his kingdom of God once again, otherwise it would definitely alarm the people outside. The birth of a master artifact is not easy.

Above the sacred bottle of life, there is a towering tree in the middle of a large forest image. The sacred bottle of life does not inherit those abilities of the sacred tree of life, but integrates it into itself and strengthens its abilities.

And Chi Nan also sensed that this holy bottle of life had a stronger effect on his emerald divine thunder, which was several times stronger than before. This ability alone is worthy of the title of a master artifact.

Then there is the power of the holy bottle of life itself. The more I felt it, the more excited Chi Nan became.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that the abilities of this holy bottle of life have improved so much, everyone is blessed now."

The natural essence in the holy bottle of life is more refined and stronger, and the speed of cultivation is much faster than before. And the essence inside is divided into two kinds, one is ordinary goods, and the other is real essence.

Chi Nan named the true essence the Dew of Life, which is almost the same as the material from the origin of life.

With a drop of life dew sprinkled at will, the plants on the ground can instantly turn into wood spirits, and they are also the kind with very high IQ. It's not much worse than ordinary elves, you can imagine the powerful effect of this thing.

The ordinary natural essence can resurrect ordinary life that has not been dead for a long time, and can effectively provide healing effects to the gods. However, the effect of this treatment is much better.

The Dew of Life is different, not only can it resurrect all the gods under the Lord God. Even if the Lord God uses the Dew of Life after death, it can speed up the pace of resurrection and make it very easy to resurrect.

For the Lord God who is very difficult to resurrect, the value of this dew of life is simply terrifying. Even in normal times, it can greatly speed up the healing effect, which can be said to be a very valuable medicine for the Lord God.

"This thing will send a drop to the demon clone. By then, the demon clone will not have to wait ten years. Maybe it can be restored in half a year." Chi Nan first thought of his demon clone.

This holy bottle of life condenses the dew of life much faster than before, and can produce one drop in almost a year. This speed is already very fast, at least it is impossible for Chi Nan to use it so fast. And a few drops have formed inside, which was produced with the birth of the artifact. Otherwise, Chi Nan really has to wait a year before he can use the demon clone.

In addition to its own abilities, the ability of the holy bottle of life to differentiate is even stronger. The sacred bottle of differentiation that can produce the dew of life can be divided into ten by itself, but it takes a hundred years for each to give birth to a drop of dew of life.

As for ordinary bottles, Chi Nan can now differentiate into tens of thousands. These ordinary bottles can't breed the dew of life, but it is no problem to breed ordinary natural essence.

It's a pity that the development of the general position is of no use to me, otherwise this is really a good thing. "Forget it, let's see who is doing well, just give this thing to them as a prize."

Chi Nan couldn't use it by himself, so he could simply hand it over to his subordinate gods. The subordinate gods cannot reach the level of the main god, so developing believers is of great help to them. A clone of the holy bottle of life, for a plane religion, its value simply cannot be calculated by common sense.

Silently, Chi Nan once again had a master artifact in his hand. Now, I'm missing the main artifact that I'm still gestating. Using so many materials, plus this is only after he became the main god, he began to condense.

Counting the time, it won't take many years before your new artifact will be During this time, you will practice your bow and arrow skills. From now on, the light of dying should be hidden and used as a killer. "Chi Nan made a decision silently in his heart.

Since the last time he used the light of extinguishment to severely inflict the evil phoenix, Chi Nan has deeply felt that his light of extinguishment is powerful. However, my own skills are a lot worse.

And the light of dying is best at instant bursts and sneak attacks, which are used to lay the key to victory. If it is used as a normal state, the disadvantages are still a bit big. After all, it is impossible for other main gods to have no means of long-range attacks. He can attack the opponent, and the opponent can also attack himself. It is impossible for the Lord God to fly a kite.

On the other side, after getting Chi Nan's Dew of Life, the demon clone immediately ate it. The scars on his body began to heal instantly. The special power left by the sword of darkness inside was also being continuously dispelled.

Looking at this speed, I am afraid that it will take less than half a year to fully recover on his own. Although the plan this time has been very rewarding, it is also a hindrance to my plan. Recovering as soon as possible is a good thing for anyone. Time just flies.

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