The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1500: Unlucky Dragon

"Roar, what the **** is going on, why the will of the abyss will attack me, and who did it."

Although the Devil Dragon didn't think too much before, he was not a fool after all. Being attacked at this time, the magic dragon instinctively felt that it was wrong. It's not that the original plane of the abyss has never been here.

It's not that I haven't discovered treasures here before. As a dragon, it's a treasure collector. But this kind of thing has never happened before, this time it is really weird.

When the Lord of the Devil Dragon looked around, he finally saw the stars and dots. These were all altars. The original plane of the abyss will not evolve these things by itself, and the demon gods in the abyss are puppets of the will of the abyss, and it is even more impossible to make these things. This kind of large-scale formation can't be made by ordinary people.

Therefore, the Devil Dragon understood at once that he was calculated by others. "Damn it, who did it, come out to me."

The Devil Dragon wanted to struggle, but there was no chance. Because hundreds of thousands of altars were exerting force at the same time, countless chains appeared, locking the magic dragon firmly around. Above the chain, a black flame burned instantly.

"It's the flame. It must have been made by that fellow Balrog. No one except him has such a strong flame."

The Demon Dragon thought about it, and the only one who could do this kind of thing was the Lord of the Flame Demon. But now is not the time to think so much, the dragon must leave here, otherwise it will be dangerous today.

The Will of the Abyss has already focused on himself, and his strength is not enough. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Will of Abyss to attack again. With preparations this time, the Devil Dragon defended with all its strength. Although he was still shocked and injured, but the Lord of the Demon Dragon abruptly resisted, not as unlucky as the previous one.

"It really deserves to be the main **** of the dragon race. This resistance, this defense, and even the will of the abyss are very difficult to hurt. If it hadn't been paid attention to at the beginning, perhaps the injury of this guy is nothing at all."

Chi Nan sighed, but at the same time the movement in his hand did not stop in the slightest. Through the altar, the power of the original plane of the abyss is constantly mobilized, while being used to deal with the magic dragon, while being used to mess around.

The will of the abyss, which was already chaotic, was completely unaware of the effect of this force. Even if the original power became more and more chaotic later, the will of the abyss still didn't know what was going on.

From the perspective of Will of Abyss, the only enemy in his body is the Devil Dragon, so his attack is getting more and more crazy.

Around, the puppets created by the will of the abyss also shot one after another, attacking frantically at the magic dragon.

The lord of the devil dragon roared, and the dragon erupted, directly shattering many low-level puppets. Then the head turned, the huge dragon's breath spurted out, that terrifying flame, even the upper demon **** could not resist.

The puppet is a puppet, so the obvious preparation action, the puppet still doesn't know how to dodge, and as a result, it destroys the dragon a lot. It's just that compared to the huge group of puppets, this magic dragon really didn't destroy much.

It's just that after the puppet was destroyed, a large amount of power burst out from the body, rushing the surrounding power even more chaotic. At this time, most of the thoughts of the will of the abyss were confirmed, and the trouble here was caused by the magic dragon.

It was originally something created by one's own power, and if you dare to resist yourself, that's not just looking for death. So even more powerful forces swept in, some were used to attack, some were used to contain, and some were used to erode.

The body of the Devil Dragon, which was already badly injured, is now even more dangerous. As the magic dragon struggled, the chains around it were constantly breaking and repairing. There are also altars that have been smashed. There is no way to repair these broken altars. The Lord of the Devil Dragon and the Will of the Abyss are all facing each other. Under this circumstance, Chi Nan dare not enter it.

"It's really the Lord of the Devil Dragon. Under this circumstance, you can resist the will of the abyss in this way. If it were not for the power of the will of the abyss, I am afraid that the two of us might not be able to keep this guy together."

"Yes, the fighting power is still second. The key is that the dragons have too many methods and their own resistance is too troublesome. It is more troublesome to kill a dragon than to kill other stronger species." Chi Nan's deity nodded. Said.

Outside, because the two attacked each other, the external power fluctuations also began to occur. It's just that the power of the abyss fluctuates, and it is difficult for ordinary people to feel it. Only the Demon God can clearly feel it.

But the demon **** was too taboo about the power of the abyss, no one dared to explore it. The low-level demon gods thought that the will of the abyss was going crazy, and this situation was not once or twice, so no one paid any attention.

However, many of the upper demon gods and the three top demon gods knew the whereabouts of the lord of the devil dragon. In their view, this is the result of the Lord of the Devil Dragon. In particular, the three top demon gods were all gloating at this time.

Look, I didn't let myself get close before, and I wanted to swallow the treasure alone, now I'm suffering.

Although I don't know what the will of the abyss is going crazy, but seeing the Lord of the Devil Dragon is unlucky, their seniors are very happy. The Lord of the Dragon is usually not popular with them, because he is too arrogant.

If they knew the current situation of the Lord of the Devil Dragon, I'm afraid it would not be such a reaction.

The original majestic appearance of the dragon lord disappeared, but now it looks like a rag doll with wounds all over his body. A lot of blood is constantly flowing out. If this is the case of the average dragon, it would be dead.

Outside of the plane, Chi Nan watched and shook his head vigorously. There is so much dragon blood, so there is no more, it is really a waste.

The dragon race is full of treasures, especially at the level of the main god, it is even more valuable. If the corpse of such a lord of the devil dragon is taken down, even if the materials for making five or six main artifacts are enough.

In terms of physical value, the dragon race is far superior to any other race.

"When shall we do it?" After a long time, Chi Nan's deity spoke. There is no way, the abyss power is everywhere around him, blocking everything around him. At this moment, even if Chi Nan wanted to contact his clone, it would be a little troublesome. There is no way to remember to synchronize, and I can't see clearly the changes in the original plane of the abyss, so I can only ask.

"I'll tell you when you need to do it. I'll just look at my own. This magic dragon still has a lot of power, and he still has the power to fight back. This is waiting for me to go out.

The Devil Dragon knew that someone was calculating himself, so he had been conserving his power all the time, so why couldn't Chi Nan see it.

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