The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1509: 3 less opponents

? When the matter finally ended, everyone still didn't figure out what happened. Because starting from the large-scale activities on the abyss plane, there is only a long time in total, and most of the time is the plane chaos.

When Chi Nan and the abyss faced each other up to now, less than a day had passed. There were several confrontations with each other, with great momentum. Those gods and evil gods didn't wait to figure out what was going on, the matter was over.

"What the **** happened, let's ask." The top evil gods finally couldn't help it.

In the end, he sent his own clone to ask about the direction of the original plane of the abyss.

Perhaps the original plane of the abyss was a taboo before, and not many people knew it. But this time he was hit hard, and he didn't even have a chance to hide himself. That huge plane, that huge crack, it is impossible for people to get lost.

The Abyssal Plane is the largest plane they have ever seen except the Central Plane. In terms of area, the area inside the original plane of the abyss is at least one-tenth that of the central plane, which is very huge.

It is no wonder that the will of the abyss can easily suppress the general main god, and this huge area represents enough power.

Had it not been for the will of the abyss that the mind had been confused, and the power was also scattered, I am afraid that the will of the abyss would have been successfully transformed into a powerful god. At that time, it was not impossible for the gods formed by the will of the abyss to suppress all the gods to unify the entire gods world, where would it be the same as now.

It's a pity that this unlucky will to the abyss was calculated by others after all, and it seems to be his own.

"How's it going? Have you asked me clearly?" The Dark Sword asked the others. No way, the top clones of him and the Nine-Headed King were killed long ago when they encircled Chinan.

After a long time, the ghastly voice of the King of Shadows rang: "I figured it out. The thing is because of a demon **** who was not controlled by the abyss from the very beginning. I don’t know what method was used, but he kept himself The origin and power of his soul rests on himself, and he has also condensed a kingdom of God."

"This guy is really amazing. The Will of the Abyss has been deceived by him for so long, and he has been using the power of the Will of the Abyss to help him do things until before."

Following the explanation from the King of Shadows, the surrounding evil gods finally knew what had happened. Although I don't know the specific situation, the calculation of that Demon God is really powerful, and it actually severely damaged the will of the abyss and the original plane.

After being hit hard, the Will of Abyss could not be the opponent of the newly promoted Kingdom of God, so it was suppressed and could only be used to maintain his own existence. If it continues to be injured, it is dangerous.

This time the will of the abyss was not only injured, but also lost most of the strength and will of the abyss, and also lost most of the large abyss plane. Almost once back before liberation, even his own existence could only be maintained.

The original plane is stronger, and if you want to keep yourself from breaking down, you will naturally need to consume more power. The demon **** who sneaked through to the main **** level really opened everyone's eyes.

It is not easy to be able to calculate the existence of the will of the abyss, which has always been high, like this.

"It's a pity, our strength has become weaker, and we need to think about our situation afterwards."

In front of him, there were only ten gods at the main **** level, but there was no way to communicate these things. Only five of their evil gods were left, the evil phoenix died and one was lost. There were only fifteen opponents at the main **** level at once.

But the other party has twenty-eight, almost twice his own. This situation is terrible. If you want to save themselves, you can't count on those gods, but they can only figure out a solution.

The demon gods have already left, not only the three top demon gods, but other big and small demon gods have also been summoned back by the abyss. Had it not been for the power consumption of the abyss now, many demon gods would have been refined into puppets.

It's a pity that in the current abyss, even the ability to refine the middle demon **** into a puppet is gone, and the lower demon **** has no effect. Abyss Will was completely frightened this time, shrinking all its power.

Not only did he not continue to attack the surrounding planes, but he also did not allow any demon gods to go out.

The agreement between the will of the abyss and the lord of **** evil was immediately annulled. With this level and crazy consciousness, who would really care about this kind of agreement. This regards themselves as the will of the abyss shrinking like a tortoise, and also allows them to see the other side of the will of the abyss. However, the three that have been reduced this time, no, it should be what happened to the fighting power of the four top demon gods.

On the side of the main god, he became more relaxed. The enemy suddenly lost the fighting power of the four main **** levels, which is very good for them as a whole. The next battle was much easier.

As long as the remaining evil gods and gods are resolved, their pressure will be much reduced. If there is only one **** of evil, their twenty-eight master gods will take action at the same time, and they will win a lot.

It's just that things happened too fast and the movement was too loud, so people on both sides didn't take action immediately, instead they kept investigating.

These news, Chi Nan is the fastest to make But after knowing the news of the will of the abyss, Chi Nan is a little weird. "This Abyssal Will is really afraid of the ropes after being bitten by a snake for ten years. I don't know if it is good or bad."

What Chi Nan didn't expect was that because of the loss this time, Abyss Will thought that it was because there was no strong existence guarding in the abyss that Chi Nan secretly arranged so many magic circle altars. If it weren't for these things, I wouldn't resell it like that. He now finally understands who he was calculated by, and finally knows who the enemy is.

Although, Will of Abyss believes that he has done nothing wrong. This time it suffered a loss, and the Will of Abyss began its own internal reforms.

That's right, it's reform, and it's still an almost disruptive reform compared to before.

It may be because I feel that the orthodox gods have a good policy, and the will of the abyss has allowed his subordinates to establish his own kingdom of God. Perhaps, this should be regarded as the Devil Country, in short, it is almost the same.

After this battle, although the will of the abyss had lost, he saw the power of the kingdom of the abyss. At the same time, through the battle, the will of the abyss also has a thorough understanding of the method of building the kingdom of the abyss. As long as you add a few modifications, you can form your own kingdom of the abyss.

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