The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1530: Super large plane transformation plan

"This is a good idea. By the way, how about the relocation work in there."

Chi Nan asked Lao Mka, that he was responsible for this matter. Although he has been fighting against evil orcs and gods recently, as long as he himself hasn't done anything, Old Mka is still in the kingdom of gods.

Old Mka heard Chi Nan's words and immediately said: "After all these years of relocation, it is almost complete. Except for a few people who refuse to leave, the entire plane is completely empty."

At the beginning, Chi Nan brought the half-remaining super-large plane back, just to devour it for the kingdom of God.

There are certain benefits to swallowing the super-large plane directly, although the benefits may not be obvious. But there is no other use, the plane is already broken, and it will cost a lot to repair it, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Had it not been for Chi Nan to transfer all the people inside, it would have already been devoured. Now, except for a few people like nails who are still inside, everyone else has been transferred to various planes.

Now, that large plane has a better use. Destroyed in this way, it is easier to use for transformation.

The various transformation laws are recorded in the Law Diamond. Only the special treasure of the Law Diamond Diamond can store some traces of the law, and other treasures do not have this ability.

As long as the traces of these laws and the large array are compared, the original source of the laws of the original large plane can be replaced bit by bit.

Destroyed into such a plane, as long as it can survive roughly, the plane consciousness can't oppose it, so it's easy to communicate. Chi Nan quickly got permission from the plane, and with the will of the plane to assist him, this transformation would definitely be faster.

"Under the crown, what do the people inside do?" A **** spirit asked carefully.

Chi Nan didn't care: "Don't worry about them, since they want to stay, let them stay. When we make a little bit of reform, they will ask to leave if they can't stand it. But at that time, there was no previous With such good conditions, I will be transferred to those barren planes." Chi Nan also has a temper.

I gave such good conditions, originally I didn't want them to die together with the plane, but I didn't expect them to dare to give themselves this set. I am also a master **** anyway, and I want to bargain with myself.

For those idiots, there are at most two lower gods inside, who gave them the courage. It seems that I have been in a small place for a long time, and I don't know who I am anymore.

If they never leave, then when the plane transformation is completely completed, this place will become an elemental melting pot. At that time, when the elemental power is washed away, they will also become part of the element. Even the godhead can be baptized, do these ordinary people and lower gods think they can resist it?

This kind of super-large plane layout of the overall formation method, I am afraid that only injections can resist it.

Chi Nan also knew that the God Kingdom of the Lord of Elements was amalgamated with several transformed element planes. After the transformation, the plane lost its potential, and with the help of the Lord God, it could only rely on the integration of the same kind to advance.

Although it is a top-level kingdom of God, it is a little stronger than the kingdom of God, and it can be said that the potential is completely exhausted. Among the many kingdoms of God, except for the kingdom of God that was just promoted, the kingdom of the Lord of Elements is the weakest. Of course, this is only the weakest, not the worst, because the kingdom of God that suits you is the best.

Following Chi Nan's actions, the law of elements was extracted by Chi Nan from some abandoned kingdoms and plane factories, and then replaced in this plane. With the help of the plane will, a little change.

The plane that had collapsed gradually became stable, but the environment inside the plane began to change. Countless fire clouds appeared in the sky, and water flowed everywhere on the ground. The violent winds that appear from time to time are mixed with thunder, and various elemental forces are extremely active. In the eyes of normal creatures, this world has entered the end of the world.

Even the two lower gods in this world still feel that their power is gradually being suppressed. The plane power that he can borrow is getting less and less, and he himself is getting weaker and weaker.

At this time, the two lower gods began to panic. They didn't expect that the other party was actually going to transform the entire plane, and they still had this ability. But how is this possible, they have never seen such a powerful existence.

It's just that these people are still insisting, and they still refuse to leave, and Chi Nan doesn't bother to pay attention to them. As Chi Nan got busier and busier, they gradually forgot about them. The transformation went very smoothly, and within only two months, the general framework was completed.

Then, Chi Nan began to transform the tree of life, removing all other abilities and transforming the tree of life into a simple elemental tree, which could only be used to produce elemental spirits. In this way, the number and speed of the birth of elemental spirits will be much faster than before. In this kind of plane, it is simply the production factory of element elves.

Each formation brought various materials into the entire plane, and the plane changes became more and more intense. Gradually, the potential of the entire plane was exhausted and became a special plane.

A strange plane similar to the kingdom of God, but not the kingdom of God, in the plane, the concentration of elemental power is getting stronger and stronger. Even the law of elements has begun to appear clearly, and can be seen with the naked eye.

Of course, most people can't recognize the law even if they see and even forget it in a blink of an eye. Because the soul of ordinary people is too weak to carry the law at all, but it is different in the eyes of gods.

The two lower gods were horrified to see the light of law that was not flashing all over the sky. If you are a type of law of elements, you can now be said to be a mouse that fell into the rice tank, but the two of them are clearly not.

And let the world familiar to me become something unfamiliar, the whole world is permeated in the light of the law, and the law I use has actually begun to be suppressed. The strength that he can exert is getting weaker and weaker.

Gradually, these people hiding in the plane realized that something was wrong. They originally wanted to make terms and get better treatment. But as Chi Nan ignored them, they gradually felt that they had lost their support. Now, even the environment in which he lives has changed, this simply doesn't give them a way to survive.

What they didn't expect was that things were developing faster than they thought.


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