The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1542: My plants are not stable anymore

"What's going on, why are you so panicked." Chi Nan saw a female **** spirit rushing in. This **** spirit is his own god, so Chi Nan is no stranger to it.

However, she usually manages a large number of planes under her with her companions. Not all planes are worthy of Hemira and the others personally, and most of the ordinary planes, Hemira and others don't care much anymore.

So managing the things here is the things of other gods. But if there are things in general, these gods are all going to Hemila and others, this time they actually came directly to themselves.

As for things like ultra vires intrigue, Chi Nan doesn't believe it. Let alone the character of the elves of the gods, even if it is the problem of their own branding on them, it is absolutely impossible for these elves to betray, and it is impossible to make opportunistic tricks and the like. Finding yourself directly this time, something big must have happened.

As a result, before the gods could answer, Hemira and several others also came to his laboratory.

"What the **** is going on, why are you all so anxious? You don't usually come here."

I have my own clone in my temple, and I usually discuss things directly with the clone, and I can know it directly. This time I found my own laboratory. It was not an hour.

At this time, most of the things in the laboratory had already been resolved, only one thing was left for Chi Nan to do it himself. That is the cultivation of the Elemental Sacred Tree, which cannot be done in a short time.

"Something has happened, and it's still a big thing." Hermilla said with a very serious face.

The previous gods quickly handed some information to Chi Nan: "We have found gods in our planes. There have been fourteen times, and there has never been such a thing before."

You know, the plane of Chinan has always been very easy to manage because there is no shortage of materials and food. Ordinary civilians don't have so many grievances, and coupled with full-plane supervision, people dare not even do things that violate the law.

Without so many grievances, it is basically impossible to produce evil spirits. God evil appeared in my elemental plane before, it was because there were too many creatures and gods who died in the previous wars on this plane.

But those planes of my own clearly didn't have these problems, and there was nothing in the past, what was going on this time. Now, Chi Nan really feels something is wrong.

The records in the data are very clear. Those gods are often conceived suddenly without knowing where, and when they appear, they destroy everywhere and kill everywhere. If it's an ordinary creature, it's fine, but this is a god, and their destruction can have an impact on the will of the world, and even damage the plane.

If these things are allowed to continue to destroy, a plane may be destroyed. After destroying a plane, a **** evil can gain the power to strengthen oneself.

Chi Nan's subordinates had no choice but to immediately mobilize a powerful presence to eliminate it. Fortunately, in every plane, Chi Nan had left a lot of strength, and the channels between them were also unblocked.

When I turned to the last page, Chi Nan's face changed. "How could this happen, is this news true."

The gods glanced at them and nodded immediately: "It has been confirmed, it is true and correct." Then the gods said again: "Because the gods are special, we have arrested them and sent them over."

Chi Nan's eyes narrowed: "Go, let's go over and take a look." This incident really shocked Chi Nan.

When a few people came outside to meet the guest plane, some of their subordinate gods had already arrived here. Seeing Chi Nan, the subordinate gods saluted and showed their respect to Chi Nan.

Chi Nan waved his hand and looked at the huge **** in the middle. The special breath of God's evil spirits inspired God to hate, and they would never feel wrong with this kind of breath.

"You have been studying here for a while, have you found anything?" Hermilla asked the others.

The others glanced at each other and shook their heads one after another: "There is nothing to discover, just like ordinary gods."

Chi Nan's face was serious: "This is the biggest problem. This is my plant weapon. It will turn into a god, and even my life magic can be eroded." This shocked Chi Nan.

That's right, the last thing written in the information is Chi Nan's plant weapons, which have also become gods. This is just an ordinary big tree type plant, not strong, only a gold level, but this is a plant.

Plants have no souls and no thoughts, even if they think, they rely on their own plant brains to proceed directly. There is no divinity, no resentment, and he has his own brand on him. Although the life magic power on his body is very thin and low-end, it is after all derived from his own life magic power, and the quality is very high.

But even so, his plant weapons would actually turn into gods, how did this change?

The big tree in front of me, although it still maintained the appearance of a big tree, had nothing to do with plants at all. Chi Nan himself has no way to control, nor can he induce management.

This has completely changed a species ~ ~ a special species belonging to the gods. The breath radiating from the whole body is no different from normal gods, and they are the most hated and resentful of gods.

The gods have been struggling all the time, obviously wanting to attack them. The plant brain has already been eroded, and there is no way to control it. Even his own plant weapons can become like this inexplicably, let alone other things.

It seems that the matter this time is much more serious than I thought. "I don't know what the Lord of Time knows, but if he doesn't say it, no one can ask." Chi Nan has nothing to do with the Lord of Time. My current combat effectiveness is constantly improving, has reached the third place, and will soon reach the second place.

But even so, in Chi Nan's perception, the Lord of Time is still unfathomable, as if facing a huge ocean, he can't catch up at all. Chi Nan didn't even know his true strength level.

Since there is no way to figure out what the cause is, then you can only defend yourself first. Chi Nan has decided that the next step is to enter a period of comprehensive defense. Those planes under oneself must have at least three first-generation void scorpions garrisoned.

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