The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1548: Divide into 8 teams

"Don't even think about it, the price paid for buying such a thing is really too great. In comparison, it is better to wait until the gods are discovered before attacking." Some gods also raised objections.

"But if there are too many evils, the loss will not only be the damage to the plane itself, but even the faith of the believer."

"How could it be so many? There are already a lot now, and there can be no more. I still don't agree with it."

The previous gods said disdainfully: "Yes, there are already a lot, are there so many gods in the past. You are so sure that there will be no in the future, I still prefer this thing, at least it is a psychological comfort."

"Just say yours, we poor gods don't have so much divine power to buy this thing." The people who have no money are crying poor, but there is no way. Not all gods can come up with such a big one. Pen input.

Now that the detector made by this fallen beast has been proved to be useful, then the next question is how to use it. At the same time, many gods have changed their attitudes, and many gods are really annoyed by those gods.

"What to do, most gods must not be able to use this thing, and we don't have so many manpower."

Hearing the words of the Lord of Light, the others nodded one after another. But Chi Nan doesn't matter, because it involves a question of consciousness. As for Chi Nan's indifferent expression, the others could also see clearly.

"I don't know what you can do, Lord of the Sacred Tree, you should have thoughts based on your appearance."

Chi Nan said indifferently: "I have such a little thought. I don't think there is a need for every **** to have its own detector. This is not realistic and it is also very wasteful."

Everyone nodded, they were worried that this was the problem. "So, they can form teams one by one. I've studied it. Most of the planes of the orthodox gods are basically like this. We can choose eight routes from them. As long as their planes face these eight Just gather the directions."

Chi Nan split his hands, and a starry sky map appeared in his hands. As the main god, this hand was very simple.

Everyone did not make any strange remarks. Chi Nan went on to say: "So, we only need to form eight teams, and these eight teams will carry detectors to patrol these different positions every day."

It turned out to be like this. Hearing this arrangement, all the main gods' eyes lit up. On the map in Chi Nan's hands, the eight routes are clearly shown, and the various planes on these eight routes are also the densest.

As for the farther plane, Chi Nan couldn't control it for the time being, and either moved closer to the route, or tried to prevent evil by himself. It's like most of Chinan's planes are not on these eight routes. Even many planes are located far away from the central plane. Those places are too remote, so remote that a war cannot be fought there.

Had it not been for the breeding of evil spirits in the plane, Chi Nan would not bother to create void scorpions in those places to protect.

"This plan is very good, but there are two points that need to be resolved. A little bit lower and too dangerous. The patrol team is easily attacked by the evil gods, so it needs to strengthen its strength. I think every team needs at least two upper gods to lead the team. ."

Worthy of being the master of the conspiracy, the first thing to consider is the problem of being attacked. This kind of small conspiracy is normal in his mind.

"Then the second question." The Elf Lord asked quietly.

The master of the conspiracy said grimly: "I can't help the second question, because there are too many planes and the range is too large, how much the effective range of the detector is, and whether it can be covered, I don't know."

The alchemy master quickly continued and said: "Enough. If the fallen beast of the middle **** level is captured, the coverage area is about one-tenth of each route. It only needs to go around once a day. If it is a lower **** Falling beasts of different levels have only one percent coverage, and they can be used in conjunction with each other."

It's not that the alchemist doesn't know anything, he is very clear about the supporting use of his own products.

In this case, how to match each team becomes the only problem. Although they were dealing with fallen beasts, the fallen beasts in the center would not come to support them. Only the evil gods could sneak attacks on them.

The large-scale battle of Gods dragged a large number of evil gods to death there, and there were not many that could take action. So as long as a few top Cthulhus are stared to death, their teams are basically not dangerous.

The strength of the upper gods should not be underestimated. Two upper gods lead the team. If you want to eliminate them in a short time, you need at least five upper **** levels to exist, and you may even need more.

"Very good, let's do it, I can form a team here." The Lord of War spoke first.

He has a big family and a lot of people. Even if the opponent initiates a magical battle and belongs to the party directly involved in the war, he can still use a lot of strength, and there is no problem even forming two or three teams.

It's just that there are so many main gods, if he did it all by himself, what would the other main gods think. And he himself is not willing, although this kind of errand is good, but the risk is not small.

The benefit is very simple, hunting the gods, is there something more beneficial than After all gods know this kind of thing, as long as they have a certain strength, they are eager to join it. There are also many invitations to join.

However, most of these are people in the main **** family. However, Chi Nan surpassed their imagination and gave it up directly. In fact, he owns the mist kettle, so he doesn't cut the evil spirits to kill. As for the subordinate gods from outside, at best they only have the strength of a middle-level god, not even a high-level god.

Instead of sending them out to be ashamed, it's better to stay by your side to protect your safety.

Now what my subordinates need is to improve themselves as soon as possible. Although he already has the combat power of the upper gods, he cannot be used as a regular one. Among all the main gods, his own **** system can be said to be the weakest.

After the plan, they don't need to intervene personally. The people below will naturally coordinate this kind of thing. When signing up to participate, all the fallen beasts were also arrested, ready to be put into the box at any time.

But not long after, in the vortex of fallen beasts, some fallen beasts spurted out again, more and more powerful than before. It seemed that the era of the fallen beast's explosion was about to come, and many gods thought in their hearts.

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