The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1576: There was a lot of outbreak this time

? All the main gods, besides their own hole cards, have used almost all means, and they have even besieged many of these things with their clones. Because this time the sooner the better.

Last time the main **** phantom erupted, it happened that the action was too slow and other people were needed to support it. This time, the outbreak was even more intense, and everyone was scrambling to complete it as soon as possible.

It's just that the speed of this outbreak is beyond their imagination. Chi Nan did not agree to wipe out the two main **** ghosts. Before the source of the law was collected, a ghost of the main **** appeared again next to it. This time, it was a fire attribute, Chi Nan didn't know this guy, and he was a little happy.

The origins of the laws left by the different flame masters, after being absorbed by their own demon incarnation, the effect will definitely be better.

Chi Nan did not hesitate and immediately began to besiege. It's just that Chi Nan's dream of siege failed, because soon another one appeared around him. "Strange, how come there are so many, where are the others."

While Chi Nan was fighting, he still had the mind to look at other places. This was the advantage of being strong.

But at this moment, Chi Nan received a request from the Lord of Nature next to him. On the Lord of Nature, he was alone against the three ghosts of the Lord, but the fourth appeared and he could only ask for help.

And the only one who was closest to him was able to support him, and that was Chi Nan alone.

Without thinking about it, Chi Nan directly released Lei Feng. Lei Feng seemed to be teleporting, and instantly appeared beside the newly-appearing main **** phantom. It's a pity that this main **** is of water attributes.

It seems that I can only collect it temporarily, and see if it's useful in a while. Chi Nan didn't want to absorb some sources of laws that were not in line with him. He was also worried that there would be problems in that way.

Even though his own godhead capacity seemed extraordinary, Chi Nan still did not dare to take risks.

Seeing Lei Feng from Chi Nan flying over, the Lord of Nature breathed a sigh of relief. The other main gods all admired the Lei Feng in Chi Nan's hands, it was a divine tool that could be compared to a main god.

"This Lei Feng's strength seems to be stronger than before." Suddenly, a main **** said.

After seeing the other people next to him, the same goes for a closer look. "Yes, it was not a real thunder and lightning before, but now it has become a real thunder and lightning. The vitality turns into thunder and lightning, and the power is even more terrifying." The Lord of Elements has the most say, because she herself can control the lightning elements, and The power is not small.

After just one glance, everyone didn't continue to pay attention to this issue, because at this time everyone's attention was attracted by the phantom of the main **** around him. The number of ghosts of the main gods that appeared this time actually exceeded the number of main gods.

The opposite Cthulhu is the same. Even with the help of the top evil gods, plus the five top evil gods that have just appeared, these evil gods are still in a mess, almost failing to resist.

Fortunately, at the peak of the outbreak, they still supported it tenaciously. Otherwise, I am afraid we will lose.

"Fortunately, five top Cthulhus were created ahead of time this time. Otherwise, at such a scale, we might have someone die here." The Cthulhu saw this kind of scene, and felt very concerned.

"Yeah, the boss is the most powerful, far-sighted. If it weren't for the boss's call, we would definitely not do this." The boss said that the Lord of Corruption is the most powerful of all the evil gods.

"Should we make a few more this time, so that our quantity will be more."

A newly promoted Cthulhu reminded in a low voice that although he needed to give his boss the two main god-level laws of origin, but he also wanted to use the same method to recruit the younger brother.

Seeing this kind of explosion scene, he doesn't worry in the future that he will have no law to use it.

"Shut up, we absolutely can't continue to make top evil gods, otherwise the orthodox main gods will also make them. They can make twenty-eight at a time, and we will be in trouble at that time." The Lord of Corruption passed through the cold voice. . At this time, several people who were speaking closed their mouths, and focused on watching their deity fighting in the void.

No way, the top evil gods that they spawned have not yet had their own divine tools, nor have their own main **** clones, so they can only step forward, and their combat effectiveness is not very good.

Not only on their side, those demon gods are also cleaning up the phantoms of the main gods around them. The demon incarnation of Chi Nan was also cleaning up those near him at this time, and they couldn't let them destroy it.

At the same time, Chi Nan's gaze also fixed on the place of the opposite Demon God. "Those demon gods get the source of the law of no use, they can only sacrifice to the abyss, but the abyss absorbs these things is not very effective, but it can improve the essence. They can't be made successful, those demon gods and the will of the abyss are not the same. "

Chi Nan secretly planned in his heart to trade their law source from the hands of the demon god. Believe in those demon gods, and don't want to be controlled by the will of the abyss all the time.

As long as I can give them a hope, the transaction of the origin of these laws will naturally be completed. With the help of the three demon gods and the help of the will of the abyss, there are definitely many ghosts of the main **** they hunted.

On the contrary, Chi Nan's demon incarnation is a bit troublesome here, and there is only one person in such a large territory. If it weren't for being high in the void and not close to the central area, I am afraid that Chi Nan's demon incarnation would be too busy for him.

It was also the first clone of the demon incarnation some time ago. It was just This time it happened to be taken out, otherwise it might not be enough. Chi Nan's demon incarnation, all of his subordinate gods and subordinate gods were dispatched. That's right, Chi Nan's demon incarnation also has its own subordinate gods, not those demon gods.

There were a lot of talents trained in the past. After leaving the abyss, Chi Nan turned these dark-attributed elves into gods, and all of them became his own subordinate gods. At this time, Chi Nan's demon incarnation was the largest dark **** system.

The demon incarnation has even replaced the status of the Lord of Shadows in the past, and the status is even higher.

"It seems that the eruption has been completed. It was the last wave just now. If it continues to increase, it will be troublesome. The next eruption, I don't know if it will continue to be like this." I feel that there is less fluctuation in the surrounding gods and ghosts. , Chi Nan also breathed a sigh of relief.

If this continues, he might expose some of his hole cards. The other gods are the same as myself.


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