The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1589: The sacred tree that supports the world of elements

? I didn't talk much, but I could see that everyone was anxious, and Chi Nan himself was also anxious.

Chi Nan was also very happy to finish the last thing before setting off. The first thing to do is not to plant, but to blockade. This requires Chi Nan to act personally, with the help of the power of the kingdom of God, to completely block this plane.

Otherwise, the movement of planting in the sacred tree would definitely not be easily blocked by such a large plane. At that time, I was discovered by the outside world, and I would definitely become a spotlight again, which was very troublesome.

This kind of thing involving elemental elves, whether it is the master of the elements or the master of the elves, they will not let go of this kind of thing. Entangled, it's another endless one. Following Chi Nan's movements, the surface of the elemental world was protected by an unchecked layer, which faintly enveloped the entire plane.

After doing all this, Chi Nan finally started. With a wave of his hand, the small sapling in his hand suddenly flew out and fell into the earth.

The earth here is not a normal earth, but is dominated by earth elements, and a kind of earth-like precipitation formed by mixing other various elements together. Ordinary plants have long been unable to grow in such places. The remaining plants have also been assimilated and transformed into elemental plants, which are not normal plants at all.

The thing that looks like a plant is actually an elemental creature. With Chinan's ability to control plants, he couldn't control it at all. The tree of life can retain its own characteristics of life.

If it weren't for this, Chi Nan wouldn't be able to create this elemental sacred tree. Except for himself, Chi Nan is sure that no one else can cultivate. Even if you want a tree of elements, the difficulty is definitely not small.

The elemental sacred tree after landing is very suitable for the environment of this land. As soon as it landed, it took root quickly. The surrounding elements are constantly attracted, as if an elemental storm has formed. The elemental elves in the air were blown up and down, but they still stared at this place, as if they were making a pilgrimage.

But no one paid attention to the elemental elves at this time, everyone was attracted by the elemental sacred tree. With the continuous absorption of a large number of elements. The size of the elemental sacred tree increases rapidly and grows quickly.

Soon, the elemental sacred tree recovered its original size, but this is not over yet, because the elemental sacred tree is still growing and getting bigger and bigger. The trunk and branches became stronger and stronger, constantly changing. The lines on the body are becoming more and more complex, more and more dazzling. There are also more and more leaves around.

Chi Nan suddenly felt that his godhead actually resonated. As the elemental sacred tree continued to grow, some lines began to appear on his godhead. These are the laws of elements.

His Godhead is very tolerant. This Chi Nan has always known it, but he has not been indiscriminately blending some laws.

This time I didn't expect that so many law patterns could be gathered so easily, which is equivalent to absorbing several element types at the same time. It's just that this is a horizontal improvement, and it didn't improve one's combat effectiveness. Even the strength of his godhead has not improved, only the breadth.

But Chi Nan didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, the benefits he gained seemed not small, so don't worry.

The elemental sacred tree continues to grow, and this time I can say that I got an unexpected joy.

Just as Chi Nan sighed, the Elemental Sacred Tree had grown very large, with the top growing to the uppermost layer of the plane. The leaves and branches continue to take root in, unexpectedly supporting the whole world.

And as the tree continued to grow, this plane actually began to grow up quickly. "Not good, provide the crystal of divine power."

Suddenly, Chi Nan felt bad for a while, and quickly threw out a lot of divine power crystals, most of which were elemental attributes, which were obtained through trade with other main gods. His own kingdom of God has also begun to continuously extract power and supplement it here.

This elemental world with no potential, supported by the elemental sacred tree, is actually growing continuously.

After feeling it for a while, Chi Nan sighed: "Unfortunately, the law has not been expanded and improved, and the origin of the world is still the same. Only the size of the elemental plane has increased, and the distance from the kingdom of God is still far away."

This elemental world is not growing at all, it's just being forced to expand and become bigger. Otherwise, there is no need for Chi Nan to add strength. If it is not supplemented, this world may be directly shattered due to the growth of the elemental sacred tree. Unexpectedly, the growth of this elemental sacred tree would cause more damage to the elemental world itself than I imagined.

Fortunately, the growth of the Elemental Sacred Tree has come to an end at this time. If this continues, cracks will appear on the surface of the Elemental Plane. Of course, with the sincerity of the roots and branches, the strength of this elemental plane has also increased a lot.

A large number of elemental spirits revolved around the elemental sacred tree, circling, this is really a pilgrimage.

In the heart of the elemental elves, one's own status is the highest, but the elemental sacred tree is probably second only to one's own status. If the elemental sacred tree has thoughts, it will be offered by the elemental elves.

It’s a pity that the sacred tree of elements is a semi-elemental creature after all. After its own transformation, it can never produce its own thoughts, just like the sacred tree of can only be used as the support and support of this world. High master artifact.

A large amount of elemental power was continuously absorbed, and still did not stop, as if the whirlpool-like elements were pumped away like water. It can be seen to the naked eye that the element concentration of the entire elemental plane is declining continuously. I don't know how long it has passed, the concentration of this element has actually dropped by half, which is not a trivial matter.

If you don't use the crystallization of divine power to replenish it, relying on self-recovery, you will not want to recover in ten years. This elemental sacred tree is too domineering, should I control it?

Chi Nan thought secretly in his heart, but before Chi Nan started to take action, the power of the element sacred tree to extract elements suddenly disappeared. The world of elements finally stabilized. Who could have imagined that just the planting of a single tree would bring the whole world to the end of the world. If it were not for the support of the kingdom of God, the world would be seriously damaged if it were not destroyed.

Fortunately, it is now completed, so next, is to see what power this elemental sacred tree has. Before Chi Nan came forward, Miria, who was in the heaviest mood, was the first to rush up.

Even after absorbing the origin of the law, Miria still couldn't practice quietly, she was still running around.

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