The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1644: The chains that trapped the abyss

In this kind of almost full-scale action into the city, all the main gods sent their clones into the kingdom of gods. Anyway, the kingdom of God is very big, and they only need to find a place on their own, and they don't need to compete with each other.

Cthulhu is loaded in it, and now he has no thoughts to fight against the orthodox gods. Everyone is looking for their own opportunities. Of course, as more and more avatars of gods entered, different organizations were still established one after another. Although there is no name ceremony or the like, there are still many well-known **** organizations that spread to the outside world.

All people have focused their attention on this. There were only a large number of evil spirits on the evil god's side, and there was no special change at this time, still waiting in the void, being ordered to suppress it.

In the void of the outside world, the number of evil spirits is increasing, and the fallen beast is gradually unable to keep up. However, there are still many fallen beasts and gods fighting each other in a lot of places, but the gods have avoided these places.

Now everyone is thinking about how to improve themselves quickly, rather than fighting with these fallen beasts and gods. There is a safer and faster way. Who wants to fight against these dangerous things all day long?

But when no one noticed, Chi Nan had already brought his men and secretly left his special altars and the foundations of the great formation in different abyss planes. There are three top-level abyss demon gods as internal responses, and it can be said that the ears and eyes of the abyss will have been completely emptied. A large number of altars have been arranged.

And this kind of action, the abyss has not found anything for a long time, he thought that his existence was being continuously restored, and he would soon be able to return to its peak. When many arrangements are in progress, they can be helped by the Abyss Plane.

This is really the same power from time to time, Chi Nan thought of it silently in his heart. It's a pity that the chaotic consciousness of the abyss doesn't even know what he is doing, nor does he realize the result of doing so.

After all, it's just a chaotic consciousness. As long as you can hide your intentions perfectly, you don't have to worry about problems. No matter how crazy the abyss is, it is impossible to think that the top demon gods under his own will betray all at once. Moreover, the means used to calculate oneself during the rebellion were not provided to them by the abyss.

This is Chi Nan's use of the abyss method, and then re-evolved, many of which are divine methods, plus their own variants. After being changed beyond recognition, it is naturally impossible to know.

On this day, Chi Nan watched the last altar completely set up, and finally relaxed.

"Finally done, then the last step is about to begin. Let's go back and inform the demon gods so that they can prepare their actions, ready to escape at any time, but don't die here."

Chi Nan rarely cared about these demon gods, but it was just such a sentence. Those demon gods, who cares if they die, as long as they don't hinder the completion of their plans.

During the whole process, no ordinary demon **** noticed something wrong. After Chi Nan returned to his kingdom of God, this action was finally about to unfold. Chi Nan's deity watched from a distance, and did not personally end. If you go out by yourself, who knows if the will of the abyss will focus your attention, this plan can only be done by your own demon incarnation.

At this moment, the other three demon gods who received the signal met for the last time before planning.

"Are you ready? It's up to you this time. Our abilities are not suitable for hiding. At most, we can help you outside." The Lord of the Flame Demon said to the Lord of Blood.

The Lord of Blood is still only a blood shadow. Hearing this, he silently said: "Don't worry, you have been preparing for such a long time, it is impossible to fail. Moreover, even if you fail, you can't stop."

"Why are you so negative? This is our only chance. If we don't succeed this time, we may really have no chance." The Wing Demon Lord seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

"No matter, the signal has been sent, let's start." The Flame Lord was a little annoyed, but the arrow had to be sent on the string, and they knew they couldn't stop now. So the figure flashed and left here.

When the Lord of Wing Demon saw this, he shook his head: "It seems that we can only look at luck from now on, and I am gone." After speaking, the Lord of Wing Demon also disappeared. At the same time, the phantom of the Lord of Blood has gradually faded away, this is not his body.

After a while, the entire area of ​​the abyss suddenly changed drastically. Suddenly, the abyss planes that had gathered together to protect themselves and cultivate themselves suddenly exploded.

The next moment, the monstrous sea of ​​blood on the surface of the Abyss Origin Plane began to quickly disappear. On the earth, I don't know when countless cracks appeared, and the sea of ​​blood above was absorbed frantically. In this action, the abyss felt that his strength was constantly increasing, so instead of stopping, he was still helping.

Feeling this situation, all those who knew the inside story were full of sneers, but no one said anything.

When the sea of ​​blood was absorbed and cleaned, the breath expanded to the extreme original plane of the abyss, and the cracks on the surface disappeared. However, many of the demon gods who had adapted to the environment of the blood sea felt uncomfortable.

That kind of resentment rose to the sky, making the will of the abyss itself become more chaotic.

Suddenly, countless cracks were opened on the abyss plane, just like before, but this time it was not a sea of ​​blood. This time, the power of the sea of ​​blood was spit out, in other words, it was drawn out and summoned.

The breath of the abyss, which was originally swelling, suddenly began to fall, like an avalanche, continuously and rapidly descending. Within the crack, blood-red chains appeared. These blood-red chains, in which the liquid flows, this is obviously the blood sea water that was absorbed before. These chains continue to spread towards the void.

Soon, the chains were connected to the abyss planes. If you look closely, you will know that these connected planes are all planes in the abyss where Chinan has set the core of the altar.

And the end of the chain is on these altars. Following the chains, the power of the original plane of the abyss actually began to flow out frantically, and a wave of power was continuously injected into these planes of the abyss.

"What the Will of Abyss is doing, is it crazy." The sudden change shocked everyone.


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