The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1648: Sacrifice the abyss with the blood of the devil

"This is your way to slaughter the abyss demon god? But what is the use of this. Also, those two guys will listen to you, how did you do this." The main gods began to feel something wrong.

Even if these abyss demon gods were crazy, they wouldn't do this kind of thing. This is really weird. The point is, what is the use of killing these demon gods, they simply don't understand.

"Perhaps, you are really crazy. Every time the abyss is hit hard, it will swallow a large number of demon gods for the final recovery when it finally recovers. It is not impossible to even swallow the top demon gods of the abyss. Maybe, they are just for themselves. Go crazy if you can survive." The Lord of Time's eyes seemed to be looking at something.

The elven lord was looking at the abyssal origin plane in the distance, and at this time the abyss origin plane could no longer hide himself. "That blood-like power is the power of the Lord of Blood."

It seemed that she had also noticed that the reason why the Lord of Blood did not participate in this massacre was because her own power had been constrained. Otherwise, that is the participation of the three top demons.

As for the Lord of the Devil Dragon, they probably didn't know where they were before. But the words of Hei Lian and Chi Nan let them understand that the first time they dealt with the abyss, they used the Lord of the Devil Dragon.

But when the will of the abyss was stared at and the will of the abyss had not died out, the fate of the Lord of the Devil Dragon could be clearly known.

The Dragon God also had weird eyes on Chi Nan and Hei Lian, both gratified and annoyed that they had eliminated the Lord of the Devil Dragon. In any case, the lord of the dragon is also from their dragon clan and is the main **** of the dragon clan. Although he has fallen, the Dragon God has always believed that the Lord of the Devil Dragon needs to clean the door by himself.

Was killed by other people, doesn't that mean that the dragons are not as powerful as them. If it weren't for the special situation now, the Dragon God would want to find the two of them to fight to determine who is the real powerful existence.

Regardless of Chi Nan's current strength, but in the heart of the Dragon God, even if the opponent ranks ahead of him, his combat power will always be stronger than his opponent. Who makes himself a dragon? This is the arrogance of the dragon.

Chi Nan didn't know this, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care about it. Who wants to fight, who is afraid of whom?

Chi Nan continued: "The main purpose of slaughtering these demon gods is to use their blood to sacrifice the abyss plane."

Without waiting for other people to ask, Chi Nan continued: "You may not know that offering sacrifices to the Demon God and other gods seem to have the same effect, but in fact the essence is different. When offering sacrifices to the Abyss Demon God, the effect of the sacrifice is compulsory. Sexuality, and sacrifice to other things, the Will of the Abyss is totally unacceptable."

It was the first time everyone knew this, because even among the demon gods, only the top demon **** knew about this kind of thing.

This is the rule of the original plane of the abyss, which has been determined at the beginning of the formation of the abyss plane, and this is the will of the abyss itself cannot change it. Once the original rules are changed, the will of the abyss itself will collapse.

The use of these original rules is the best way to deal with the abyss.

Everyone looked at Chi Nan with deep meaning, because it was Chi Nan's avatar who just answered, so I am afraid that he will also be involved in this matter. Chi Nan didn't mean to conceal, anyway, he couldn't hide it.

Sure enough, just as Chi Nan explained, the top demon god's subordinates had already begun to collect the corpses of those slaughtered demon gods. And the two top demon gods took their own upper demon gods and began to hunt down the other demon gods.

Those who ran away at the beginning can still stay away from this place. And if they haven't left after they do it, there is really no way to leave. Even if he hid in his own kingdom of God, he was arrested all at once.

Exceeding the top demon gods with too much strength, their power cannot be filled by relying on the kingdom of God. The kingdom of demon gods is not a normal kingdom of gods, it is all built on the basis of the abyss plane. In fact, it is the Will of the Abyss that controls these kingdoms of God. Now that the will of the abyss is in chaos, the power that these kingdoms can exert is even weaker.

These abyss planes that have been transformed into the kingdom of God, but the abyss planes are completely abyssal, do not have their own instincts at all, and are completely controlled. So even if it is crushed, the top demon **** doesn't care.

Anyway, this time the control plane of Scarlet Chain was not connected to any kingdom of God.

In the void, demon flames rose, black shadows obscured the sky, and the two top demon gods had already exerted their power to the extreme. As long as the Abyss Demon God that appeared in front of his own eyes, they would all be their targets.

In the end, even the demon gods under their control, as long as they enter within their attack range, they will not stop, and will directly kill them. At this time, they don't have so much scruples.

Those demon gods hiding in the distance carefully collected the corpses and flesh and blood left by the demon gods. While collecting them, they carefully watched the sky, for fear that the top demon gods would go crazy and kill themselves.

In the case of his own top-level existence going crazy, when the demon gods were all gathered at once, this war demon **** can be said to have suffered a heavy loss. Chi Nan calculated silently in his heart, the existing Demon God, after this massacre, I am afraid that even less than one-fifth will be born.

You know, there were a lot of demons, especially the lower demons, but now there are only two or three kittens. And those demons, I believe that after hiding, they dare not come out The demons without the protection of the abyss are the rats crossing the street. They either transform themselves or can only hide. But those demon gods, the depth of the abyss is too deep, even if there is no abyss, there is no turning back.

"Quickly, bring these flesh and blood to all the altars to sacrifice." The Lord of the Flame Demon stopped, not because he wanted to stop, but because there was no longer a target to kill himself.

The Lord of the Flame Demon roared back, and the Demon God hiding behind seemed to have exploded his hair, and quickly rushed out to quickly collect the flesh and blood. Haven't you seen that your immediate boss is crazy? If you don't perform well, you will be dead.

The Lord of Wing Demon is the same, even more irritable than here. Because the Lord of Wing Demon controlled more demon gods under his control, he killed several slow-moving ones at once, leaving the remaining ones to move faster. Soon, there was no trace of the Demon God's flesh and blood in the void, and it was collected by other Demon Gods cleanly, leaving no dross behind.


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