The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1682: Didn't hold on for even a week

The Bifang opened his mouth, and the teeth full of vitality suddenly turned black, and then a black tooth fell out of the mouth. No, it was not a tooth that fell out, it was just a dark shadow.

The black shadow flashed away, piercing directly at the front of the Lord of Beasts. The Lord of Beasts finally knew what it was that attacked his own Beast before, and it turned out that it was the thing released from the teeth.

But with preparation, head-to-head confrontation, the Lord of Warcraft is not afraid of anyone. The gorilla's figure flashed and then punched it again. Other monsters around, rushed forward one after another, long-range attacks have flown out.

"Hmph, fighting head-on, I'm not afraid of anyone." The Lord of Beast snorted coldly, and the light flashed in his hand. The white light permeated all the monsters, leaving some flickering fluorescence on their bodies. In an instant, all the abilities of the monsters increased dramatically. The combat power of the monsters that had only just reached the level of the main god, finally reached the level of the main god.

This is also the source of self-confidence for the Lord of Warcraft. With the help of such a few Warcraft that can reach the fighting power of the normal Lord God, even if he doesn't make a move, the ordinary Lord God is definitely not his opponent.

Perhaps, I underestimated myself, and with my current strength, it is likely to be stronger than Dragon God or something.

The Lord of Warcraft thought in his heart that his own Warcraft had also fully demonstrated its strength, and everything was so vivid and vivid. However, the Lord of Warcraft had forgotten who his opponent was.

The Bifangshi didn't care so much, watching the massive attacks in the air, opened his mouth, and a series of black spikes flew out. With a strong death force, those attacks in the air were intercepted one by one. This means of continuous attacks, the Lord of Beasts didn't even think of it, it was an eye-opener.

If you attack like this at the beginning of the sneak attack, I am afraid that you will suffer heavy losses in the first wave.

There is no time to think too much, the Lord of Warcraft is a large-scale magical release. These magic arts are difficult to release outside, but they are not suppressed here, and they can be released easily by themselves.

This spell did not increase the power of all aspects of its own monsters, but unilaterally increased its destructive power. Immediately his own beast will be approaching the Bifang Lion, and the melee ability will also be displayed at that time. Surrounded by a group of monsters, no matter how powerful this lion is, it is definitely not his opponent.

"What's going on, when is this..." Suddenly, countless black tentacles stretched out on the ground.

My own monster was suddenly entangled by these tentacles. Not to mention the inconvenience of his own mobility, his body began to continue to permeate the air of death. The Lord of Warcraft instantly felt that the power from his body was constantly being drawn out.

But it doesn't work if you don't provide power. Without your own power, your own monsters may not last long. The degree of erosion of this death force is too strong and too terrifying.

I don't know when, the shadow of Bifang lion suddenly expanded, turning the front into a black shadow-covered ground. The tentacles are released from inside. Without checking for a while, all of his monsters were recruited. But even if it was prepared, it would be useless. A large area of ​​ground and void around the Jade Tooth Lion were filled with this kind of shadow.

If you want to attack Bifang Lion in close combat, you must break through this shadow.

But the Lord of Warcraft was bitter, and he finally realized that he seemed to have taken the wrong path.

Bifang Shi did not have so many subordinates, and was indeed besieged. However, with a casual move, his own beasts could not support it, and his own beasts' attacks had no effect on Bifang Shi.

He knows, this is because the comprehension of the law is not as good as the other party. The law is not enough, then more power must be used to offset the opponent's attack. There are many monsters of their own, but each one needs to comprehend the rules.

Without the help of their own resources and their own spirits, these beast souls would not be able to comprehend the law. So my result is that there are many rules, but none of them are proficient. Not only the ranking is low, but also the combat effectiveness is not good.

Perhaps for ordinary people, their own combat power will be very terrifying, but for those truly powerful beings, their own decentralized development model has no effect on them at all. It's a pity that I knew it was a bit late. For a long time, it has been directly used for large-scale rolling with Warcraft.

Having become accustomed to this kind of tailwind fighting, he has forgotten the root of a god’s true power. Now the Lord of Beasts regrets that he can't tell his deity this understanding.

Now is a good opportunity, and understanding the laws is much easier than usual. As long as one's own deity knows this news, then with the current harvest, enough deity transforms and greatly enhances his strength.

It is a pity that there is no such thing as reality. After restraining a large number of monsters, the Bifang lion continued to attack while injecting death power. He did not continue to spit out his teeth, but rushed up all by himself.

The paw swayed fiercely, and the black light gleamed, and the power of the monster that was hit was greatly consumed. This is to use the magical power of the Lord of Warcraft to offset these death forces. Fortunately, these monsters are not real life forms, otherwise such an attack would have drained their vitality long ago, and they would die sooner.

Speaking of it, the Lord of Warcraft still has the attribute of restraint to the existence of this power of However, when restraining the opponent, he was restrained by the opponent in turn, which explains the problem.

When Bifang's teeth were bitten down, the strong death power became even more terrifying. After almost attacking a few times, one of the monsters will lose their combat effectiveness. The Lord of Warcraft keeps burning his divine power crystallization and does his best to support it.

Even the Lord of Warcraft himself has done it himself. The divine power in his hands formed two things similar to the claws of wild beasts and attached to his hands. The lord of the beast rushed forward like a beast, and every time he waved it, it would cause a strong spatial shock. It is a pity that in terms of speed and strength, it can't keep up with the speed of Bifang Shishi at all.

The Lord of Beasts who are not good at fighting, even if he personally participates, still can't do it. One day has passed, and two days have passed. On the third day, the Lord of Warcraft was completely desperate.

The divine power crystal was almost exhausted, and his monster soul was completely clean. Now, there is only a kitten and himself. Kittens survived not because of their strong strength, but because of their weak strength, which could not arouse the interest of Bifangshi.

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