The Rise of Plants

Chapter 812: This is the rhythm to be the savior

Realizing that Chi Nan was a little strange, Hermilla suppressed the shyness in her heart and looked at Chi Nan with some worry. "My lord, what's the matter with you? If you feel uncomfortable, go back and rest first. Let's just watch it here."

Chi Nan opened his eyes and shook his head gently: "No, I just need to take a rest."

With that said, Chi Nan made a recliner and lay on it comfortably, closing his eyes, as if enjoying the sun. Well, it's midnight now. When the others saw it, they didn't feel anything strange, and the guards quietly separated the two people from the others, not allowing anyone to approach.

The soldiers and officials around were also very consciously stepping back and doing their own things more attentively.

Lords can tire themselves for the development of the territory and lead the people, and the shame and pride in their hearts is even more unspeakable. At this time, Chi Nan was indeed a tiring day here.

Closing his eyes, Chi Nan concentrated on communicating with the opposite consciousness. I faintly felt that the other party was not deceiving myself. Besides, it is impossible to deceive yourself.

To be able to enter a golden level master's consciousness sea so easily, even the legendary demigod can't do it, unless it is a true god. But with the existence of gods, it is not easy to enter this low-level plane.

Legend has it that only those powerful planes that can carry the gods can let the gods live on it. But this is just a legend after all, and no one knows whether such a plane exists. Because even those gods are just establishing their own kingdom in the void, and then staying high, that's all.

"What do you want to tell me?" Chi Nan asked in his heart.

A large number of images came from the plane consciousness, and these intermittent images were all manifestations of some things that happened on the previous planes. The entire plane, these big things are left on record.

"These things have a certain effect, but, do you want me to save the world. But what can I do?" Chi Nan knew what the other party wanted to do.

The plane consciousness and the plane itself are interdependent. The stronger the plane, the stronger the plane consciousness. It is even possible to grow into a deity, this is what the plane consciousness tells him, although such existence is rare.

But once the plane really perishes, then the plane consciousness will also die. For a conscious existence, death scares them the most. Even if this consciousness is weak, it is instinctively resisted.

Gradually, Chi Nan understood what the plane consciousness asked him to do. "To destroy the undead creatures in this world, do you have to plant more purification trees? Unexpectedly, the effect of purification trees is so great."

Chi Nan himself didn't expect that when that plane consciousness was about to dissipate, the only thing that could be saved was the purification tree. It is precisely because of the effect of the purification tree that the plane consciousness consumes the little remaining power of oneself to communicate with oneself. Because the plane consciousness knew that this purification tree was made by itself.

Some unknown special knowledge also entered Chi Nan's mind. It turns out that the most important thing for a plane is balance, the balance of various forces, and the balance of various species.

Power that is too negative and power that is too positive is an imbalanced performance, which is not good for the plane.

So that powerful positive force will be repelled and become gods, and those that are too negative will also be repelled and become demons. What the plane likes most is the kind of power that is inherently balanced.

For example, various elements, such as the force of life, such as the force of nature, this kind of power that has no bias, is not absolutely righteous, and is not absolutely dark. This is what the plane likes.

The reason why this plane is about to die is because the negative force is too strong. When the force of death erodes the entire plane, this plane will completely die out, and plane consciousness will also end.

His own purification tree can absorb the force of death and transform it into the force of life. This is restoring the balance of the entire plane, and is a guarantee for the plane to regain its vitality and even further.

"It's no wonder that this face consciousness is so anxious, that's what happened. However, why did the evil **** destroy the plane, what good is this for the evil god." Chi Nan still asked.

This face consciousness is inexhaustible, and Chi Nan will answer whatever he asks.

"Is that so?" Chi Nan was surprised. For the gods, there are many ways to improve their strength, but the simplest is to directly seize the power of the original planes of the major planes.

This original power is at the same level as the power of the gods, as long as it can be captured, you can quickly improve yourself.

But this power is protected by the plane, and it is not easy to obtain it. Therefore, the evil gods must use various methods to mess up the whole world first, and then distract the attention of the plane consciousness. The evil gods seized the opportunity to fix the origin with their own means and absorb the origin of the plane.

It can be said that such gods who use plane origin to improve themselves are all evil gods. The same is true in this world. The deceived believers interfered with the operation of the entire plane by offering sacrifices, and the Cthulhu took this to extract the origin of the plane and then leave.

What is left is a mess ~ Whether it is the believers or the planes, there is no future.

Originally, this abandoned plane could only wait slowly for its final demise, and no one would spend great efforts to restore the world. But the appearance of Chi Nan was the last straw for plane consciousness.

"As long as the purification tree can be planted in the entire world, then the world will regain a new life and continue to flourish. And the attributes will be transformed into attributes more suitable for plants, which sounds good. However, there are still many powerful undead. Creatures, these undead creatures prefer the plane of death. This is the biggest threat."

Chi Nan already knew that if he wanted to develop there, he would inevitably face up to those powerful undead. Through plane consciousness, Chi Nan knew that many of the undead there even reached the legendary level.

Now his own strength is not their opponent at all. Fortunately, those undead will not unite with each other. This is his only chance. However, the danger is not small, but the benefits are not so great.

Just when this thought flashed through Chi Nan's mind, the plane consciousness accurately captured it. The next moment, Chi Nan's eyes widened. "Damn, I can still do this. This is really a lot of money."

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