The Rise of Plants

Chapter 818: Large Neptune Warrior

Although the airships under attack made the soldiers bewildered, the reaction of the plant brain was very fast. Some airships separated quickly, turned their heads to this side, and were ready to attack.

It's just that the attack methods of the first generation of airships are really bad. The cannon will fall down if it is not that far, and the range of the wind cannon is not that far, there is no way to attack the opponent at all, let alone the bomb.

Although I carried some hummingbird fighters, the hummingbird fighters had a lot of losses from fighting with the sea beasts before, and the rest had to continue to fight the sea beasts. An airship that does not carry missiles cannot hit the opponent at all.

However, the first generation of airships had no propellers, only wings, they flew slowly, and accelerated slowly. They couldn't catch up with them at all, so they could only be beaten passively. Soon, batches of airships were killed.

"Damn it, are these people crazy." The soldier below gritted his teeth.

"Disperse, disperse, don't rush in, fight them on the periphery."

Morton's voice came, and the team immediately dispersed, but someone didn't want to listen to the order, and actually led the team to fly forward. Modu saw it and didn't say anything. He didn't think those airships could threaten him.

With only one range, it is not comparable to the other party. At this moment, the attack of the octopus in the water became more and more fierce. Suddenly, many hummingbird fighters were shot down by these long-range octopuses.

"Damn it, why are these sea beasts crazy? The attack hasn't been so intense just now."

The eyes of the next general became ugly: "These sea beasts are probably inseparable from the Karan family. Look carefully, the sea beasts did not attack the Karan family flying team close to the sea at all, only us."

Many soldiers have also noticed that using plant brains for calculations, they will soon come to this conclusion.

"What to do? If this goes on, we may have a hard time stopping them. Do we need to ask for help now."

"It's too late to ask for help, Commander, use our hidden missiles," a soldier shouted.

The commander saw that the situation quickly became difficult to deal with, and took a deep breath: "Okay, let them have a good look at our strength. The missile launcher is turned on, and I allow the launch."

Following the commander's words, in several hidden places inside the port, several lids slowly opened to the sides, revealing hollow holes. Inside, they are all first-generation missiles. After Chinan was set up, it has not been used. Now the second-generation bat missile has not been installed here, so there is only the first-generation missile here.

The previous battle in the north was really too much force. In order to develop the north, suppress the beetles, as a result, the military forces overseas could not keep up. There are not many people who have research authorization overseas, so this is the case.

At this moment, on a reef in the distance, there is a strange figure standing in the distance and looking towards this side.

These figures are either blue or green. They are roughly the same as humans. They are just figures. They should be taller, usually around two meters. The skin on his body feels slightly translucent, glowing in the sun.

The eyes are like two **** inlaid in the sockets. There are no eyelids and no hair on the head, but a kind of scales. The ears are pointed like elves' ears. If the people of the three major families were here, they would definitely recognize them, this was the Hailing clan.

There is also a thin golden thread in the center of the forehead of the sea spirit clan headed by it. This is a mark that only the sea spirit royal family can have, and it is a symbol of orthodox nobility of blood.

"The Karan family has launched a full-scale offensive as agreed, and now the enemy's air power has been suppressed, shall we act according to the plan? Your Royal Highness." An old Hailing said slowly.

The sea spirit prince nodded gently: "Then release the sea kingfish warrior to assist in the attack. This time, we must take the Death Island. With such a big island, our Sea Spirit clan will achieve greater development, and finally One day, we will reign over the earth. Let those on the earth know that we are back again."

"His Royal Highness as ordered." Old Hailing saluted respectfully, but the fire in his eyes was hard to conceal.

As the order was issued, the offshore airship suddenly got up, putting it in the sea and being boiled. Suddenly a big head came out of the water. This is a huge fish head with whiskers on it.

Gradually, the monster's body was also exposed, like a big fish standing up, covered with scales and sarcomas, and it looked very sick. There was still sticky mucus on his body, dripping continuously.

With a huge body of seven or eight meters in height, both hands hold a huge stick polished out of coral. With a light wave, even the warship in front of you will be smashed into two. That kind of power is shocking.

A total of eighteen large sea kingfish soldiers came out of the sea and swept toward the harbor.

"This seems to be the legendary sea kingfish, each of them is of silver rank, but with this physique, even if the golden warrior wants to kill them with one move, it is very difficult. Commander, what should we do."

The commander was also sweating coldly at this time. Looking at what they look like today, does this mean to completely flatten the port where he is located. "Damn, prepare the missiles for me. Kill those sea kingfishes first, and the air force will give them a taste of two missiles."

After speaking, the commander gritted his teeth and said: "Let everyone prepare for Once the port island is lost, all people will evacuate immediately." The commander was extremely angry and aggrieved in his heart.

"Then commander, you, won't you go with us."

The commander was completely unprepared: "Your lord asked me to guard the island here. The island is with me. I will not leave. The others are talents and can't be lost here. I will keep some secrets here in the end. Destroy it, and it won’t let outsiders get it. Don’t say it, I’m determined."

The guard looked at the commander deeply, and for a long time, he finally bowed and said: "According to the commander, your subordinates will do it.

Accompanied by the blasting sound of the air current, ten missiles were launched, and two of them were facing the air, where the black water fins were located, in the direction where the two black water fins were relatively dense and close.

The black-fin forwards who were slaughtering the airships frantically were laughing at this moment, laughing at the cowardness of those colleagues, laughing at Morton's courage, and suddenly discovered that a large and round thing was flying towards him.

Overseas, Chi Nan used the missile publicly only once, because of the concealment of the Karan family, none of these people knew it.

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