The Rise of Plants

Chapter 831: Sea that won't freeze

"I hope you don't regret it, Grand Duke Blackmail." Puliji stared at the man in front of him and said in a deep voice.

   "Huh, don't hurry back to command the fleet, if you lose this battle, then it's useless to let anyone come." A flash of pride flashed in Lexos's eyes, so what if he is the best general.

   is not a member of the Karan family, nor is it from a few other top families. Although the title is not low, but there is no foundation. The myth before losing a battle is completely shattered. No way, who let the last battle lose so badly, Puliji has not experienced such a battle yet.

   Puliji got up slowly, and said coldly: "No, you bother, I'll go to jail."

   As he said, Puliji didn't give Blackmail a chance to speak, and turned his head and walked out. Behind the scenes, Blacksos's complacency was suddenly destroyed, with fierce eyes gleaming in his eyes.

   "Don't do anything for me, hum, when this battle is over, I will see what else you have to say."

  Lesuos didn't mean to chase Puliji. Isn't he just a civilian promoted admiral, just an ordinary person, what's the matter, how can it be compared with the noble self.

   Blackmail is constantly improving the defense system, and Blackmail is not worried at all about whether he can prevent him. The Port of Tomorrow that has been armed to this level, even if the other two big families join forces to attack, don't even think about taking it. What a mere outsider can do, but it's just being given a myth by those losers.

   And at this time, Puliji was also put in prison. The war was about to come, and no one was in the mood to pay attention to him.

  In just three days, the army of both sides has assembled. The airship in the rear also slowly blocked the surrounding area and was able to attack at any time to bomb the entire port of Tomorrow.

"The airship should not go in for the time being. They have set up all defenses. I have seen a lot of magic light cannons against the air. So, let those warships consume their power first. In addition, tell everyone to be careful and not too much. It's not good to be close to the front of the battlefield, otherwise it will be affected and die."

   Olna asked calmly. During this period, many people died in the army because of the war. Although Chi Nan has recruited a lot of new soldiers, new recruits always have to go through training to become talents.

  As the army of plants grows faster and faster, people on their side feel that they are not enough.

   "Don't worry, we all understand that now, the fleet is attacking me in accordance with our previous drill." Kutch laughed when he received the order. "Haha, we are going to turn tomorrow's harbor into ice."

   The warship ahead, received the order and began to push forward in accordance with the formation. As soon as the two sides entered firing range, they had already begun to attack. Moreover, the Karan family warship, which was waiting for work and had a slightly longer range, attacked the first wave. The waves rolled over the entire sea, and countless water cannons shook the defensive barriers of many warships.

   The launch of the water cannon just didn't stop, and then countless ice cannons were also launched. Under the impetus of magic, the big ice block smashed into the camp of the Karan Navy, and the defense barrier of the Karan Navy began to vibrate.

   There are too many warships on the battlefield, and there is often a phenomenon of gathering fire. Not long after the battle began, many water cannons and ice cannons focused their attacks, smashing the defensive barrier of a battleship.

   Then the two sides entered the previous situation of confrontation and confrontation. A series of water cannons left large pits on the wooden battleship, and then turned them into fragments.

   And ice cannons also fell on the battleship one after another, breaking the battleship into pieces. Before long, debris was everywhere on the sea, like a large garbage dump. Even the accumulation of debris in some places makes it difficult for nearby ships to move. But even so, the two sides continued to fire and attack.

   But after fighting for a while, the commanders on the temporary naval headquarters felt something was wrong. They had already launched small satellites before to fully monitor all the surrounding areas.

   Under the surveillance of small satellites, everything around them could not escape their eyes. On a large ship, many screens are placed around it, showing different images in different areas.

  Kaqi pointed to the front and said: "Look here, everyone seems to have weakened the power of our ice cannons. Originally, ice cannons attacked so intensively, it should freeze the sea, but everyone looks here."

A young mage next to    shook his head and said, "No, it's not that there is no freezing, but it quickly melted after freezing. This seems to be because of this." The mage pointed to a rune on the surface of the opponent's ship.

"Although I don't know this rune, look at the records here. After the ice blocks the seawater the rune emits a faint light, which should have worked. Then the surrounding ice It’s melted away. It doesn’t depend on high temperature to melt, but the ice cubes naturally melt. The temperature of the sea should meet the requirements.”

   That's right, the temperature has reached a very low level, and there are still a lot of water elements, but this has not frozen, then there is a problem. No ship is like this, so there is no freezing place on the entire sea.

  Although a large number of ice cubes continue to appear on the sea, there are also ice cubes dropped by the ice cannon. But these ice cubes won't last long at all, and will quickly melt away and return to sea water.

   originally wanted to use the ice to freeze the opponent's actions, or even freeze the opponent's attacks, but this completely failed.

   "It's really not easy for the Karan family to stand in Daifeng overseas. After letting them know the flaws of the frozen sea last time, they actually came up with such a method immediately."

   Originally, Kutch thought that the opponent was going to change the weapons on the fleet, but the time was too short and it was definitely too late. Who knows that they actually thought of such a plan to draw wages from the bottom of the tank, and directly used the rune of dissolving ice to solve this problem. "It really is a family that is good at water magic, and it really has its own uniqueness in the use of water elements.

   In a short period of time, they have already seen that this rune is not a fire attribute, but a water attribute, but the specific situation is not understood. It seems that we need to find some samples and study them.

   The current scene has become a situation of confrontation. It happened that the number of opponents was more than that of our own, and only the warships were consumed. I am afraid that they are really not their opponents, so we need to think of other methods.

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