The Rise of Plants

Chapter 840: The active guards

"Quick, it's here, my God, what is this." Finally, the soldiers from all sides arrived here. But when they saw the tall figure, they were desperate.

"No matter what is behind is our home, our family is still waiting for our protection." The middle-aged man rushed forward, and the long sword in his hand slashed fiercely, forming a sharp blue vindictiveness. Sharp edge.

It's just that this sharp blade fell on the King Kong Demon Ape's leg, but it only shot down a few golden hairs. The King Kong Demon Ape looked down and suddenly roared, this little bug actually made himself feel pain. Chi Nan frowned a little, the King Kong Demon Ape would be hit by a silver warrior before reacting.

Sure enough, using plants instead of brain-controlled monsters is a lot slower. This kind of reaction speed, if you are fighting a monster of the same level, maybe the opponent will seize the opportunity to kill after a few moves.

However, the Golden Beast is the Golden Beast. Although the reaction is slow, the attack speed is very fast. A quick flick of a finger at this side, at this time the silver warrior had not recovered from the stiffness of the move.

Unbelievable in his eyes, before he waited for the next move, a golden ball bounced from the King Kong Demon Ape hit him. Among the golden orbs, the silver warrior had no chance to scream. He was beaten into pieces of meat on the spot, and his armor was turned into pieces, and he flew out quickly toward the rear.

These pieces of armor and meat fragments were like bullets, sieving the soldiers who followed.

In the air, Galio saw this scene and smiled slightly: "Now the scene has been completely controlled, in order to let you feel closer, so next we have to enter the battlefield and participate in the battle."

Galio raised his voice: "I don't know what is going on in the other armies. Maybe you think that in our army, casualties are always very small, and there are very few deaths, as long as you can safely and safely command the battle behind. Yes. But let me tell you that other people’s troops on time are not our guard reserve."

"The training of our guard reserve has always been the most dangerous. Soldiers who are not on the battlefield are not good soldiers. Even if there is danger, we have to rush forward. Only those who are tempered in this environment are the real guards. ."

Looking around, Galio said loudly: "Now you tell me whether you want to participate in the next battle. If you don't participate, you can stay now and be a coward in the back of the army in the future."

After a long time, no one asked to quit. Galio’s eyes flashed with relief: "Very well, since you have all decided, then we will go down. This time, as long as we can go back alive, I will apply for you all to ask Lord Sworn allegiance." Hearing this, the guards finally became excited.

There is a saying in the guard reserve that only the guards who swore allegiance to the lord are the real guards.

After allegiance, there is not only a kind of pride, but also a better secret method and more resources, which can enable them to continuously improve. Today's guard reserve team, not everyone who reaches the silver level has the opportunity to be loyal.

Only those who are qualified in all aspects are eligible for allegiance. Only they are qualified to obtain the golden-level vindictive secret technique. The secret method they practice now is not complete and lacks follow-up.

Where no one paid attention, a few more airships landed. The guards and reserves scattered in these airships jumped out, instantly hid among the ruins of the battlefield, and moved forward quietly.

At this time, Galio, as the leader, did not intend to return alone, and appeared on the battlefield like a ghost.

In the middle of the ruined battlefield, there was a scream from time to time. These guards usually receive the most rigorous training, which is far from what ordinary soldiers can enjoy. These soldiers in the port of tomorrow, facing these guards and reserves, even if they are silver masters of the same level, it is still difficult to stop their attacks.

With the participation of these people, and the rapid advancement of a large number of plant weapons around, at this moment, half of the range of tomorrow's port has been completely swallowed, and the speed of occupation is still accelerating.

In the underground headquarters at the rear, Duke Blacksos's face became more and more ugly, and his heart became more and more desperate. When the golden level of beasts appeared, Ransom even turned his head to look at the exit of the secret room frequently.

And this frequency is still increasing. It's just that every time he sees those knights, his mood keeps sinking. As long as these people are still there, he can't leave. Isn't these people afraid of death? Blackmail wanted to say something, but he could only withdraw when the words came to his lips, because he knew those people would not listen to him.

Several times, Blackmail wanted to escape desperately, but thinking of the order and thinking that these people would really kill him without hesitation, Blackmail could only calm down and stay here.

Over time, Blacksos felt that he had no hope.

That huge King Kong Demon Ape was about to reach the front two mage towers at this time. What is faster than the King Kong Demon Ape is the airships, and the surrounding bat missiles are falling down one by one.

A thin magic barrier appeared around the first two mage towers, but under the attack of bat missiles, this magic barrier was constantly weakening. The only magical power in the mage tower is quickly evaporating.

According to this trend, perhaps these two mage towers will not last long at all. What they just don't understand is why the Wizard Tower hasn't moved up until now, and it doesn't even mean to fight back.

"It's not that the wizards have already escaped." A soldier whispered.

"Impossible, the mages will not flee without a fight. The two previous magics may have exhausted the magic powers of the mages." This is a more reliable guess, and the mages really have no magic power anymore.

The newly constructed Mage Tower does not have enough magic power in its reserves. At this moment, as the magic power is exhausted, the ability to resist the attack of bat missiles is getting weaker and weaker. When the gold-class bat missile fell, the defensive barrier began to evaporate quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at this time it had become almost transparent.

"The Mage Tower is about to fall, what shall we do." The soldiers asked in their hearts. Even the Mage Tower couldn't support it, and they couldn't even do it. The Mage Tower was like a monument mark on the battlefield.

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