The Rise of Plants

Chapter 849: A blooming base

Although Chi Nan promised to deliver food to Binghai Town, he still did not allow Binghai Town’s ships to launch. On the sea in the distance, two plant battleships can be seen moving back and forth, and a large net is falling down.

It didn't take long for a large number of fish to be caught and sent to the town.

Puliji already knew about the matter here, and didn't say anything. After all, it was now under lockdown. Some of the grievances that had originally been made to the Holy Tree Leader also disappeared at this time.

Look at Puliji and others at this time, there is a green plant on the ear. This plant is only external. In fact, the inside has gone deep along the ear to the position close to the brain. As long as they move again, this thing will explode.

The explosion is not very powerful, but it is no problem to destroy their brains.

Thanks to the hard work of these people and the active cooperation of Blackmail, the port of Tomorrow, including a large area behind it, has become the occupied area of ​​Chinan, and this area is full of plant weapons.

But at this time, Chi Nan still did not stop, and the plant army continued to gather and continue to slowly expand forward. The airships in the sky cooperate with the ground plants to occupy more and more areas.

In just a few days, a lot of land on the border of Karan Island was occupied. And above these occupied areas, there is not nothing, because there are bases everywhere, blooming everywhere.

The front-line command once again established a base development unit. These people's work all day is the same as playing games, controlling the development of their bases, and constantly expanding and growing. These bases seem to be nailed around one by one, but no matter how much people on Kalan Island hate, there is no way.

There is not even one in the entire base, only plant weapons, and the speed of reproduction and development is very fast. There are not as many corpses as insects on Karan Island to provide them with energy, so the development speed is much slower.

But they also don't have as many insects, and there are not so many enemies and threats.

The Karan family has launched many attacks, but apart from the two bases that were destroyed by their sneak attacks at the beginning, none of them have been destroyed since then. Instead, they are all unlocking and developing normally.

In just a few days, some bases have begun to produce the most inferior airships. At this time, Chi Nan was already very satisfied. At this speed, it won't take long for the base to form a climate.

Not only Chi Nan, but also officials at all levels of the Sacred Tree Leadership think so. And some things that happened here were also selectively announced, because Chi Nan is now planning to build a program similar to a TV station, otherwise it would not be so easy for civilians to know this kind of thing. Because of these news, the spies of the Holy Dragon Empire are even more busy.

"Damn it, what exactly is this place? Has no one infiltrated in the north? Give me an investigation as soon as possible."

"Such a huge population and region, as well as their special weapons, these have never been seen before. If we can learn and study, our flying boat will definitely be stronger."

The sacred dragon empire and the nobles of various kingdoms are not stupid, don't you know what this means when you see these things. It's just that they haven't been found, which makes them feel very headache.

"Perhaps, we can look for it along the sea. Although it didn't show it on the previous screen, but you look at this screen. There is a water area nearby. Such a huge water area is definitely the sea. We can still find it as long as we look along the sea. "

Hearing this person's words, the nobles of the other Sacred Dragon Empire around suddenly realized: "Yes, you are right. We should look for it along the sea. Just try to avoid the eyes and ears of the Sacred Tree Collar."

He has been doing business with the Sacred Tree Leader, but they have never regarded the Sacred Tree Leader as a partner. This is a fast-growing enemy, a hungry wolf sleeping on his doorstep.

Chi Nan didn't know that the news he sent before revealed something, so the development is still step by step.

The situation in Chinan was calm, but the people on the Karan family couldn't sit still.

At this time, in the Karan family hall, the high-level family and some important generals gathered in this place. "Everyone, the situation is very dangerous now, what should we do."

"What else can you do? It was your idea to attack them in a sneak attack before. What else you said they only dared to condemn a few times. Whatever happens now, they are about to wipe out our Karan Island."

"Shut up, didn't you think that those airships were as vulnerable as I thought before. If there are no new airships, we will be the one who has landed the other side's island."

"Enough, you all shut up, now what we have to consider is how to solve the matter in front of us. If we continue to quarrel, no one is willing to bear the loss of our Karan family." When the patriarch opened his mouth, everyone shut up.

"Don't you still have to surrender, so where will the face of our family be put, and the hatred of the elder will be forgotten."

After a long time, someone finally started to fight and hug the injustice, but when he heard this, the patriarch looked hesitant. "Vengeance? How to revenge? The elder is the most powerful existence in our family, and the only golden mage. How can we do with this grudge? We went to assassinate our lord at that time, you also saw the result~www, assassinated Chi Nan twice, failed both times, and both times they received a very serious counterattack, which made them discredited. Finally, they wanted to regain their confidence, but found that the enemy was developing. More powerful.

A gold-level mage is not only a powerful combat power, but also a symbol of the family. Now that the news of the death of the Great Elder came, many people from all over the country had their own ideas.

Even in some places, they secretly play the banner of wanting to be independent. Although no one really ran out to rebel, if it wasn't for someone who deliberately asked someone to preach it, people like them would not believe it if they were killed.

"I think we might be able to find someone to negotiate. After all, they didn't have any losses. We attacked on the initiative before. That's right. Now it's like this. As long as we are willing to reconcile, there will be no problem."

"Yes, I don't think they dare to be too scorching."

The patriarch lowered his head and considered for a while, and agreed with this statement: "Then, let's get in touch with them next. Miso, this matter is left to you, I hope you don't shame the family." The patriarch faced a young man. The person said.

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