The Rise of Plants

Chapter 855: See also invisible assassination

In a small col, a group of soldiers were sitting together. There was a bonfire in the middle, and there were some barbecues beside them. Yes, this is a normal soldier rarely seen on the battlefield.

These people are not others, they are just a group of guards and members of the guard reserve. They all used this battle to try to break through the cultivation base. Those who make a temporary breakthrough will go back for the next consolidation training.

Only Galio, the golden warrior, has always been here because he didn't break through on the battlefield.

At this time, this place was already very close to the Karan family's clan. "At our speed, we will be able to reach the Karan family's clan territory tomorrow. At that time, we will take it all at once, and the scope of our territory will be expanded again."

"Great, the stronger the territory, the more benefits we have."

"Bang" "You know the benefits, don't you know how much our territory is helpful to civilian life and our own safety."

"Of course I know, and I need you to remind me that if it weren't taken in by the territory, I still don't know what will happen. You think it's hello, don't I just talk about the real idea."

"Okay, don’t make trouble. Recharge your energy today, and tomorrow there will be a hard fight. We have already reached the family land of the Karan family, and the resistance we encountered must be the strongest. Not only the most troops, but also the previous ones. Those masters who gathered up should also appear. And, there may be some special circumstances."

The guard next to him didn't care: "Haha, isn't this what we want? With this war, I will definitely be able to break through the current bottleneck and become a new golden warrior. When the time comes, hehe..."

"Just dream, if it is so easy to break through gold, we have not all broken through. If you want me to say, the next breakthrough must be me." The guard pointed to his face with a smug expression.

A member of the reserve team next to him asked: "Captain Galio, what's the special situation you mentioned?"

They are a reserve team, and their strength is not that strong yet. Breaking through gold is still far away from them. What they want to do now is to break through the silver so that they can become full members or expatriate members.

"Special circumstances, it's some special skills, such as magic, and it still works with the magic of the mage tower. If this is hit, even I may not be able to survive. And magic has many special effects, no one I don’t know what will happen, such as what I will encounter..."

The people around them opened their eyes and raised their ears, ready to listen. This is all the experience of the seniors. These experiences can make them survive on the battlefield. Although they want to break through, no one wants to die.

However, they did not realize that Galio's eyes had changed. Because in Galio's eyes, this special situation has already appeared. Because just now, Galio suddenly noticed that a stone in the distance moved.

It was a small stone, originally very inconspicuous, but if nothing touched it, the stone would never move aside. Although the range is not large, it is a stone.

Without small animals and nothing else, this stone moves very strangely. Galio said this to the others while carefully observing from the sidelines. Finally, another branch was found to move. Although it was very slight, under the deliberate observation of a golden warrior, this scene was accurately captured.

If they are connected in a straight line, isn't this position just coming in your direction.

"Is it an assassin? I finally met you again." As the first group of guards, Galio knew more than the others. Including the two assassinations that Chi Nan encountered, the first one was not present.

But the second time, he assassinated the lord in front of him. Since coming here, Galio has paid much attention to these things. The silent assassination is really terrifying.

Unexpectedly, I also encountered it today. Fortunately, I have always been vigilant and have been observing the surroundings. And his luck is also good, otherwise it would be impossible to notice the strange movement of the stone. Regardless of whether it is or not, you must be careful anyway. Galio secretly raised his vigilance to the maximum.

Finally, it was the third event, and this time the other party had gradually approached him. "Sure enough, as I thought, this assassin's target is me."

"Captain Galio, for example, what do you mean, please make it clear." Someone was impatient.

Galio laughed loudly: "For example, a special method of the Karan family can completely hide people, and it is difficult to find if they are used to assassinate others. It's like this!"

Galio's eyes suddenly condensed, and his whole aura exploded completely. The people around were suddenly shocked by this momentum, and some of them didn't react for a while, and they didn't know what their captain was doing.

But Galio didn't say anything. He quickly drew out the long sword in his hand and swiped it fiercely in front of him. A huge sword energy reached more than three meters in width, and the further he flew, the longer the width, horizontally. Covered an area in front completely. The sudden attack made a group of guards confused about the situation.

But the next moment a person suddenly appeared in the air. This person is holding two strangely shaped knives, one long and one short. The long one is thick and has an obvious curvature, and the short one is very ordinary, and neither knife reflects light.

With the long knife horizontally, this vindictiveness was blocked. "How did you discover me?" The man said gloomily.

"It's really hard for you, a lot of years old have to fight like a young man on the battlefield." Galio said as he looked at the gray-haired man who was obviously an old guy. At the same time, he became vigilant, because the person in front of him was actually a golden warrior. The gold master who has never appeared on the bright side, sure enough, there are hidden people in the Karan family.

The visitors stared at Galio, and Galio finally said, "No matter how hidden you are, you still have to step on the ground when you move forward. Just now when I saw you walking, some stones moved strangely. ."

"The observation is really careful, amazing junior. The gray blade of the old Kalan family, I'm here."

"Galio, the deputy captain of the guards of the sacred tree collar, has seen the seniors, but it is a pity that they will be born and die as soon as they meet." The two people stared at each other tightly, none of them dared to take it lightly.

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