The Rise of Plants

Chapter 857: Feiyan's 1st grudge cut

Turned around to release his own tricks, shot out the grudge, and then turned back to block. The series of movements are quick and concise, which can be said to be the peak of one's own skills, which is dizzying.

Even Galio had to praise him, he was indeed a veteran gold master.

This sting of oneself was actually blocked by the opponent. Although the grudge did not recover, there was no time to fully mobilize. But he still resisted himself with a grudge that could only mobilize a little bit.

The impact produced could not hurt the opponent anymore, and could only make the grey blade retreat. If it were a normal attack, Grey Blade would really block it. Even if it is a sneak attack, I am afraid there will be no way to take him down for a while.

But Galio smiled, his smile looked so dazzling to Grey Blade, and the sense of fear had not disappeared.

That's right, Galio's Feiyan cut is not that simple. That is a grudge cut formed by the combination of three small arcs. At this moment, Feiyan Zhan's three arc-shaped Dou Qi Zhan actually separated.

The quarrel ball smashed the middle arc, but the quarrel on the other two sides bypassed the condensed quarrel and still flew in the direction of the gray blade, with an unusually tricky and weird angle.

However, due to the fact that Gray Blade resisted Galio's attack, the fighting spirit would be unable to lift it up for a while, and his body was knocked back. There was no way to control his body, and he could only use the fighting energy shield on his body to resist.

Between the gray blades, there was no room for hair, and the difficult dodge, unexpectedly escaped with a grudge cut. The last fighting qi cut still hit the gray blade fiercely, and the vindictive shield on the gray blade was shattered after resisting it.

With this opportunity, Hui Blade desperately wanted to avoid this attack, but it was still a little slower. Avoiding important positions, but his left shoulder was suddenly cut off. A large triangle of flesh and blood was cut off from the shoulder, and this arm was immediately scrapped. In the flesh and blood, the bones are dense, and even the bone has been cut off.

If it weren't for the skin and flesh to connect, I'm afraid this arm would fall.

Grey Blade gritted his teeth and said nothing, but the cold sweat on his head showed how bad the condition of Grey Blade was at this time.

Galio exclaimed in his heart, but he didn't intend to compromise at all. The two were enemies now. The last vindictive blade flew over, but Galio didn't care. Raise the long sword in his hand and stab it out again.

The arc-shaped battle qi cut directly hit Galio's long sword, but did not produce the slightest impact, instead it blended into the long sword's vindictiveness. In an instant, the grudge on the long sword became stronger.

Dou Qi rushed out through the long sword, and the seriously injured Grey Blade could no longer dodge, and instinctively blocked the long sword in front of him, but the left knife left the palm of his hand and spun out.

"Puff" Galio broke through the defense and pierced the heart of Grey Blade with a sword, but almost at the same time, the knife that Grey Blade got out of the palm of his hand fell into Galio's armor and pierced his shoulder. If it hadn't been for Galio to take a step back, who felt the danger, perhaps he would die together.

Hui Blade's eyes flashed with unwillingness, and finally closed his eyes. "What a great old guy, he almost died just now."

After Galio was terrified, who could have imagined that Grey Blade, which was severely injured in his left arm, could still use the remaining vindictive energy to issue such a secret and powerful attack. An attack that looked like a dagger falling, but it could pierce his own vindictive shield.

Slowly pulling out the long sword, Galio had already started to heal the wound with the help of his companions. "Fortunately, there is no poison on this, otherwise it will be dangerous." The guards whispered as they treated the wound.

"It would be weird if it is poisonous, how could such a master use this method. Few people who like to use poison can reach the gold level." This is also true, and everyone nodded.

"What was the trick just now? Why is it so powerful that Dou Qi Slash will split and turn."

The official guard next to him said proudly: "Haha, this is a decision made by our guards after a long discussion. Didn't the lord say that we have no tricks? We looked for many tricks."

"This move Feiyan Slash is the housekeeping skill of the legendary warrior who is very famous in the world. It can send out a small vindictive blade, which can be turned in the air, and it can be reintegrated into the weapon to increase attack power and restore its own vindictiveness. It won't be wasted at all. This move is a deadly killer move we chose."

"Then why is the grudge blade so small, is it really powerful?"

"How could it not be, because the power of the blade is small, it's because the power is compressed, not the huge fighting blade you see. In terms of power, this small fighting blade is bigger, didn't you just see it."

Thinking about it, it was really that such a small fighting spirit blade could easily break through the gray blade's fighting spirit defense, and it also created such a scary scar. It would be great if you could learn it by yourself. I am now a member of the Guards Reserve in the future. Isn't it normal to learn Feiyan Slash? Many reserve team members are already looking forward to it.

"It is said that when this trick is cultivated to the extreme, it can sway hundreds of fighting qi slashes all over the sky, and each of them can fly freely like a bird. The legendary master at the beginning was almost invincible with this trick."

They knew that world, it was the undead world on the opposite side. But I didn't expect that there are such masters in that Unfortunately, even if there are such masters, isn't the world all destroyed? "In the future, when you reach the silver level, you will be able to practice Feiyan Slash, although there is only one basis. Remember to practice well, this trick is enough for you. Other tricks and so on can be completely thrown aside, no Need to consider."

After all, they were chosen by thousands of choices, which represents the eyes of all guards.

At this moment, Chi Nan also received the list and information of those assassinated on the front line. "I know, they definitely still have such a method. Fortunately, that kind of medicine is not so easy to make, otherwise it's really scary."

Looking at the report, there were as many as 30 people who were attacked on their side. It seemed that they were really driven to a dead end. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to use this method.

Among the more than 30 people who were assassinated, only three used that kind of medicine to hide themselves completely. Just like when he assassinated himself, when he was close to the target, the target couldn't even notice anything.

If it weren't for luck, Galio had spotted the opponent in advance, this time it would definitely be ill-fated.

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