The Rise of Plants

Chapter 867: Floating city under construction

Floating city has always been a big event. When everyone received the design of the floating city, they were already very enthusiastic. Now that the experimental construction is started, it has attracted countless people.

Even Sophia temporarily put aside his own affairs and went to the scene with Chi Nan.

Although both Hemila and Weiweisi thought about it, they both had a lot of things to be busy at present and couldn't get away at all. Hey, other people turn over the sign every night, so when you get to yourself, you don't have this kind of treatment anymore.

Chi Nan thought inexplicably, but it would be nice to have Sophie pull over. In the recent period, how can I always feel that a few of them are gathering less and more. Even if there are crystal boards that can communicate with each other, they still have this feeling.

Forget it, no matter so much. Early in the morning, Chi Nan flew to the northern coast with Sophia who was not sleeping well. This place is also the place where the floating city is really built, and the two in the south are only used to cover people's ears.

"First of all, our foundation has been designed. These are the few. You can choose one first."

Sophia pointed to the foundations of several huge cities on the seashore, each of which was the size of a town and was much larger than the real fortress. Of course, this is only an experimental model, and it is still not enough compared to a real floating city. From Chinan's point of view, a true floating city must be at least as big as a normal city.

In other words, the diameter of these foundations will be expanded by about five to ten times.

Forget it, let's do this for now: "Use that one first, and that one is lighter."

"That? Although it is relatively light, it has fewer pillars and is not so strong. It is prone to problems." Sophia frowned when she saw the foundation that Chi Nan was pointing at.

Chi Nan didn't care: "It doesn't matter, it's all used for testing anyway. Afterwards, it basically has to be dismantled or put in other places. It doesn't matter if it fails.

"Since you said that, let's start. Sister Hemira, Sister Weiwei, you two have no objection."

Although the two of them are very busy and can't come here in person, they can still contact here through Jingban. The two temporarily put down the information in their hands, nodded in agreement, and then became busy again.

This look really made Chi Nan feel a little distressed. As for the fact that their territory is so stable, they are still like workaholics. Sometimes, Chi Nan is really envious of those who have married the vase, at least being able to accompany him all the time. Forget it, that's fine too.

Chi Nan shook his head, and then began to direct everyone to build. Chi Nan himself also used his own magic power to assist in the construction. It's not enough to rely on Chinan in such a big city.

The foundation has been laid, the next step is the pillar. In terms of the main pillars, there are only twelve in this city, which is considered to be the fewest. After using the fiber hollow structure, the overall column is very light.

Just connect the pillars, and then the other brackets. As everyone continues to install them, the whole city is gradually filled. "It seems that the space inside the pillars is also very large. Perhaps the structure can be changed to make the center of the pillars a form that allows people to enter."

Sophia shook her head and said, "These are load-bearing pillars. If there is a problem with these pillars, then it will be dangerous."

Chi Nan waved his hand and said, "But after all, there is a lot of space inside, as long as there are no problems here. For example, these places are not allowed to enter by ordinary workers, and they are transformed into other functional structures."

"I agree that the city also needs its own secret facilities, such as spy organizations."

It’s not Sophia’s spy organization who proposed this, but Hemila.

Upon hearing the words, Sophia also nodded in agreement: "It's okay, at least the load-bearing column is in the hands of her own. But if this is the case, then the load-bearing column may be a little heavier."

Coupled with special facilities, it will naturally increase the weight. "I know, isn't this being tested? If the test passes, of course there is no problem." While building, everyone looked for new problems and some deficiencies. It was just design before, and there are really no way to see many things.

With the help of airships and various plant engineering equipment, and Chi Nan's assistance from the side, the entire town was built very quickly. In less than five days, the framework of the first town was established.

"Now it's time to test the actual meaning, and start to put some wooden people in it, and some plant weapons for testing, increase the weight, and imitate the normal operation of a city."

Following Chinan's words, a large amount of wood entered this new town. This kind of wooden people used to be used in Chinan to make weapons, but later discovered that this thing was not practical and not as good as the little tree spirit, so it was gone. Unexpectedly, it can be used as a dummy for simulation tests.

Simulation with a plant brain is different from the simulation in nature after all. When the loading was completed, Chi Nan ordered the town to be lifted into the sky. Soon, the entire town flew to an altitude of thousands of meters.

"Just here, let the dummies imitate some of the usual actions of people's lives and for testing. Now, we are starting to make the second town." The first town has already begun to enter the test state. .

At least the next month or so will be spent in this test. The role of those wooden people is to constantly toss, try to find out more various problems, and avoid the same problems in the new city.

Once there, everyone will be more familiar with it the second time. The establishment of the second city may be one day faster than the previous city in time, and the next one should be faster. As a result, a few days later, the second city flew into the air.

"We also need some special weapons, and wind cannons are not suitable in this case." Sophia put forward her own opinions.

"It's really inappropriate, but we don't have any better conventional weapons now. Another point is that the city flying in the sky is like a living target. We need a way to hide. You said, use magic to create clouds and fog to cover ourselves. How is it?" Chi Nan looked at the city flying alone in the air, suddenly felt that the mystery was not enough.

"Create clouds? That's good. People on the ground can't see the city in the sky, and even if they want to attack, they can't aim. It's just that the clouds created by this kind of magic can't stop the wizard's perception."

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