The Rise of Plants

Chapter 884: We come for peace

The previous skirmishes were nothing, but now such large-scale conflicts are finally regarded as wars.

"The army of the Holy Dragon Empire, why are you innocently attacking our territory?" Chi Nan transmitted his voice to the front line through transmission, and then amplified it through a loudspeaker, which could be heard throughout the battlefield.

"The sacred tree collar's ability is really good. It can spread the sound throughout the battlefield. Only our empires have been able to do this." Bruce frowned when he heard this voice. I have to say that the sacred tree collar that emerged from nowhere is developing too fast, which is a huge threat.

Although their main force has not been dispatched yet, isn't the opposing airship also not dispatched either.

Bruce said to the people around him: "Connect my voice and spread it all over the battlefield."

The operation was quickly completed, the person next to him nodded, and Bruce also began to say loudly: "We are here for peace."

"Peace? All you bring is war." Chi Nan said disdainfully. It seems that everyone who initiates a war will say that he is for peace, but it is not weird why he wants war for peace.

"Your sacred tree leader attacked Karan Island for no reason, resulting in the destruction of the innocent Karan family. As an empire, we have the right to maintain peace in any human region. Now hand over Karan Island and return it to the Karan family, we can Forget the past."

Return the Karan family? The Karan family is now dead and clean except for a few guys who are not a direct line. What else is the Karan family. But listening to them, it seems that someone from the Karan family informed them of this position.

Has the Karan family already surrendered? But no matter what, Chi Nan couldn't admit it.

"The Karan family innocently attacked our Sacred Tree Island, and we are just fighting back. The Karan family has done all the evil things, and we are justified in taking over Karan Island in accordance with the people's will." Isn't it just talking nonsense with your eyes open, who won't.

"We have taken over the entire Karan Island. This is overseas, not on the mainland, nor under the management of your Sacred Dragon Empire. Everything that happens here is our own problem, and you have no right to intervene."

Bruce frowned, which seemed to be the case in terms of scope. However, how can they show weakness.

"The entire world is managed by the four empires. Since it is close to the Sacred Dragon Empire, it is naturally under the management of the Sacred Dragon Empire. Now, you immediately leave Karan Island, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

The words are really not polite, Chi Nan sneered in his heart, everyone actually knew what they wanted to do. This time the battle was inevitable. If they took a step back, then they would have to make progress.

"Since this is overseas, the rules on the mainland cannot be used. Moreover, even on the mainland, not the four empires can manage all regions." Chi Nan continued to quarrel with the other side.

Think about it, too, the dragon clan of the Dragon Valley, the elves of the elves forest, and the plains of the undead, they are all powerful forces that are not inferior to the four empires, how can they listen to their jurisdiction.

The so-called four empires are just because there are only four empires. His own holy tree leader, it can be said that, except for the legendary level master, it will definitely not be worse than an empire in every aspect. If you count the people's livelihood, the lives of ordinary civilians are definitely better than the civilian lives of the four empires.

"You are going your own way. Since you don't listen to advice, use your strength to speak."

"Hmph, it should be like this a long time ago. Haven't you already called. Why didn't you issue a notice before." Chi Nan went back without hesitation. It's all fighting, now what's the use of these.

Before, the two parties were just testing each other's attitude. Since both sides are so tough, the war that has already fought is absolutely impossible to stop.

Ahead, those flying boats are still pushing forward. At this time, the six teams have gradually separated and approached the back of the defense. The line of defense here is not just the fixed defense.

The transformed ships are constantly moving on the sea at this time, and each ship has a huge ground-to-air wind cannon. While advancing quickly, he attacked the flying boat flying in the air.

Because of the continuous advancement of activities, it is a lot more difficult for Feizhou to target these ships. At least, it's a bit more difficult than those fixed wind cannons that stay on the ground and won't move. In the past, only one attack would inevitably destroy a target, but now this probability has been reduced to 70%. Although the attack effect was still good, some deviations appeared after all.

With just such a slight deviation, those flying boats who dared to take their heads lost much faster than before.

After a while, the hummingbirds flew on the ships that were eliminated. There are also some battered hummingbirds that have been eliminated almost long ago, and they have begun to exert their last residual heat.

Especially those who explode hummingbirds can close to the target and explode. At first, everyone on the flying boat thought it was a variant of the Bat missile. Later, it was discovered that the power of the explosion was not so great, and this was a sigh of relief.

But there are flying hummingbirds everywhere in the sky, and under the combined attack on the sea, these flying boats are simply struggling. The rate of loss is constantly increasing by geometric multiples.

"It turns out that war can still be fought like they have provided us with a good idea."

Bruce looked at the front line, not only did not feel distressed, but was very happy. The effect of such coordinated operations seems to be very strong. Even when his strength is far weaker than his own, he can still cause such a big damage to himself.

"My lord, this is not the time to think about this." The nobles beside them felt uncomfortably tight.

At the same time, Chi Nan, who was observing the battlefield, also discovered the other party's intention: "Six attack routes? According to this direction, there are a total of 14 possible attack positions. With their strength, it is indeed sufficient, but it is impossible. So. Said that there must be a deliberate misleading of our attack route. This is to lure us into dividing our forces."

"Although there are not many strategies that can be used in aerial battles, they can be used well to give full play to the advantages of strategies." Sophia looked at the route calculated by the vegetative brain and also put forward her own opinions.

"But absolute strength is strength, no matter what strategy is used, it is useless. Well, it still has to be calculated. If you lose too much, you will not be able to deter other forces that come in the future."

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