The Rise of Plants

Chapter 905: Can't wait any longer

"Let me ask." After a while, Hermilla said again: "No problem, the puppet master does not only need metal to make the puppet. Because there has been no good wood, metal is used. Raham The teacher said that whether it is metal or wood, or even stone or other materials, in theory, it can be used."

"In this case, it's okay. I give him permission and let him spawn some dragon perches to use."

Chi Nan gave the order directly, and the authority was immediately granted. At this time, Hermira said again: "Also, Mr. Raham has to apply for some red grain steel to use, there should be no problem."

Chi Nan agreed without even thinking about it: "It's just some silver-level metal, no problem, let him use it. I don't know when our tin tree can be upgraded to the golden level."

"Silver level is already very good, okay. Even if it is a magic puppet in the hands of a golden magic puppeteer, most of the material on the body is silver level. After adding the magic circle, it can reach the level of a golden magic puppet."

Well, this is somewhat similar to your own airship. "Let him study it carefully, and get some more magic puppets in the future, so that others in the back can study hard. But the main thing is finished, it should be talked about private affairs. It seems that we haven't been together for a long time."

Hermilla's face blushed slightly, she forced herself to remain dignified, and whispered: "Night, I'll go back tonight. I'm still in a meeting here, don't talk about it here."

Chi Nan smiled: "Okay, don't say it here, wait to come back tonight and speak slowly." Chi Nan's smile made Hermilla even more embarrassed. After saying a word, she hung up the communication quickly. Only Chi Nan was smirking.

"No, only Hermira can't. Weiwei Silk is still overseas and can't come back temporarily, but Sophia is nearby. Let them be together tonight." Chi Nan, who was not in business, began to plan for his own evil plan. Up. It is conceivable that the night must be another earth-shattering battle.

In this leisurely day, time passes by day by day. Chi Nan didn't feel bored either, because there were golden plants that needed to be studied by himself. Before the simplification was successful, Chi Nan would not be able to take a leisurely time.

However, the overseas situation has developed to the point where it cannot be dealt with.

The lower parliament of the Holy Dragon Empire met very frequently these days. Duke Kunon in the back looked haggard a lot. "Damn it, the strength of the holy tree leader is so strong, it is only overseas, and it has not received support from the mainland."

"Master Duke, you can't wait any longer. Now the major forces have begun to doubt. Especially those large trade unions, seem to have discovered what we are doing. When they discover overseas land, they will never give up."

Those large trade unions, their strength is definitely not worse than that of the empire, but they have always remained neutral and have no territory of their own. However, these unions' desire for land is very strong. Because of the suppression of the empire, it is impossible for them to obtain their own territory to develop on the mainland. This is a customary rule.

It is conceivable that once they discover a large overseas island, they will never give up. With the big guild in its own base area, the cohesion will be stronger, and it will soon develop to the point where it can make them tricky.

Just like the Holy Light Empire, when it first started, wasn't it a religious organization? There are also the Plains of the Undead and the Cthulhu Empire. In the beginning, they were all evil organizations, but later they developed and grew.

"Indeed, we can't wait any longer. Inform overseas and fully prepare for the war. This time we will take the Karan Island in the shortest time." Duke Konnon's expression suddenly became extremely serious.

"Well then, do you want to continue to attack Sacred Tree Island?" A nobleman asked next to him.

"No, the power of Sacred Tree Island is too strong, and the attack on Sacred Tree Island is not worth the loss. After we take down Karan Island, if we have enough power, we will attack Beast King Island and then Sea King Island. If our power is not enough, then we will infiltrate. . One day, these places belong to us."

They don't have much desire for overseas islands, but they don't want those large organizations to get it. For this reason, even if they bear a reputation for treachery, they will not hesitate.

At the same time, the increasingly tense situation also fell into Chi Nan's ears. For this reason, Chi Nan had to hold a meeting. The meetings of Shengshuling today are basically remote meetings, which are much more convenient than other places.

"Lord Lord, according to our secret investigation, we found that the affairs of overseas islands have been noticed by many large organizations. If we continue, I am afraid that even the Holy Dragon Empire will not be able to suppress it."

Holm has always been in charge of the affairs of the South, so they are very clear about the strategic policy this time.

Chi Nan nodded gently: "The Holy Dragon Empire is so troublesome. As long as it is a war, many people are required to participate. There will always be some people who will say that even if it is controlled, there is no way."

"Chi Nan, the time should have arrived now." Sophia also agreed to go to war.

"Our overseas, how many airship formations there are now." Chi Nan suddenly asked.

Without even thinking about it, Wei Wei Si said: "During this period of time, we have made every effort to develop airship formations. Now we have 263 airship formations and even more than 100 self-explosive airships have been prepared. ."

This is a terrorist, he likes to blew up so much. Thinking of more than a hundred terrifying airships that exploded, Chi Nan himself felt a little dizzy. But forget it, it's ready, at least it's a deterrent.

"Unexpectedly, there are already so many. In that case, let's start a full-scale war. We are the invaded people and don't need any excuses. First drive them away, and then completely consolidate overseas."

"Then the other two islands, our investigation shows that this time they communicated with the Holy Dragon Empire, not the members of the Karan family. Moreover, they also betrayed some of our intelligence."

Chi Nan waved his hand: "It's okay, it's normal for them to do this. But we don't take the initiative to attack them for the time being, just keep it, they regret it." With the continuous development, Chi Nan hasn't started with the land. So longing.

After having a floating city, Chi Nan found that he wanted to build a floating island in the sea, and it was not difficult to create a piece of land artificially. The most important thing is that you don't know how long it will take to digest such a huge territory today. Population, why can't population be directly produced like plants?

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