The Rise of Plants

Chapter 933: Submarine formation takes shape

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After many experiments, even Chi Nan pulled a lot of researchers to test together, this new water explosive bomb finally took shape. Except that it cannot be used on land or in the air, this kind of water bomb in the sea is not less powerful than a bat missile.

"With water bombs, this submarine basically has complete deterrence. The torpedo moves slowly, but its range is farther than that of the bat missile. Then the submarine itself, as long as the ice cannon is enough, so The configuration is similar to that of the airship. Frostbolt is not needed, but it does not need to be completely removed, and..."

Chi Nan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Since there are so many underwater submarines, an underwater aircraft carrier should also be manufactured. Underwater requires a complete platform more than the air, just like an airship carrier."

Chi Nan began a whimsical experiment. Soon, a deep-sea mothership modeled after the airship mothership was built. The shape is somewhat different because it is more streamlined.

And because of the buoyancy of the sea in the sea, the size of the deep-sea mothership can be made larger. There are also more torpedo launch ports, so that it has a strong attack capability.

Finally, Chi Nan added the kind of plant that could produce bubbles found from the Hailing clan. When the mothership docks with the submarine, or when it is needed, it will directly generate bubbles to repel the surrounding water. In this way, underwater work is easier. "It's just that, in this case, it's still a bit monotonous."

"There are hummingbird fighters in the air, so there should be in the water too, not just the mothership itself. There is no combat unit, what kind of mothership is the mothership." Chi Nan focused his eyes on the devil fish.

After a week of struggle, these manta rays were finally thoroughly studied by Chi Nan. In the water, a new combat unit appeared. It was something that looked similar to a manta ray, and could easily speed up navigation in the water.

There are two things, the propeller and the water flow controller. The speed of this devil fish fighter in the water is very close to the speed of the hummingbird fighter. And in terms of flexibility, it is higher than the Hummingbird fighter.

"It's a pity that the ice cannon can't be installed on this. That one is too big. Only ice arrows can be installed."

Chi Nan placed the ice arrow on the body of the devil fish fighter, and not one, but two. There is one under each of the two wings. When launching, the Frostbolt launchers on both sides fired one after another, full of power and coherence. Perhaps the destructive power is worse than that of wind guns, but the launch speed is incomparable.

These devil fish fighters are flat and look a lot bigger than the hummingbird fighters. But because it is too flat, it can be easily stacked together, and the same space can fit more.

Once the war begins, the mothership can easily release the overwhelming manta rays. These manta fighters can even fly on the sea surface at ultra-low altitude, even if they are fighting on the sea surface, there is no problem.

Condensed Frostbolt attacks, it is easy to form the effect of all arrows. And these are all magic effects, not comparable to human archers. After the quantity increases, the qualitative change will also occur.

"Finally, the self-detonation type is the same as the airship formation. But this self-detonation, forget it, let's study it later."

Chi Nan temporarily put down the self-explosive submarine and began to study the underwater base instead. That's right, it's an underwater base. The buoyancy in the sea is so strong, Chi Nan doesn't want to just waste it like that.

Now that the buoyancy is great, continue to expand the size of the underwater mothership, and in the end, simply make it a base. Chi Nan thought of the war fortress. Couldn't this thing sink into the water before? Simply put, Chi Nan directly used the war fort to transform it into a situation suitable for underwater survival. All inappropriate weapons are removed.

Those super cannons are useless in the ocean. Simply replace it with a larger torpedo. This base is mainly needed. With this activity base, a large number of submarines can be produced at any time to supplement.

Even such a large base can continue to produce motherships. On the surface, this seems to be an enlarged deep-sea mothership, but in fact it is not the case at all.

It's not just a question of amplification, but the most important thing is that this kind of production capacity is not comparable to a deep-sea mothership. Chinan plans to use an underwater base as a standard, and then study underwater cities. Once a successful underwater city is established, I believe that the benefits to myself will be even greater.

It's a pity that the establishment of a city is completely different from a military fortress. The city pays attention to comfort. To build an underwater creation of this scale, it is not possible for Chi Nan to complete it alone.

After finally issuing the research order, Chi Nan gave most of the design work to others So far, the underwater submarine formation has been completed in Chi Nan's hands. Chi Nan didn't bother to use other standards, and directly adopted the same standards as air formations. Each of the four motherships carries thirty submarines, directly forming a formation. Using this as a standard, the underwater submarine formation began production silently.

People outside did not even know that such a major change had taken place unconsciously under the water of the Sacred Tree Collar.

"Neither the mothership nor the underwater base is seriously incompatible with the underwater environment. Now it is only slightly modified. Various problems will be discovered in the future, and continuous improvement is needed so that it can adapt to the underwater environment."

There is no need to trouble yourself with this problem. As long as you have formulated a big framework and you have completed the main body, the subsequent changes will have nothing to do with yourself. Although Chi Nan wanted to find something to do, he wouldn't cause trouble for himself.

Because at this time, Chi Nan has found a new research direction. In the past few days, with the continuous cultivation and transformation of twin trees, Chi Nan has become more and more powerful in his ability to transform magic patterns. Now, Chi Nan has begun to study the new wind gun concept. After adding the magic pattern of fire attribute, Chi Nan plans to develop a new plant weapon by himself.

The recent research on deep-sea formations has allowed Chi Nan to accumulate a lot of knowledge. I also have a deeper understanding of the transformation methods of various magic patterns. This is the reason why Chi Nan moved to improve the wind cannon.

From the beginning, the wind cannon was the most powerful weapon in the territory. Now it has become a tasteless weapon because of the range problem. It is impossible to say that it is not depressed. It's just that I haven't found a direction for improvement, so I'm so procrastinated.

Now, with the ability to transform the magic pattern, after a lot of experimentation, he can finally make improvements.

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