The Rise of Plants

Chapter 937: Civilization of wind gun weapons

A good news spread throughout the holy tree collar and its surroundings. On this day, the major airports of the holy tree collar were once again surrounded by people. These are some merchants, especially the local merchants of the Sacred Tree.

"Why are you all around here and what are you doing? Is there something good again?" Some unknown foreign merchants and half-elf merchants also followed, wanting to see the excitement.

The last time this happened was the appearance of civilian airships, and those merchants were buying airships.

At that time, everyone was not very familiar with it, so most of them were watching. But after such a long time, the reputation of the holy tree collar has long been beaten out, so now that anything appears in the holy tree collar, people are eager for it.

It's just that during this period of time, the major forces have developed rapidly, and various weapons have emerged one after another. This has led to the increasing arrogance of the surrounding major forces, and many businessmen have been bullied by these people.

"You don't know, this time is great news. In view of the rampant robbers in the surrounding area recently, the parliament made a decision to civilianize some of the wind cannon type weapons. As you know, business has been bad recently. Do. If we have these weapons, I don’t think anyone would dare to bully us casually."

Recently, there have been many powerful robbers around, and these robbers don't know where they bought many eliminated weapons. Even Feizhou has such a big killer.

Some people know that these robbers may have something to do with certain forces, but they have the name of robbers, what else can they do. It's nothing more than someone jealous of the interests of the sacred tree leader, wanting to rely on this method to get a share.

Perhaps, there are some other ideas, even related to some local nobles.

These robbers come and go without a trace, and the number is huge, even if they are protected by the army of the Holy Tree Leader, there is no way far away. Recently, many caravans have been wiped out by them.

The original airship also had a certain amount of armed force. This force was originally very powerful, but in the face of more powerful robbers, this power is now not enough. After the sacred tree leader suddenly made the decision to civilianize the wind cannon, everyone became excited. "Really, that's great, I want to buy some too."

The person just now disdainfully said: "You don't have to think about it, you don't even have a nerve brain. In order to prevent wind cannons from being robbed by robbers and used to deal with us in the past, every wind cannon weapon is controlled by a vegetable brain."

This person raised his arm, proudly showing off his neurological brain. "Have you seen it? Only with this can we control the weapon."

Another person next to him also said immediately: "That is, I heard that the entire territory will be completely neurological in the future, and the neurological brain is our passport. Without this, I am afraid that most of the things will not be used in the future."

Now, those outsiders began to look at each other. "Stop talking, it's already started, it's started."

Suddenly, the whole team fell silent and looked forward. At this time the warehouse opened, and a soldier led by the sacred tree came out, and at the same time directed some wooden puppets to carry out the weapons.

"Everyone, the big family are all here to buy wind gun weapons, so let me explain to you. First of all, wind gun weapons are still limited, and it is impossible for you to buy unlimited. But this quantity is more and the types are also available. More. For specific rules, you can just watch the advertisement for yourself later."

In the notice board next to it, the advertisement for this time has been posted.

Then, without waiting for others to speak, the soldiers began to introduce and cover up the wind cannon weapons this time.

In fact, wind cannons are still wind cannons, but they have been slightly improved and made into different varieties. These wind cannons do not have the heart of the sky, so the bronze level is okay, at least there is no limit to the firing speed. Those at the silver level need to condense for at least two minutes before they can be released once.

But two minutes to exchange for a silver magic-level wind cannon, this is also very valuable.

There are three main types of wind gun weapons sold this time. One is a shoulder-resisting wind cannon, which has only a bronze level of power. This thing is similar to the early pea cannon, but it is already very powerful for ordinary people.

With this type of wind cannon, even an ordinary person can use it as a half-hearted wind magician. This thing is not used to deal with flying boats, but it is no problem to deal with ordinary robbers or even the army.

The second is also a very common weapon. No one could have thought of it at first. This is actually a spider tank. Of course, it's not that kind of very powerful spider tank, this kind of spider tank is only as tall as one person.

The wind cannons released are only bronze just because it is controlled by a vegetable brain, it is also very thick and hard, and it can fit two people inside. Whether it is fighting or fleeing, it is very valuable.

And the last one is to load it on an airship, or install a wind cannon for use in a certain place. This is the silver level, it can be said that it is the main gun of the wind cannon. It has a long time to condense and is very powerful. At the same time, the industry of airship transformation was also created in the Sacred Tree Collar.

According to the needs of the merchants, they can open a hole in a different position on their airship, and then install the main gun of the wind cannon. Or you can install the main gun of the wind cannon into their station.

As long as this thing forms a scale, the general army may not be their opponent. All of a sudden, the three kinds of weapons made the strength of those big chambers of commerce increased by many times.

You know, just before, wind guns were still the standard weapons of the holy tree collar. In addition to the empire, the armies of the surrounding kingdoms were very jealous and afraid of this weapon. Now it is directly sold out on a large scale, and many kingdoms around don't know whether they should also buy a batch at this time.

Sacred Tree Leader's own merchants didn't care about these, and after receiving the news of the purchase, they desperately rushed to buy.

"Now, there is no need to worry about those robbers anymore." A businessman was very pleased.

"I hope I can meet those bandits, so that my weapons will be useful. If you kill a group of bandits, you can get a lot of rewards." With strength, people's courage has also grown a lot.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and install Neurobrain. You don't want to make money anymore." Many people changed their minds in an instant. Compared to the benefits that are about to be obtained, those conventional rules are nothing.

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