The Rise of Plants

Chapter 949: Don't let them distinguish wrong

"Long-term high-intensity control is still a little mentally exhausted. It seems that controlling the clones requires mental power. Fortunately, I have enough mental power, and there is no problem with controlling a few clones."

Chi Nan said to himself, he didn't feel it at the beginning, but now he feels it. Control the two avatars, if you always control them with high intensity, your energy consumption speed will also double.

Perhaps this is the biggest weakness of the incarnation of nature, so it needs to be made up.

"It seems that when it's okay, you can't control the natural avatar, but it is not reliable to let the natural avatar move on its own. If you can think, it will be fine. Wait, think..." Chi Nan's eyes suddenly brightened.

Your own plants are capable of thinking. The reason is very simple, plant brains. Then it's the same with one's natural incarnation, which can be formed because of its special abilities. But in fact, the incarnation of nature itself is completely a large piece of wood, and there is nothing else there.

If you add some organs to the wood. For example, if a twin plant brain is added to the head of the natural avatar, even if you don’t control it, the natural avatar can still act according to the control of the plant brain.

Perhaps the control of the vegetable brain is not as good as the direct control of oneself, but I believe it will not be much worse. Even fighting under the control of a plant brain is not impossible, so just do it.

In addition to the plant brain, other organs must be added. The inside of the body is too monotonous. There is only one natural incarnation. If you go to an alien plane, it is not good to enjoy nothing. Therefore, we must strengthen our sense of taste and smell. The feeling of weakening is actually as long as there is pain.

To increase the sense of taste, but also to add a stomach, so that you can eat delicious things. Eating by yourself is the same as eating by yourself, you can enjoy all kinds of delicious food.

And don't worry about being poisonous, because the clone is made of wood, so it's not afraid of any poison. As long as it is not too strong, the toxin that can directly destroy one's own clone is useless.

If you design it again, you can even use this method to distinguish those toxic things and then record them. This is just convenient for other people to have some reference materials when opening the space channel in the future.

"Very good. Just do it. It seems that there are still many improvements. In terms of internal organs, most of the useless ones are not needed, and these places can't be left empty. Or, imitate the puppet?"

Chi Nan had bright eyes, puppets and other things, but there were a lot of weird things in his body, some were weapons, some were not necessarily. So it seems that the natural incarnation of oneself can be transformed in this way.

Natural incarnation is just an ability, but whether the ability can be used well depends on the individual's ability.

It seems that some special seeds need to be added to the vacant places. Temporary seeds always consume mana and also take time. In the fierce battle, there is no such time at all.

One's own clone creates seeds, after all, it's not as fast as one's own deity can make, so it's good to prepare some in advance. So, just do it, Chi Nan's model has changed again.

In order to prevent the clone from being caught, you can also shame the enemy. Therefore, a bomb should be added to a cavity in the body. Once needed, it can be self-destructed. I don't know if I can create a legendary explosive mushroom. If I can, the power should be even more shocking.

A sinister light flashed in Chi Nan's eyes, and even the guards around him felt chilly.

"But this creates too much cavity, which reduces the wood itself and reduces the magic power stored on the body, which will affect the combat effectiveness and survivability. Then, what method should be used to make up for it."

"By the way, I can add a heart of the sky to this, so that the magic storage in the body will not decrease but also increase. However, the heart of the sky needs to be improved. After all, there is no life magic in that thing. Well, just follow it. The energy pool has been improved. Just adjust the magic lines, which is not difficult for me now."

Chi Nan thought about it while revising the design in his mind. "In the end, it is the ability to survive. The only weakness of the natural incarnation is the natural core in the middle, so it must be protected."

After feeling it for a while, Chi Nan shook his head: "In order for the natural avatar to have the best effect, the hardness of the wood on the body is not as strong as the strength of the dragon perch. If this is the case, then the chest is basically not Wherever it moves, just replace it with a dragon perch. I don’t believe that anyone can easily break such a thick dragon The dragon perch is inherently hard, so thick and with the magic of life The blessing of, I am afraid that only legendary masters can break it all at once. For ordinary gold masters, there is no need to think about basic mountains.

After the transformation, Chi Nan believes that in the golden level, no one can kill his natural avatar, and his natural avatar can sweep almost all golden-level masters, even the dragons are not afraid.

"Finally, let the natural avatar look like a person, but it must be different from myself."

With that said, the skin of the natural incarnation began to change, the original wood texture disappeared and replaced by the color completely the same as human skin. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see the difference between this clone and the deity.

After that, a green gem slowly grew out of the natural incarnation's throat, where the throat should have grown. Maybe it's not a gem, but it looks crystal clear and very beautiful.

If I didn't look carefully, I thought it was a connection. "Very good, that's it. Turn back and inform the others that the one with this spar hanging around their neck is the clone. Don't let them tell the difference. Just tell a few senior officials. For other people, it doesn't matter whether it is a clone or not. What's the difference." Chi Nan's main purpose is to let Hermilla and the others not tell the difference.

Horn understood: "Observe your orders, we will do it well."

"I don't worry about you doing things, so let's do it. This first clone will be sent to Father Bald after I finally test an ability. Let this clone enter the world of the undead, just because I want to take a good look at the world of the undead. The view over there."

It was too dangerous over there, Chi Nan didn't go there by himself, nor did he let his soldiers enter casually. Now this problem can finally be solved.

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