The Rise of Plants

Chapter 956: Super large magic light cannon preparation

Knowing that the sea monster is dangerous, of course Hemila and the others couldn't want Chi Nan to take risks on their own. At this moment, after a few people calmed down, they finally recovered their usual wisdom.

"Are those weapons really effective?" Sophia asked uncertainly.

Chi Nan nodded gently: "There should be no problem. The new Magic Light Cannon has a large condenser. The magic power required for preparation alone is equivalent to the total consumption of several legendary magic. If there is no other way, we don’t have a self-explosive airship. The current self-detonation airship is not what it used to be. After adding the fruit of the molten sorrel, the power is definitely sufficient."

What Chi Nan didn't say was that if this didn't work, then Chi Nan himself had nothing to do. Once a legendary creature makes a fuss, once there is no way to contain it, even if Kalan Island is destroyed, it is not impossible.

Just look at the range of influence of the sea monster at this time. Unconsciously, the scope of influence has reached more than ten kilometers, and the scope of expansion is definitely not smaller than this range.

With the help of plant brain calculations, Miria will be destroyed by sea monsters every once in a while, but they have always remained stable, constantly evacuating from the deep sea to the overseas islands.

At the same time, the overseas archipelago also sounded the alarm. When Chi Nan notified Beast King Island of the upcoming news of the sea monster, the Hunter's Guild stationed on Beast King Island became nervously prepared. As soon as the Hunter Guild took action, other major forces also responded, and soon this news was no longer a secret.

The people still don't know that a huge danger is happening. During this period of time, military forces have been mobilized very frequently, and everyone has long been used to it. Otherwise, there will be riots in many places now.

"Quickly, charge the Magic Light Cannon, and when we reach the position, we must be able to attack at any time."

The sky city is flying towards Karan Island. Because it is a city, the flying speed cannot be too fast. Even acceleration and deceleration will take some time. In the calculation, when the sea monsters arrive, they will also arrive at the designated location.

At this moment, in front of the huge magic furnace below the magic light cannon, countless plant weapons methodically carried some magic spar over. The magic spar had just been transported, and it was thrown into the magic furnace.

A large number of magic spar was continuously burned, and the generated magic power continued to converge on the magic light cannon. Countless water elements were attracted, and the blue light gleamed around the magic light cannon. Some snowflakes formed naturally in the sky nearby. Near the magic furnace, the sky seemed to be snowing, which was very beautiful.

It's just that the snowflakes will evaporate instantly before they reach the ground, forming a white cloud. Against the backdrop of the white clouds and snowflakes, the location of the entire Magic Light Cannon seemed to be a fairyland.

Of the three ultra-large black speckle-crystal graphite light mirrors that Chi Nan produced at the beginning, one was collected by Chi Nan and the other was placed in Red Sand City, ready to be made into a large magic light cannon, but it has not yet been formed.

Only one large magic light cannon was manufactured, placed on the side of Sacred Tree Island, and finally installed in the floating city above Sacred Tree Island. Unexpectedly, when I just finished it, I encountered this kind of thing before I waited for the test.

At this speed, the magic light cannon can be fully charged after a period of time before reaching the destination.

The bigger the magic light cannon, the more troublesome it will be to charge up, it will take a long time and the cooling time is up to a whole day. In other words, facing that sea monster, they only had one blow.

For this attack, the entire city needs to be moved over. This is a big project that ordinary people can't imagine.

As time passed, more and more submarines in the sea turned into fragments. Fortunately, the sea monster at the back was not in a hurry, and still followed slowly. It seemed that he hadn't encountered such a fun toy for a long time.

If it weren't for this, now Miria would definitely be buried in the sea. With the passage of time, Miria and the others were nervous from the beginning, but now they are no longer panicked. It can be seen that the big monster is not something they can fight against, and the big monster itself is not in a hurry, it is just looking for toys to play with.

I don't know how long it has passed. When approaching the location of the overseas islands, Miria suddenly laughed. "Great, reinforcements finally arrived, now we are safe."

It turned out that just now, several submarines moved slowly from a distance. It looks like a small fish, without the slightest threat. The surrounding monsters did not intend to attack the submarine because of the big monster.

As a result, many submarines secretly integrated into Miria's team, and instantly integrated into it, keeping the size of the team not too small. And the big sea monster didn't know if he didn't notice this or didn't care at all.

The big sea monster who is playing happily has no intention to stop it. Still maintaining the frequency just now, one after another smashed the submarine into pieces. "It seems that what this sea monster is really used to is not breaking the submarine, but the ice power in the submarine." Finally, Miria seemed to realize something.

"Yes, the sea monster itself is of the ice attribute, and there is no problem with plants that like the ice attribute."

Others seem to realize it too. Perhaps, if it weren't for their submarine's use of ice power, it would not have attracted the pursuit of this sea monster. It was really dumbfounding.

"According to the current situation, we have no problem returning to Karan Island. Now we will start to implement the plan. Plant Brain, calculate the road map for me." Miria ordered, and Plant Brain quickly calculated the route.

At the next moment, a route appeared on the screen. The submarine changed its direction insignificantly, and neither the monsters nor the sea monsters seemed to have noticed anything wrong. It was just a change, and it was nothing.

But according to the route, change little by little, and finally the route will form a big arc, crossing the edge of Beast King Island and heading towards Karan Island. I don't know if the sea monster is aware of this.

After a while, the sea monster suddenly uttered a roar, with pride and joy in the roar. The huge tentacles waved several times, and several submarines were destroyed at once. The whole formation was shaken. Milia and the others turned pale, thinking that the sea monster was impatient, and many people were nervous and sweated all over their bodies.

But the next moment, the sea monster returned to its previous appearance, but the attack frequency seemed to be a little faster.

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