The Rise of Plants

Chapter 970: This desolate world

Exploration aircraft are not suitable for collecting languages, but bionic plant insects are no problem. The distance was not very far anyway, and soon many insects were released and spread towards this room.

The aircraft followed a few people and did not leave. After a few people rested, they continued to set off. It didn't take long for Chinan to see a town, yes, it was a town.

"It's so desolate, this place looks even more desolate than our previous Hongsha Ridge."

Hearing Hemila's words, Weiweisi was a little strange: "Is Hongshaling desolate before? Wasn't Huangshaling located in Hongsha City at first." Weiweisi didn't understand this.

Sophia nodded slightly: "Yes, there used to be a small population in that place. The foggy forest was not developed. It was called the death forest. There were often warcraft and poisonous insects. The wild orcs were raging outside, and the inside was controlled by robbers. At that time, Hongsha Ridge was almost unable to support it. If it were not, the empire would not have agreed to Chi Nan as the lord."

Chi Nan was the first to become the lord of the kingdom at that time as a half-elf. Of course, he couldn't have any good territory.

"It turned out that it was so difficult at the time. It was really hard for you." Wei Wei Si whispered.

For a long time, Wei Wei Si had the powerful sacred tree collar in her eyes. She thought that Chinan's territory was very good. Who could have thought that Chi Nan's situation was so bad at the beginning.

At this time, Wei Wei Si also understood more about Chi Nan's rebellion against the former Rusiyara Kingdom and the establishment of the current Holy Tree Collar. If you don't do this, with Chi Nan's identity and ability, the ultimate fate can be imagined.

But don't worry now, the sacred tree collar has become the top of the mainland, and has even developed to other planes. If this continues, I believe that Chi Nan will be able to surpass any legendary figure.

Chi Nan waved his hand indifferently: "Haha, these are all over, haven't I been very good. Let's keep watching." Chi Nan focused his attention on the picture.

After five days have passed, most of the high-level officials have returned to their posts. After all, they still have a lot to do. For the next thing, they no longer need to stay in this place. And if they are not in their posts for a long time, even idiots can imagine that the sacred tree leads big things.

Even Hermira and the others, have to leave this place from time to time. Apart from the secret personnel specially trained, only Chi Nan and Miria can stay here.

It can take a lot of time to collect the language of the other party and sort them out. During this time, Chi Nan could only observe the world temporarily. Gradually, Chi Nan discovered that this world was really desolate.

Because the whole world, at least where I can see, the planting industry is not developed at all. Within a few days, only a few towns could be found in Chinan, and these towns were very rough.

Outside, it is just a simple city wall built with stones and some wooden stakes. It may be more appropriate to say that it is a fence. When encountering a powerful enemy, this thing has no defensive power at all. Chi Nan didn't see the mage either, but there were some people who could release small spells. These spells are basically used for healing and assistance.

The main combatants in this world are warriors, whether they are humans or shrunken orcs. What makes Chi Nan feel strange is that there are not many archers in this world.

There are very few people growing land in towns, and only a very small number of plants are grown. This has led to the fact that things like vegetables and fruits are very valuable in this world.

Only some noble people can often eat it, maybe this is the nobleman of this world. Then there are those powerful warriors, sometimes they exchange some fruits, vegetables and other things with these nobles.

More often, some wild vegetables dug out from the ground or wild fruits found outside are used to improve food. Everyone is honing their fighting skills, but not many people are willing to work in the planting industry.

The main food for the people here is actually some big bugs. The soldiers often go out to fight, and the targets are these large beetles. After killing the beetles, bring them back and take out the strips of white meat inside. This is their food. Chi Nan could also see now that the armors on their bodies were also made by the shells of these insects.

Wrap some metal with a shell and then forge it. No wonder Chi Nan always feels that the texture and color of the shell are like insects. It's just that the forging technology in this world seems to be a little too bad.

The only thing that made Chi Nan's eyes bright was the quality of the warriors in this world. Even these few small towns that don't seem to be very big have a large number of silver masters flooding them, although they are all fighters.

Perhaps this is caused by the brutal style of this world. I just don't know how strong are the real masters in this world. Perhaps there are more golden warriors in this plane than I thought. Moreover, their combat skills also have unique features, and various combat skills can also make Chi Nan's eyes shine.

"A lot of combat skills, if they are well practiced, can make it easier for fighters to fight against wizards. This plane mainly develops combat skills, and it really improves combat skills to an incredible level."

Chi Nan has decided that even if there is nothing else, he should collect the combat skills of this world and use it to train his own soldiers and guards in the future. Even if these soldiers are basically useless.

Under Chi Nan's order, the plant brain continuously collects their fighting skills and then calculates them. Just don't know why, Chi Nan always feels that their fighting skills are a bit awkward.

Although it is very powerful, it feels very weird. Chi Nan's understanding of combat is not high, so I can't see it for the time being. "Forget it, let the experts solve this problem." Chi Nan simply threw it to the guards to see for themselves.

Only Miria didn't know where he ran some flying machines. For those interesting creatures or matter, Miria's interest is obviously higher than observing those intelligent creatures. Perhaps it's something that Miria can't understand what those people are talking about. Even Chi Nan often feels bored.

Fortunately, after five days of collection, the language and text are finally collected, at least there is no problem with the commonly used ones. Through the rapid analysis and summary of the plant brain, I believe I can learn it soon.

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