The Rise of Plants

Chapter 985: The airship is finally here

Just as Chi Nan thought, he brought these people, but it did not attract the attention of the local residents. After Chi Nan's research, there is essentially no difference in blood between humans in this world and humans on another plane.

Therefore, it is very likely that the humans in all planes come from the same place. Chi Nan thought a bit big, but couldn't figure it out at all, and simply put aside these things and didn't think about it for the time being.

After these people used the so-called identity cards, they were inserted into their own territory by Chi Nan'an. Relying on their powerful strength, as well as some of their own abilities, plus Chi Nan secretly assisted them in their calculations. It didn't take long for these people to occupy high positions on the bright side, one by one, to the management of the entire territory.

Whether it is on the surface or in the dark, he is controlled by his own people. Although some local residents are not convinced, there is nothing to do. After all, the abilities of others lay there.

With the continuous development of the territory, new problems once again appeared. While the volume of goods is getting larger and larger, the problem of transportation difficulties is getting more and more serious. Especially the materials on the insects, it is impossible to store them for a long time.

There is no preservation method. In many places, things have begun to deteriorate by the time they are delivered.

But these things are transported to their own plane every day. When these things are continuously manufactured into various items, they are simply popular among all forces and can bring huge benefits and influence to themselves.

Because of transportation problems, many places have no way to cooperate with themselves, and even this kind of influence is still expanding. No way, Chi Nan had to solve the transportation problem in order to be able to guarantee the use of these materials on his own plane.

“In this world’s perennial war, no one has maintained roads for a long time. Except for some roads used to transport military supplies, there is no land that can be used seriously.”

"If you want to transport quickly in this kind of place, I am afraid you can only use an airship. Because the ground is too complicated, even a suspended transport vehicle is not easy to use in many places." Hemira also nodded.

"But once these things are taken out, will they cause a backlash from the people in this place? After all, the value of these things for military use is very high." Sophia also said with some worry.

After a long time, Chi Nan suddenly raised his head: "Sometimes, the necessary leapfrog development is still needed. Taking a risk may not be a bad thing." Chi Nan thought of the time when he made his own airship. Although there are airships in this world, isn't it also a leap-forward development to build an airship in the countryside.

For oneself, one's own development can be found in context, but for others, they don't understand it at all. Perhaps, I underestimated people's adaptability.

"Then give it a try, and take this opportunity to expand our influence. There are always some people who are jerky and crooked."

Chi Nan is talking about those neurological problems. Many people have always thought that adding a neurological brain to their body is not a good thing. Of course, Chi Nan is actually using his nerve brain to secretly control the information he wants.

Others don't know that Chi Nan and Hemila are very clear about it, but they can't publicize it.

If there is an airship, this kind of airship can still only use neuro-brain control, then the result will be different. "You can't use military airships, so people can see what it is. Use only transport airships without weapons."

Weiweisi also suggested: "Our transport airship is too fast, and we must slow it down. I heard that the first-generation airship used wings. How about using that one."

Chi Nan nodded slightly: "You don't need to change to a winged one. The wings are too fragile. Those bugs also have air forces. We can weaken the propellers so that we can control the speed of the airship."

Just do it if you think about it, and Chi Nan quickly produced a batch of airships. After casually explaining to the people below, the next thing that his subordinates began to secretly propagate and manipulate public opinion. Don’t these people do this at the critical moment? When the local public opinion tends toward oneself, everyone is no longer unfamiliar with the topic of airships.

Taking advantage of everyone's sense of expectation, Chi Nan directly launched a simplified version of the civilian airship. There is no attack weapon, the flight speed is not very fast, the whole body is only made of ordinary diamond wood.

The degree of hardness can be regarded as a shock to everyone, and at the same time, this degree of hardness can also give people an incomparable sense of security. Just after launching the airship, Chi Nan received orders from various quarters.

The speed at which airships are used for transportation is so fast, which makes many people see the role of transporting military supplies and the army. Looking at these orders and letters, Chi Nan grinned As I thought, as long as these guys see the benefits, they will gather like flies. Whether it is a human or an orc, this is the nature, the nature that will not change due to the environment. It's easy to do if you have desires, and soon they will completely adapt to the changes my plant weapons bring to them. At that time, if you want to resist, there will be no chance. "

Chi Nan didn't meet their requirements. After all, he satisfied them all at once. God knows what will happen.

Chi Nan used the excuse of difficulty in producing airships to fool these people. Anyway, no one entered the barren mountains and ridges to look at them, and there was no idea how many real airships there were. The mountain range to the east has long been secretly turned into a forbidden area by Chinan.

Anyone who dares to approach will be brainwashed and sent back. As a result, the number of civilian airships appearing is very small, and most of them are used for trading and transportation with distant places, which is even more exciting.

Gradually, the public opinion that the military needs airships has risen in the entire alliance. In the end, things can be said to be getting worse and worse, and it actually slowly affected the league's senior level. As a result, the high-level liaison officer of the alliance was finally sent by the alliance and came to his side hoping to obtain a certain number of airships to use.

After all, in this world, the Alliance is still the most senior command class. All the people, the hearts of the people are on their side. Since these people had already been dispatched, Chi Nan would not face them openly.

So Chi Nan finally let go and promised to provide them with a part of the airship. After getting Chi Nan's promise, everyone happily publicized this matter, and soon everyone in the entire league knew it. And Chi Nan's prestige is also rising steadily. Unknowingly, Chi Nan's current reputation is no longer inferior to a few high-ranking league leaders.

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