The Rise Of Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 109 - Hesitation and Quick Dungeon Clear

"Oh, I've been meaning to ask you for a while, but have you not had sėx with Mia yet?" Aria asks out of the blue. 

"W-what the hell. What's up with that question?" 

"Just askin'. You don't have to reply if you don't want to," 

"'Kay, then I won't," 

Aria clicked her tongue but suddenly smirked a bit, sending a bad feeling to set in my stomach. 

What is she gonna do now… 


(Mia POV) 

We were at a fancy restaurant, but nobody was in fancy clothes, so we didn't stand out too much. 

"So… Are you going to have sėx?" Aria asks. 

"Are you serious?" 

"Completely serious," 

I chuckled a bit at Aria's question as it came out of nowhere. 

"I don't know… I'll wait until Lucy is fine with it. If I rush things, everything will just go downhill due to my selfishness," 


It seems I left Aria in shock as she slowly let down her fork from her mouth. 


"You're much more mȧturė… I didn't realize it until now," 

"No, I just grew up. We all grew up… and to be honest, I think without Auntie, we would've still been arrogant and probably not be as happy as we are now," I respond before shoving a piece of steak in my mouth. 

"Yeah, I guess… Anyway, are you going to answer my question?" 

"I already did," 

"No, you just beat around the bush…, and at this point, both of you aren't going to make a move…." 

"Why are you so keen on us having sėx?" 

"Because sometimes you're so horny that it's annoying and gets in the way of missions. I don't even know how Lucy hasn't noticed it yet," 

We haven't had any missions in a while, though… 

"Huh… Well, I'll just keep taking care of it myself until she's ready," 

"*sigh*... You're a fuċkɨnġ idiot. She's clearly ready but too nervous to ask… I didn't even know she could show emotions like that until today… she was so flustered that she could bȧrėly respond," 


"Yep… I mean, come on, you've already seen each other nȧkėd multiple times," 

I leaned back in my chair, losing myself in the idle chatter around me. 

It's not my fault I'm so horny… My power stone has been off the charts ever since I hit the end of puberty… 

My body temperature is 105.2 constantly, a temperature that no average human can withstand, or even a power stone user at that... and I guess it affects my estrogen levels… somehow. 

"*sigh*... Fine," 

"Great!" Aria shouts, clapping her hands together. 

I feel like I've fallen into a trap. 


I waited in front of Lucy's room as I felt too awkward talking about it over the phone. 

Just the thought of touching Lucy's body made me heat up. 

My eyes glowed a dim red until I heard footsteps come down the hallway. 

Tup Tup Tup 

They were slow. 

With each step that was taken, I could feel the world slow down around me. 

I had never been this nervous in my life before. 

Tup Tup Tup 

A hand reached around the corner of the long hallway. 

"What?" The boy about the same age as me asks. 

"A-ah, sorry, I thought you were somebody else," I respond. 

Shouldn't she be back now? 

Where did she go? 


(Lucy POV) 

"Boring," I mutter, sitting on the pile of monsters below me. 

A crown made of frost-covered bones sat on my head. 

ewe ewe ewe ewe

There was one last arachnid below me, which I thought I killed, but I guess I didn't… so I slaughtered it immediately. 

Or maybe it's because the rancid smell the corpses give off is ruining my experience. 

I was currently in a B-rank dungeon, an Archnid dungeon, which holds a cave turned into a nest by an Arachnid Queen. 

The cave was massive. 

The ceiling was taller than the dorm building I was currently living in, which says a lot as it's one of the tallest buildings in the city. 

And with a large dungeon came giant monsters. 

Each spider, or shall I say arachnid was about as wide and as tall as my dorm room. 

The sounds they made were disgusting as they clicked their mandibles. 

They looked similar to spiders but had a scorpion tail and mandibles. 


The spider corpses below me were suddenly alit with green flames, resurrecting them from the dead. 

"Clear the dungeon and bring the Arachnid Queen to me," I ordered my newly acquired minions, and without hesitation, they followed my orders faithfully. 

I fiddled with frostbite for a bit as I had no use for it now… but I wanted to keep it. 

It was given to me by the system, which considers my needs. 

"This has to be used for something," I mutter before throwing it back into my inventory. 

I lay on the stone floor, staring up at the endless abyss above me due to the fog that had rolled in. 

'Oh, I've been meaning to ask you for a while, but have you not had sėx with Mia yet?' Aria's question repeats in my mind. 

Why does she have to ask something so embarrassing… 

A few hours later, the Arachnids had wrapped the Arachnid Queen in threads lathered in green flames. 

It seems she couldn't resist as the flames tore through her carapace with every move. 

"Can you talk?" I ask the humanoid monster. 

The Arachnid queen is a half arachnid, half human-like thing. 

The human part has purple skin, four eyes, four arms, and its brėȧsts were covered with a strong carapace. 


Nothing, huh? 

I slaughtered the Arachnid Queen instantly by signaling for my undead to tighten the strings. 

Her body was sliced into multiple parts, and her last expression was filled with overwhelming fear. 

I almost felt bad for her for a second. 

[You have slain the boss solo] 

[Calculating reward…]

[Drakes Tooth has been granted]

"*sigh*... I'm still getting these… Why do I keep getting these after clearing a dungeon?" I mutter before opening my inventory. 

There were eight drake teeth in my inventory, and as they weren't that valuable to sell, I just kept them in there, hoping I would be able to use them later on. 


After a few minutes, I was teleported out of the dungeon, so I put on my hood and left the vicinity as quickly as possible. 


"Should I take a bath first… It's the middle of the night, so I can't have dinner with anybody… Uh, I'll just go to sleep… I'm so tired," I mutter all throughout the hallway. 

But just as I arrived at my room, I saw Mia standing there. 

"Yo," She calls out. 

'Oh, I've been meaning to ask you for a while, but have you not had sėx with Mia yet?' 

'Have you not had sėx with Mia yet?' 

'Sex… with Mia' 

Aria's words bounced around in my head like a trampoline. 

"Y-yo," I respond, just raising my hand slightly.

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