The Rise Of Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 123 - Blood Kin and New Evolutions


[Name: Lucy]

[Race: Ancient Tundra Snake (First Rank)] 

[Level: 1/100] (20/250) XP Needed

[HP: 167/167  MP: 167/167  SP: 101/101] - Non Human

[Strength: 160] - Non Human

[Defense: 160] - Non Human

[Magic: 200] - Non Human

[Speed: 180] - Non Human

[Skills: [Necromancy] [Stolen Tundra Crown] [Aurora Borealis] [Snow Manipulation] 

[Ice Reading] [Glacier Wall] [Ancient Sacrifice] [Tangible Bloodlust] 

[Variant Skills: [Small Quetzalcoatl's Fire (Snow)] [Feather Servant]

[Passive: [Photographic Memory] [Black Drakes Blood] [All Language Perception] [Acid Immunity] [Black Drakes Regeneration] [Fire and Lava Immunity] [Death Immunity] 



[Stored Souls]

[Blood Kin]

"Oh yeah, I just realized I didn't get any XP from the boss… How disappointing," I muttered before selecting the new part of my status. 

[Blood Kin]



[Mia Lachnes (Blue Fire Stone) (Halberd) (Draconic Succubus Coated In Flames) (Ancient Weakened Succubi)]

[Aria Balthasar (Summoning Stone: Light Knight and Dark Knight) (Sword) (Draconic Empress of Light and Darkness) (Light and Dark Spirit)]

[Nell Bloodriver (Blood Stone) (Spear) (Vampiric Dragon) (Weakened Blood Drake)]

[Amanda Balthasar (Summoning Stone: Large Lizard) (Sword) (Dragon Basked in Sunlight) (Sun Spirit)]

[Chun-Hei Gaignes or Charna Gaignes (Shadow Stone) (Long Daggers) (Dragon Shrouded By Shadows) (Weakened Shadow Drake)]

[Clio Porter (Support Stone) (Hand-to-Hand Combat) (Plane Walker) (High Human)]

[Celestine Porter (Support Stone) (Hand-to-Hand Combat) (Plane Walker) (High Human)] 

[Ethel Brollet (Water Stone) (Bow) (A Draconic Mermaid born from within the trenches of the Deep Sea)]

[Electra Brollet (Water Stone) (Bow) (Dragon born from within a Glacier) (Weakened Ice Drake)] 

[Nuala Brollet (Water Stone) (Hand-to-Hand Combat) (Dragon Born from the Depths of the Ocean)]






[Blood Kin Store]

There are so many new things… 

I scanned through all the information, and most of it seemed pretty accurate despite their unchanged evolutions. 

"But what is this Blood Kin Store?" I muttered before clicking it.

[1. Orb of Connection [Consumable] [1000000 G]

[2. Jelly of the Brain Mind [Consumable] [1000000 G]

[3. Inter-Master Servant [100000 G]

[4. ??? [???]

I only had enough gold to buy one of the options, so I selected the second one, Jelly of the Brain Mind. 

I had the best feeling coming from it, but I originally wanted to pick the mystery option number four. 

But when I clicked on it, it said, 

[Insufficent Payment]

"I guess it doesn't say I need gold anyway… So maybe I need an item? Please don't tell me it's one of the items I sacrificed to evolve," I muttered before reaching into my inventory and pulling out a glass jar filled to the brim with red jelly. 

"I'll save this for later," 

"Save what for lat- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" Sophia shouts, jumping out of my ŀȧp while pointing at the glass jar. 

"Something for later," 

"P-pervert," She mutters. 


"What the hell are you talking about? How am I perverted? You should be saying that to Mia, not me," I refute, but her face still crumples in disgust. 

"Y-you were going to use that on me, weren't you," 

"What the hell? No, of course not," 

"What are you girls talking about?" Mia mutters as she slowly sits up, holding her forehead. 

"Nothing… So what did you pick?" I ask while Sophia just slowly backs away from me. 

"I picked an evolution that I thought could help us out as we can't go back into public looking like this… So I chose an evolution called the: Ancient Illusionist Succubi. One of my other options was to become a full suċċubus, but I declined it as my meals would literally become sėx," She says with a smirk. 

I chuckled to myself a bit as everybody else began to slowly wake up. 

"Good morning-" 

But I was rudely interrupted by a panel appearing in my face. 

[Telportation will commence in 10 minutes]

"So… You all look… not that human anymore," I muttered as everybody started checking out their new statuses. 

"Can we like do a rapid-fire of saying our evolutions?" Mia asks, and everybody just shrugged, so she took that as an agreement. 

"Guess I'll go first then… Dark and Light Spirit," Aria says. 

"Wait, wait, wait… What? It just switched the things," Ethel says. 

"Oh, actually before my light magic was much stronger, and so was my light knight… but with this new evolution, everything overall is pretty much stronger, especially my dark magic and dark knight," Aria confirms. 

Her right eye had a golden pupil, and her left eye had a purplish-blackish pupil. 

Her hair was also a mix of black and gold highlights, but nothing else really changed besides those. 

"Oh, that makes sense… I guess. Anyway, I'm an Ancient Lesser Mermaid," Ethel says, and upon hearing her evolution, I remembered that we never got to listen to her previous one. 

"But, you don't have a fishtail as legs?" Nuala asks the same question everybody had. 

"No, but I do have a fishtail as an actual tail," She responds, twirling around to reveal a blue scaled mermaid tail. 

Everybody immediately had the same thought, so we all lunged towards it and began to touch it. 

It was slimy, precisely like a fish. 

On the other hand, besides the tail, her appearance hadn't changed… well, maybe besides her skin which was a bit clearer. 

"Next, I'm a Lesser Water Drake," Nuala says, and the only change to her appearance was the blue scales lining her cheek and neck. 

It wasn't fully coated, though it was more of a dotted pattern. 

"I'm a Lesser Ice Drake," Electra adds. 

She also had a similar evolution change, and the dotted scales along her cheeks and neck were a similar color to mine, just a bit bluer. 

"Well, I and Celestine's evolution didn't change much. We just became an evolution called a: High Human (Second Rank)," 

"Oh, my evolution is the first rank," I add. 

Their appearance hadn't changed at all besides them growing just a bit taller. 

"I also got a tattoo without me even doing anything," Celestine says, lifting up her torn shirt which revealed a circular tattoo of a lion's head that was across the right side of her abdomen. 

"Oh shit… When did you get a tat-" 

But before Clio could finish her sentence, Celestine punched her in the face… for some reason. 

Though, it was probably due to her stupid comment. 

"Guess, I'll go next…" 

Everybody continued, but there was nothing else that was really special. 

As Charna was now a Lesser Shadow Drake, she had dotted black scales along her neck and cheeks. 

Amanda was now a Greater Sun Spirit, so her light green hair had turned into a dark orange color that I thought suited her more. 

Nell was now a Lesser Blood Drake, and she had the same scales as everybody else who had a drake evolution, but her's were a dark shade of red. 

Astra had turned into a second rank Dhampir, but there were no changes to her appearance. 

And finally, there was Mia, who became an Ancient Weakened Succubi. 

One of her skills allowed her to create illusions, so she changed all of us back to our original forms from before. 

She even hid my wings this time, so now I could go to the pool freely without covering my entire back in water proof bandages. 

"Oh, I also have one last thing to show you," Mia says and reaches into her skirt before pulling out a black devil tail that waved freely. 

"Heh," Aria smirked as Mia used illusion magic on herself. 

[Time is up]

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