The Rise Of Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 153 - Pyramid (7)

But, before it could pull its arm back, I took a massive sledgehammer out of my inventory and slammed it against the bony hand. 

It shattered into a million pieces while I jumped backward, dodging yet another skeletons punch. 

"You fucking dog," I muttered before running around the giant skeletons. 

I had neither the strength nor speed to fight against these guys, but with my magic, I might be able to do something… but that's if I actually had a good skill that used magic. 

Everything I had was for support. 

"Waaaa… I want to see Celestine," I muttered, seeing her face reappear in my mind, filling me with all types of confidence. 

But, it was only fake as I was smashed in the back, sending me flying across the massive sandstone throne room, which was way too big! Way too big!

"Ugh… *cough* *cough* *cough*," I coughed up another mouthful of blood before healing myself and running up the arm of a skeleton who had just tried to punch me. 

The pain was mostly gone as soon as I reached the top, and so I took out my sledgehammer, placed it over my head, and then swung down into the jaw of the skeleton. 



No damage was done… not even a single scratch or mark. 


I was sent flying across the sandstone room once, and before I could stand up, a massive bony foot piledriver straight into my stomach, cutting me in half. 



I desperately looked around and noticed I was back in the sandstone throne room. 

"You failed," A low voice mutters. 

"D-did I die?" 

"Yes… But, I shall be benevolent and give you a second chance. You are now down to two questions and one present… and I'm telling you now, but the next time I won't be so benevolent," Anubis says, his eyes glowing with golden bloodlust. 

"S-sure," I muttered. 

"... You seem less shaken than I originally thought you'd be… That bird was frightened to death after death, so tell me, why are you still so confident?" Anubis asks before summoning a golden staff in his left hand. 

"The final stage of inheritance training in the Porter family: Death," I muttered, and I could see Anubis slightly smile before slamming his staff against the ground, summoning an endless amount of giant skeletons this time. 

There's no way killing all of these giant skeletons allows me to pass the test as he never specified what to do with these guys… so what if the problem is with myself? 

What if I have to do something with myself to pass the test? So… Come on… Think like Lucy… What would she do… What would she use in this situation? 

I decided not to attack this time but instead ran around while racking my brain of any possibilities that I could do. 

Come on… Come on… What would Lucy do? What would Lucy do? 

As I continued running around, I accidentally entered a concentrated state, causing me to get whacked in the back, sending me flying across the room again. 

My back smashed against another pillar, and this time I felt some of my bones break, causing me to flinch in pain as I just barely managed to roll out of the way of another attack. 

A massive skeleton foot came crashing down next to me as I began to heal myself once again, and all of a sudden, I had an epiphany. 

"Wait…" I muttered before opening my status and glancing at all my buff skills. 

How about I just apply my buffs to myself? Fuck Lucy, I should just think of what is best for me to do… 



[Hawk Sight]

[Draconic Scales of Empowerment]

[Draconic Scales of Hasten]

I applied all my buffs on myself while also including the buffs that I had been keeping as secret just so I could surprise the other girls. 

"Oh," I hear Anubis mutter upon seeing sandstone-colored scales appear on my neck and cheek while my body was covered in a yellowish aura. 

My eyesight had become 40:20 vision while my body felt much lighter and my muscles felt much stronger. 


I picked up my sledgehammer like it was a meer chopstick and then jumped into the air, smashing it against the skeleton's head. 

It crumbled into pieces as I quickly jumped to the next skeleton and continued my rampage, feeling an intense amount of bloodlust seemingly eat away at my sanity. 


Everything stopped. 

The giant skeletons crumbled into sand, all the buffs I applied on myself disappeared, and all of a sudden, I reappeared in front of Anubis, who had slammed his golden staff down. 

"You pass," He says, and I could see him slightly smile.

"What? But I didn't even do much," 

"No… You managed to come up with something that most support are completely oblivious to," He says as if he was a high-ranking dungeon runner. 

"Is that it?" 

"Well, you also killed one hundred of the skeletons, which was pretty surprising because I assumed you focused more on magic… Anyway, I shall answer any two of your questions," He says, his golden staff glowing a golden shine. 

I gulped upon hearing the last part of his sentence… 

"Then… Is it true I'm your descendant?" I asked, and I could see the jackal smile wildly as if he was already expecting this question. 

"Indeed…" He replies. 

My heart began to beat faster and faster as the legends were coming true within my side of the family… My mother's side was actually the descendants of Anubis. 

"Is that why you saved me?" I asked. 

"Will that be your final question?" 

"O-Oh, no. No, it is not," 

"Then, ask away," 

"Then…. Do you know who Celestine's ancestors are?" I asked my final question and I could see the jackals' smile instantly turn into a frown. 

"A bit disappointing as I thought my descendant would be more selfish, but I guess I will answer," He mutters. 

After a long pause as if he was mulling over the thought of responding, he clicks his tongue before opening his mouth. 

"She is the descendant of Set…"

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