The Rise Of Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 166 - Questions (Charlotte POV)

I intently leaned  forward, my notepad already out for taking notes. 

"Lucy, Mia, Clio, Celestine, Astra, Nell, Ethel, Nuala, Electra, Amanda, Aria, and Chun-Hei or Charna as we call her," She explains, and my eyes glistened with excitement. 

"Thank you very much! Thank you! Thank you! I'll make sure to repay you tenfold in the future, so just ask me whatever you want, and I'll get it for you!" 


About an entire month has passed, and I've made tons of progress on spreading this new religion to all the filth of this world.

They might even raise up a level and become garbage once they prey enough on these twelve, who will undoubtedly become gods in the future. 

"Report," Sophia says. 

I learned the woman with skin tone-tan hair and eyes was called Sophia, which surprised me as I thought she'd have a much more ferocious name. 

"The influence is going well, but spreading it to people outside the underground cities is extremely hard as most of them are well believers of other gods," I said, kneeling on one knee. 

"That was to be expected, so don't get your panties in a twist. Just focus on spreading it through the underground city, and once somebody voluntarily puts up a shrine, we'll-... Wait, create a shrine," Sophia orders. 

I waited a bit to see if she would provide any context, but she just returned to her work, kind of like a robot. 

"May I ask why you want to create a shrine?" I asked, a drop of sweat running down my cheek. 

"*sigh*... Are you that stupid, or are you incapable of thinking for yourself?" She asked me, and no matter how she phrased it, her words were extremely painful. 

"F-Forgive me," I apologized, though I didn't know what I was apologizing for… and it seems Sophia noticed that. 

"Stop apologizing for everything you get wrong. Also, stop bowing your head in front of me… Just like you said, we're both executives, so have some pride in it… I don't want to be shoving work onto someone who's just a pushover," She responded… and her words still felt like knives stabbing into my chest. 

"Y-Yes, Ma'am. And, I think I understand what you were trying to say," 

Instead of waiting for somebody's belief to become so strong that they create a temple or shrine, it would be easier to just create multiple of these strongly believing ones by creating an already built shrine. 

It's a simple yet effective plan that could work. 

"Before you are dismissed, may I ask you a question? Do you like presents?" Sophia asks with a slight smile, though she continues to slave away at her work. 

"I do… But… why?" 

"Oh, no worries. You are now dismissed," She says, so I quickly left the room, a few questions lingering in my head. 

As I made my way back to my office, the world around me turned for a quick second, and just as I took a knee, a trail of blood-red hair fluttered before me. 

I couldn't raise my head, though, even when I strained my neck as far as possible. 

Is she an enemy? S-Sophia is in great danger if this woman gets there…. Come on! Move body! Move! 

But, no matter how hard I screamed at my body, the woman proceeded down the hallway, the sound of her sneakers, slowly trailing off. 


I threw up onto the stone floor, and even when I tried to dash down the hallway to warn Sophia, I noticed the woman had disappeared. 

"Was it just my imagination?" I muttered to myself before opening the door to my office. 

A woman was spinning around in my chair, her hair darker than night, and her eyes were a creepy pale gray that made me shiver at the sight. 

She was at least 5'9 or 5'10, and her pale white skin was beautifully contrasted against her hair and eyes. 

But… the strange thing was… I couldn't detect her, nor can I even feel her presence, even as she sat in front of me. 

"Oh my. I've been caught," She chuckles before disappearing in an instant, not leaving a single trail behind her. 

"Intruders! There are intruders!" I began to shout down the hallway, but the guards who were set up along the hallways and entrance completely ignored me. 

"Calm down. Do you know who just entered? If you disturb them in the slightest, your head will get sent flying," A guard explains to me, visibly shivering in his spot. 

He was sweating bullets, and when I looked closely at the others, I also noticed they were sweating bullets. 

"They've become stronger, haven't they?" One of the guards says with a weary smile. 

"Definitely… No doubt about it. They could even take over the world with that power if they wanted," One of them chuckled, but his voice was a bit shaky. 

"Tell me! What is happening!" I shouted as I was so confused about whoever those two were, what these guards were talking about, and the present Sophia said she'll gift me. 

"You don't know?" One of the guards asks me as if it was the most obvious question in the world. 

"Well, clearly I don't," I responded, my anger slowly rising. 

"Well… I noticed one of them, though that other one is probably here… So, at least two of the heads of Tolf are now present in the building," 




I ignored any form of respect as I banged on Sophia's door, aware of the punishment that she would most likely give me… but I couldn't contain my excitement. 

"Sophia! T-Two of the leaders are here! We need to prepare something for them!" I shouted, but there was just silence from behind the door. 

Dammit! My idols are here but Sophia is just slaving away at work!? Get a life!


All of a sudden, the door slightly opened and I came tumbling into the room, feeling a pressure weigh at my neck. 

It felt like a top predator in the food chain was pressing its claw against me, who was just a tiny little rabbit. 

No, this isn't human… This is a monster… No, a dragon. This is a dragon. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you… Little lady,"

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