The Rise Of Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 77 - [Bonus chapter] Quick Clean Up and Reward

"What is she doing here?" A familiar voice asked, and when I turned my head, I saw him. 

"Greetings… And good luck," I mutter with a smile as Nell circled behind Alexander and zapped the back of his head with an electric device. 

"What the hell was that?" Mia asks. 

"Yeah, that was badass," Astra adds. 

"Ah, I wanted to play the role of villain, but let's get started," 

"Who's the edgy one now," Mia chuckles to herself. 

One of the present butlers, which I ȧssumed to be loyal to the two sisters, helped move Alexanders' body to the sparring arena, which was just a white room. 

It was made from a smooth surface that you could easily slip on, but the actual material was very sturdy. 

I could tell just how strong it was by just stepping on it. 

"No echo," I mutter before helping the girls strap Alexander to the chair. 

"Why can't we just instantly kill him?" Mia asks as none of us seemed to be interested in torture, and I as well was wondering this. 

I mean, I hate this guy but not enough to torture him as I did with James. 

As I glanced upwards to Nell and Astra, I saw their eyes shifting to and from each other as if they were debating whether they should tell. 

"Ummmmmm… Shit, well, whatever. We got the Tolf thing anyway, so I guess we should just say," Nell says, and after a couple more seconds, Astra breathes a heavy sigh and nods her head, signaling her agreement. 

"You see, he has a pet," Astra starts off. 

"Yeah?" I follow up. 

"And it's not really externally," 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Mia asks. 

"His pet flows through his bloodstream. It's a blood golem," 

"What is that?" I ask as I've never heard of this before, but just judging from Mia's darkening face, I could tell it wasn't something good. 

"It's not a really golem but kind of a slime. The dungeons it mostly appears in are swamps made entirely from blood which is perfect as they can enter any body of blood," Nell explains. 

"Is it strong?" I ask. 

"It depends how much blood it absorbs. In fact, we won't even have to kill him as, as soon as it feels threatened, it will absorb all this guy's blood and fully reveal itself," Astra adds. 

"I see, well, let's kill him," I mutter before creating a spear made from ice that stabbed him in the ċhėst. 

And before the other girls could curse me out, blood crawled out from Alexanders' puncture wound and enveloped his entire body. 

Then it immediately began to shrink, pulling Alexander's body with it.

"What the hell," I mutter, seeing Alexander's body completely disappear and be replaced by a small red slime that rapidly began to expand. 

It was about 20 feet tall and 15 feet in width, making it almost as tall and as wide as the room we were in. 

"Bad timing, but how do we kill it?" I asked the other girls, who took a few steps back, and many guards flooded the room, pushing me to the doorway. 

"Seriously?" Astra says with a deadpan look. 

A few hours had passed, and the number of guards had been cut in half, but the blood golem had been reduced to a pile of squishy, red mush. 

And just so I could get some XP, I flicked a couple of ice needles towards the golem, completely freezing it over. 

[100 XP gained] 

[You have leveled up] 


"That was pretty anticlimactic," Mia shrugs as we exit the training room, letting the guards clean up the mess. 

"Yeah… And you have pretty loyal guards if you're letting them clean up one of your cousins' dead bodies," I add. 

"They're loyal to my mother. Not me," Astra says. 

"I see- oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask but do you all have one dad and multiple moms or vice versa?" I ask. 

"All the successors in line have the same father, so I guess you could call us all half-sisters and brothers, but they're so alienated in our lives that they are essentially cousins we rarely get to see… Except for Astra, of course," Nell says. 

So that's how it works. 

Now that I think about it, it would be weird if they were all fuċkɨnġ each other as family… Yeah, let's stop this train of thought. 


And soon, the week went by fast, and the weekend came. 

All of Tolf was working hard to improve their skills, and I wasn't left out. In fact, I had even been going to dungeons every day after school. 

But, I have been only going to C and D rank dungeons due to a sudden increase in monitorization over dungeons due to many illegal entering cases. 


[Name: Lucy]

[Race: Ancient Snake (Half)] 

[Level: 25/50] (13/100) XP Needed

[HP: 125/125  MP: 125/125  SP: 76/76] - Above Average

[Strength: 131] - Above Average

[Defense: 131] - Above Average

[Magic: 131] - Above Average

[Speed: 131] - Above Average

[Variant Skills: [Lesser Quetzalcoatl's Ancient Fire (Black Lava)] [Drizzle (Black Lava)] 

[Summon Servants: [Fear] 

[Passive: [Photographic Memory] [Black Drakes Blood] [All Language Perception] [Acid Immunity] [Black Drakes Regeneration] [Fire and Lava Immunity] 




[Stored Souls]

"And I also have these that I've been collecting for a while," I mutter while glancing up at a panel I'll never get sick of seeing. 

[Would you like to sacrifice stored souls?]

"Yes," I mutter before hopping onto my cloud-like couch, causing me to immediately melt in bliss as I finally got to relax after a hard day of hunting in a few dungeons. 

[Number of Souls Sacrificed: 493]

[You have sacrificed 487 small souls] 

[You have sacrificed 6 large souls]

[Would you like to receive your reward or save for a bigger prize?]

"Recieve," I mutter. 

[Would you like multiple small rewards or one large reward?] 


I honestly wanted to try the multiple small rewards as there wasn't anything I particularly needed right now, but… 

"One large reward," 

I couldn't help but contain my greed for my power. 

[Reward has been-

[The gods are pleased by the human souls you have taken with your own hands] 

[Reward has been increased by one level] 

[Calculcating reward]


A large smile began to grow on my face as I glanced outside the window, staring at the humans who roamed the streets of New York. 

They looked like ants from where I was, and just as my bloodlust began to leak out, my reward had been calculated. 

[First primary reward has been granted] 

[Quetzalcoatl is a being that was said to have ruled over earth and water. It has also been referred to as a god that ruled over the morning and evening stars. But something that most followers were unaware of was that Quetzalcoatl also dabbled in the art of death]

[Death attribute is being infused into your system]

[Prepare for excruciating pain] 

A burning feeling welled up inside me, and as I clenched my ċhėst, I felt blood begin to rise up my throat. 

I gagged immediately, but instead of blood, unexpectantly, rainbow flames began to pour out my mouth like liquid. 

And finally, after a whole minute of suffering in the middle of my apartment, the pain slowly crept away, and the rainbow flames that poured from my mouth began to turn a shade of deep gray mixed with white.

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