The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 695: Book of Death 1

The territory of the Undead United Council, the former territory of the Kingdom of Morrokhed.

An undead war between undead and undead is about to happen.

This strange and unprecedented war has never appeared in the history of Klein Plane, so it also attracts the attention of all high-level people in the plane.

Although the decline of the Undead Council has been seen in recent days, everyone dares to see it, but like this sudden cemetery force, there are not many people who directly challenge the authority of the lich. The tens of millions of terrorist army of undead on the territory of the Undead Council is on the one hand, and the bigger one is the strength of the legendary lich itself.

Legendary lich!

This is a horrible magic creature that can be frightening just by listening to famous words.

Their predecessor, before each legendary mage became a lich, was already the most dazzling star in the history of the development of Klein plane magic. Their magnificent names have been praised in the mouth of countless spellcasters, and their great achievements have been engraved in every chapter and every page of the history of magic.

It can be said that many of the current schools of spells, and even many of the spell organizations active in the Mage Guild, were formed and initiated by them. Seriously, the magical development of the Klein plane cannot be separated from their promotion and participation.

It is a pity that all this glory turned from light to darkness after the Lich Reincarnation ceremony.

Hundreds of years and even thousands of years of mental tempering and suffering, the successive deaths of loved ones, lovers, friends and partners have caused their hearts to gradually fall into darkness, and their feelings have gradually faded. The radiance of humanity that used to shine on them has now been replaced by thick, dark cold and evil.

They became them.

In their eyes, humans are no longer the same kind walking side by side, but a backward species with weak bodies and extra feelings. In the past, the laws and regulations that they personally participated in making have also become stereotypes that bind their hands and feet.

Contradictions are accumulating and cracks are increasing. Finally one day, a serious conflict broke out between the lich group and the human spellcaster.

Countless lich believers-Necromancers are besieged by angry mages, or die from the spells they love, or die from the gallows, the stake of fire. Many mainland countries have even begun to ban the study of spells such as undead, undead, and psychic, and large-scale hunts and kills the dark casters.

As the largest mage organization in Klein's plane, the mage guild also eliminates the remaining forces of the lich from within.

For a time, the existence of the undead caster across the continent dropped to freezing point.

Although from the bright side, Klein Continental can no longer see the figure of Necromancer. But in the dark, there are still many orthodox mages who are greedy for the viciousness of the undead spell, or can't resist the temptation of eternal life, and are still studying related content.

Those old liches are hiding in hidden tombs, crypts or old forests in the mountains, wilderness swamps, and continue to study their isolation from the world. There are still some liches, who simply stepped out of the Klein plane and began an exploration career in the plane of adventure.

In this environment, Sean VII, the once astounding undead master, was unwilling to be silent, and secretly contacted and conquered the few legendary liches remaining in Klein's plane. The outbreak took over the kingdom of Morrokhed with its vast territory and weak guardianship.

When the Undead United Council erected its banner on the mainland of Klein, the surging wave of public opinion on the mainland finally could not resist the death terror of the legendary lich, and the first undead war ended in a lamentable way.

Since then, the horror of the legendary lich has once again been imprinted in everyone's soul.

Without the leadership of the Mages' Guild, and without the full power of the church forces, those mortal armies that rely solely on individual countries, don't even want to destroy the undead kingdom that has been clumped together.

But today, the general perception of people on this continent has been reversed.

A mysterious army of undead undead is challenging the authority of the legendary lich in the hinterland of the Undead Council, and is heading towards the home of the legendary lich, the capital of the dead, with a general attack.

For a time, words such as "Undead Civil War" and "Lich Infighting" flooded the pubs and restaurants of all cities in the Klein plane. All well-informed large organizations and large forces have turned their attention to the interior of the Undead Council, watching every step of development and every change there.

The rumor that the undead forces are declining is even more tumultuous!

However, in stark contrast to the upsurge of civil discussion, it is the calmness and indifference of those legendary classes. Except for a few legendary strongmen who live and die with the legendary lich, most of the legends are watching the upcoming undead war as bystanders.

In a short period of time, even the undead mage chaos broke out in the Principality of Novis.


Just as the entire plane was focused on the Blackwood Lake 300 miles north of the capital of the dead, Li Xun, a participant in the war, was still squatting in the body of the corpse devil Mars like a real man. The book of death.

You heard it right, now the corpse devil has a name. Mars, a common name! This is the name given to Li Xun when he was promoted to second rank after devouring a large graveyard the day before yesterday. A half-life, half-constructed special activated life like a corpse devil, is a hundred times more difficult to advance than ordinary creatures.

But each advancement is usually accompanied by a doubled strength.

In Li Xun's impression, the living creatures inside the necropolis similar to the corpse devil Mars are probably only Iron-headed Isa and the ghost battleship Terkanes.

The biggest and most conspicuous change of the corpse devil Mars is that the area it occupies has reached nearly a thousand square meters. Of course, this refers to the state of travel after it is stretched out. If it needs to fight, it can also retract the body back to form a cemetery city with a radius of nearly 500 meters. All city walls, battle forts, and ghost fire towers are made up of towering and solid evil tombstones.

Unfortunately, most of these things did not play a role in the Civil War of the Undead, so Li Xun purely used Mars as a comfortable mobile vehicle.

As for the so-called book of death, all necromancers will personally make a special magical equipment to record all the necromantic spells they have mastered. It is a terrible evil made with human skin as cover, human corpse as ink, and human skeleton as frame. When reading such books, non-dead spellcasters must withstand the effects of "dead babble", "life sucking", "flesh and blood blight" and so on.

Of course, what I just listed is just the book of death made by ordinary necromancers. What Li Xun holds in his hands at the moment is the half-plane treasure house from Sean VII, a book of death made by the legendary lich Nonos.

Although this book still does not reach the level of legendary items, it is not far away. It is densely documented with all the currently known knowledge and spells of the undead spells on the Klein plane, even the famous 9th-level spells. But the most precious thing is the only super-level spell included in this book-Undead Scourge.

Undead Scourge, as the top-level and most vicious attack method in the Undead spells, cannot be completed by a legendary lich independently, but a cumbersome and complicated blasphemy ritual that even the lich must scratch his head. It can forcibly convert all the creatures that died in the spell envelope in the scourge of undead catastrophe into undead creatures, and be enslaved by the ceremonial host.

This is also the quickest way for legendary liches to make the Undead Legion.

This book of death existed as an array of treasures in the last scourge of undead natural disasters launched by Morjorge in Germany, and now it is in Li Xun's hands. If the Undead United Council wants to launch another Undead Scourge in the Principality of Novos, I am afraid that it can only think of another way, and then find a treasure of the same rank that can replace the book of death.

With a rich collection of legendary lich, although it is not impossible, it will not be so easy. It needs to match the dark attributes of the undead's natural disaster ritual, but also need to be able to carry the flow of massive dead air and the impact of thousands of dead souls. Such undead treasures are only a handful in the history of the Klein plane.

It is because of the existence of these undead treasures that the legendary lich can be freed from the heavy magic rituals and release their maximum fighting power. Otherwise, how could the five legendary lich trapped in the undead natural disaster ceremony be able to resist the joint attack of the two legendary guardian mages.

It can be seriously said that taking away such a treasure from the Undead Alliance Council is equivalent to locking up all the fighting power of a legendary lich, and also allowing them to safely lose two points when casting the Undead Scourge.

How did Li Xun, a "small" mage of level 16, know this kind of thing, or only know a little or two after listening to the lecture of the undead master Kel'Thuzad.

So he became more interested in this undead treasure.

As a legendary lich who has been "missing" for more than 1100 years, Nornos was also a famous figure on the Klein plane, but unfortunately it was eventually lost in the endless star sea.

This kind of starry sky exploration without personal protection has always been the case. Once the mana of the whole body is drained by the Netherstorm, or is trapped in a space of an alien plane and cannot be turned, then this character is dead for its native plane. At least many famous legends in history were removed from the Master Guild because of their inability to turn back, and were classified as the dead.

In fact, with Li Xun's current qualifications, reading this kind of magic books is still too difficult.

Because it is a living book!

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