The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 832: Magic circle

11 Kern lairs, which means that 11 cemetery teams are needed to crush the general Holy Order.

Unconsciously, the necropolis already has such a large and aggressive team, which makes Li Xun feel a lot of pressure while deeply proud.

Standing at the individual level of level 16 among a group of cemeteries and heroes, he is obviously too lazy.

It seems that it's time for your rank to move.


Trailblazer Arcane Tower.

The preliminary clean-up work has just been completed.

All the corpses, blood mage, and dragon lich who are on duty in the Arcane Tower are all on their own, and temporarily closed all non-essential magic facilities from the fifth floor to the third floor exploration room. The torrent of elements rushing out of the magic pool swept through all the areas that Soran Lian might pass, to prevent the other party from discovering something from the remaining breath in the air.

The guards of the cemetery, which were originally responsible for guarding various intersections and important facilities, were also replaced and replaced by arcane puppets. These big guys are all remnants of the real arcane empire, not fakes that were later faked by the wizarding guild.

As for the exploration room, Uzel hurriedly erected several peeping circles that could be controlled remotely, but the iron-headed Isa sniffed after seeing it.

This kind of peeping magic circle is just used to deceive the general mage, but it is necessary to use them to spy on the astrological ritual of a holy order star star master, but it is inevitable to underestimate others.

Issa didn't clear Uzel's layout, but instead quietly played in a few dark places for a while, as if stealing something in it, only Yun Yun walked away.

It was proved afterwards that Issa really had foresight.

According to the teleport array coordinates provided by Li Xun, Soran Lian successfully teleported to the Blazer Arcane Tower.

As soon as he stepped out of the teleportation array, looking at the clean, smooth floor in front of him, and watching the clean corridors with no substantial light sources on both sides but a bright and soft white light, Soran Lian nodded.

Of course, it was the well-deserved first supervisor of the Arcane Tower, Isa the Ironhead.

Obviously a steel puppet all made of clank metal, but Isa's words and manners are completely human, even more polite than most nobles. In addition, during walking behavior, it will not emit a piercing "zheng" metal friction sound like steel golem.

Wherever I passed, the opening and closing of the magic secret door was also silent, and there was no sound of the magnificent and somewhat exaggerated "Qingqiang" magic machinery of the Master Tower.

In Solan Lian's impression, the magic secret doors in the mage tower were all carved with thick and heavy magic stones. Although they had worked hard to decorate them, they still could not hide the rough and clumsy appearance. The magic secret door of this arcane tower in front of her is light and translucent, as if you can see the image of the other side from one side. But in fact, it is built with the strongest starfall in the depths of Xinghai. Without legendary strength, don't even want to damage it.

And such exquisite restraint also covers almost all aspects of Arcane Tower. All the layout and appearance of the Arcane Tower look similar to the Mage Tower, which is plausible, but if you want to look closely, you will find that it is a world apart, not at the same level.

To be fair, the Master Tower should be the pinnacle of the extreme extreme plane, but the Arcane Tower is a star weapon created by the essence of the multiverse. One is at the plane level and the other is at the world level.

Under the silent guidance of Issa, he passed through a secret door and Yongdao, and passed many special rooms and secret rooms along the way. There are exquisite arcane puppets guarding at the door, but they can't see any living things other than arcane puppets, which makes Solan Lian feel sorry.

This movable magic platform capable of flying in the sky, moving up to the plane and down to the volcano exploration is the dream residence of every caster. Of course, Solan Lian couldn't hold back the vigorous exploration of Gu Xiaowang, and wanted to explore every mystery and every detail in it seriously.

It is a pity that the all-in-one Austrian net system has condensed the entire arcane tower together and rejected the intervention of all forces. Here, even every inch of masonry is infiltrated with a slowly flowing Austrian energy and rune network.

Finding something in such a tight system is hard. At least the powerful mental power of Solanlian cannot penetrate the walls here without disturbing the Austrian net system and see what is hidden behind it.

After a long and neat corridor, passing through countless magic secret doors, and also riding a floating disc halfway, and going down a spiral staircase, Soran Lian finally came to the exploration room in the middle of the Arcane Tower.

In the whole process, all the secret rooms passing by the Arcane Tower were completely closed, and the airtight open windows outside the Yongdao were also tightly sealed and locked. Except for the white and flawless Yongdao, Soran Lian could not see any valuable items at all This made her secretly hate the miser of the little mage.

Issa politely shoved to the side, and with the opening of the magic door, the fluorescence of the profound and mysterious magic rune in the exploration room was projected.

A stargazer is obviously not suitable for the presence of outsiders when doing divination, so Issa's waiting is out.

Soran Lian walked slowly into the exploration room. When the secret door closed slowly behind her, everything in the entire exploration room was completely in her eyes.

At her feet is a mysterious mysterious twelve-man star magic array, which has almost contained and contained most of the magical elements, which caused some of Solan Lian's original worries to disappear.

Magic arrays generally need to echo the sun, moon and stars to achieve the maximum effect. And try to be as close as possible to the regular pattern, in order to reduce the loss of magic power in it. Therefore, the master of the formation is usually also a mathematician, astronomer and geometer.

An effective magic array must have a magic core (inner magic ring, basic spell, inner array, you can not draw all but not), outer array (mans star), magic lead (small circle on mans star , Rune), potential (texture of day, month, or star), prayer text (use the potential, pray to God), outer magic ring (weakening text, magic text, fixed text), outer magic text (magic attribute) , Level, god's name, magic system, type), auxiliary magic array (may not be).

Most of the circles outside the magic circle are circles. These circles represent the cycle, which can ensure that the magic power will not be lost. The circle within the circle is a magic circuit, which is a wire to ensure the transmission of magic power. The more circuits, the greater the magic power consumed.

The mage draws the magic circle into a magic circle with good conductors of certain magic powers. When drawing, a small amount of magic power is injected, so that it runs on a specific trajectory in the magic array, and during the operation, it echoes the free magic power of the outside world, attracts the free magic power of the outside world, and thus enhances the caster to a certain extent Magic power.

People misunderstand the magic circle, thinking that the greater the magic power of the caster, the greater the magic power, but in fact, the magic circle does not require a lot of magic power. It exists for the convenience of the mage, who can use his flesh to launch advanced magic. Originally needed to be launched by a chorus of hundreds of casters, and after the magic array weakened, one person can complete it alone. Although the power becomes smaller, it is still the top magic.

In terms of the twelve-star magic array in front of it, it is extremely brilliant, covering almost six types of non-elements, elements (pentamenta), combination, decomposition, symbol, and physical combination. The most common type of magic circle. Whether it is the power gathering or summoning ritual of divine magic or dark magic, or the ordinary summoning of the four major elements, or the complex combination of physical and non-physical conversion and alchemy, you can borrow the magic array in front of you. Drive it up.

To be honest, although the astrological array she set up in the astrological tower of the Cold Ridge Mountains is more specialized than this twelve-mandatory array, she has been thrown out of ten streets for compatibility and universality.

With this twelve-pointed star magic array, she was worried that the astrolabe and star chart specially prepared by the star array would be superfluous.

Seeing the happy heart, Solan Lian directly stood at the center of the magic circle, trying to guide the energy operation inside the magic circle. Whether it is the synergy of magic energy and spiritual power, or the feedback of each magic ring and rune loop of the magic array, it is so handy and comfortable.

It can be seen that the owner of the Arcane Tower has released the application permissions of this exploration room, and the various magic supplies have reached the optimal configuration.

Although the magic circle of the exploration room is running, the guardian circle of the outer wall will also run on its own to isolate the detection of the outside world. But after all, this is not a familiar astrological tower, so Solan Lian also consciously sensed the magic feedback of the magic circle during the attempt to guide the stage.

Sure enough, in some auxiliary loops and outer ring runes of the magic circle, Solan Lian has discovered five abnormal places. Either the image remains, or the elemental resonance can pass all the hidden things happening in the exploration room back to the arcane tower central control core.

It can be seen that the guy who set up these prying circles is also a meticulous generation, and actually knows how to use the magic induction of the magic circle to recharge these prying circles.

When the magic circle is not running, they are also indistinctly moving, without any abnormal mana fluctuations, and of course ordinary people cannot detect it in advance. When the magic circle is driven to run, they only run together, and their mana fluctuations can also be hidden into the operation of the entire magic circle. If the host is not particularly familiar with this twelve-pointed star magic circle, I am afraid that they will not even be aware of their existence.

The astralist smiled coldly, instead of clearing these unnecessary prying magic circles, but laid a layer of introductory arrays around the twelve-man star magic array.

She has already made all kinds of complete preparations. Once the astrological ritual begins, the astrological array at the top of the Astrological Tower in the Coldridge Mountains will start to run synchronously with the imaginary avatar she left behind. At that time, this is the main array, and the astrological chart array is the auxiliary array. If the legendary mage really feels that he wants to track down, the first threshold that cannot be bypassed is here.

The extraterrestrial sky far beyond the Klein plane is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Klein plane, and there is also a strict Austrian net system that isolates the detection of spells. Even if the legendary mage has a great ability, it is difficult to get any valuable clues from here, and it is even less likely to associate her with the star master.

So after fully checking everything, Soran Lian finally lighted up the first guide rune of the Twelve-Man Star Magic Array ...

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