
At this time, Lin Dong’s mobile phone rang, and someone sent him a VX message.

pick it up and see that it is Xu Shan.

“Husband! You okay? There are zombies everywhere, I’m so scared and worried about you now, are you still alive? ”

“I’m alive.”

Lin Dong replied.

Xu Shan found that he was still alive and quickly continued.

“I’m stuck in my bedroom, I don’t have much to eat, you have a lot of supplies in the supermarket, right?” Can you bring some to me? ”

“OK, you hold on first, I’ll go later.”

the corners of Lin Dong’s mouth turned up, because he turned into a zombie, his smile was not natural, but gloomy, and it looked a little weird.

Xu Shan is his living material.

of course you have to go over and take it!

However, it is still too dangerous outside, although Lin Dong eats a lot of meat and his strength is far beyond ordinary people, but he still wants to stay for a few days, and then go out when he becomes stronger to ensure that nothing is lost.

of course Xu Shan didn’t know that it was a zombie who was chatting with her at this time!

“Husband, you must come and save me, I will wait for you!” Love you ~~~”< p idx="15"> Lin Dong did not reply again.

because Xu Shan was in the bedroom with three men, and something happened that could not pass the trial, and he even said that he loved himself.

and already at this time, I just sent myself VX.

probably it’s inconvenient to call….

In addition, in the group chat of the owners, messages are constantly sent, most of which are for help.

“Neighbors, there are zombies in our corridor, they are banging on my door, what should I do now?”

“Don’t block the door!” Don’t let the zombies rush in! ”

“I don’t have much to eat at home, I can’t hold on!”

“Don’t worry, everyone! Zombies are not strong, I just shot one to death with a shovel! The number of people who dare to kill zombies, we have to unite and go out together to find supplies


“25”> Looking at those group chats, Lin Dong fell into deep thought.

although he is a zombie, he has no intention of doing anything to his neighbors, because human flesh is not delicious, and the energy contained in it is not as much as beef.

eating beef evolved faster.

Lin Dong still has a lot of stockpiles, so there is no need to hunt for live people.

Of course… If someone who doesn’t have long eyes comes to mess with himself, Lin Dong will also let them know what cruelty is!

and humans are united, so can zombies.

A powerful corpse king who can dominate all the zombies, unite and cooperate to hunt prey.

so Lin Dong plans to collect a few zombie brothers.

is not meant to hunt.

mainly to help yourself look at the door or something, so as not to be disturbed.

picked up the key, Lin Dong walked out of the door, and in the corridor, there was a low roar, obviously there were zombies wandering.

Lin Dong doesn’t plan to go too far, just in this building, pick a few younger brothers, it’s not too demanding, as long as it’s clean…

he came to the stairwell, just down one floor, and at the corner of the corridor, he saw a figure.

“> “ho ho ho-ho>-ho-

she is also a zombie, she naturally will not attack Lin Dong, and even a pair of pupils are a little afraid.

girl seemed to be able to feel that Lin Dong’s rank was higher than herself.

like a hungry wolf meets a tiger, natural bloodline suppression.

Lin Dong had an impression of the girl, and the neighbor who lived downstairs remembered that the girl was a provincial high jumper when she was alive.

Due to long-term training, the girl’s legs are straight and slender, full of strength.

even if it becomes a zombie, it is not stiff and numb, and the speed is the same as ordinary people.

and….. This is still without eating flesh and blood!

“It seems that zombies are also qualified and will retain some characteristics before death.”

Lin Dong feels that the female zombie qualification is good, if it is cultivated, it definitely has the potential of an agile corpse king.

girl wearing a white T-shirt, hot pants, and ponytail, looks very refreshing and clean.

“That’s her…”

Lin Dong waved his hand and threw out a bag of quick-frozen steak.

female zombie was immediately attracted by the flesh and blood, knelt on the ground, and crushed the packaging bag in one bite, and then swallowed the piece of meat like a date.

After eating the steak, the female zombie seems to be not too addicted.

a pair of eyes looked at Lin Dong, in addition to fear, there was a little more longing and respect.

“Follow me…. in order to have meat to eat. ”

Lin Dong sent her a signal, similar to a kind of brainwave communication.

Corpse King controls the little brother, all in this way.

female zombie seemed to read his meaning, made a ‘ho-ho’ sound in her mouth, and then slowly lowered her head.

which in zombies stands for – surrender!

just like that, Lin Dong accepted the first younger brother.

he took the female zombie and wandered in the corridor, and not long after, he found two more zombies with good qualifications.

one of them was a fitness trainer, needless to say, the advantages are strong, muscular, simply a model of strength zombies.

while the other, has no physical advantage.

was a top student doctor.

the reason why Lin Dong accepted him, he always felt that there was a bit of spirituality in his eyes, flashing with wisdom.

if the zombie IQ is compared to a dog, then this doctor zombie definitely belongs to the side herding level.

except for these two zombies, the other Lin Dong did not look at it.

bring three zombies back to his doorstep.

Lin Dong’s gaze swept, these three zombies, the qualifications are good, but with the current combat effectiveness, they can’t beat humans with weapons.

“If only you could use weapons too….”

“71”> thought to himself.

but soon the clever move, the zombies may not use weapons, right?

mainly because no one has trained them….

‘Boom! ‘

Lin Dong shook his hand, took out three watermelon knives from the storage space, and threw them on the ground.

blade impact sound, immediately attracting the attention of zombies.

but they stared straight at it and didn’t understand what it meant.

Lin Dong immediately gave instructions.

let them pick up the knife.

this time the three zombies understood, and immediately did so, especially the fitness trainer, who held it on the blade.

‘poof! ‘

palm was cut by the blade, and blood trickled down.

because the zombie’s pain has decreased, it doesn’t feel much, but is a little smug, staring at Lin Dong, indicating that he is the most obedient.


Lin Dong slapped his forehead with one hand, indicating that he was speechless.

“Are you going to cut someone with a knife???”

And that doctor zombie, indeed very smart, under Lin Dong’s instructions, held the knife handle in his hand and picked it up, and waved it in the air, quickly figuring out the purpose of this thing.

Lin Dong expressed his relief.

and give instructions for the other two zombies to learn from it.

with a demonstration, the two zombies quickly understood Lin Dong’s meaning and changed to holding the knife handle.

this can be seen.

zombies can be trained.

but the only one who is qualified to train them is the more powerful corpse king!


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