Lin Dong took a few steps forward, his figure slowly disappeared, and he had already entered a hidden state, stepping into the territory of the snake pupil.

He mainly wanted to explore the way, and besides, Cheng Luoyi hadn’t come yet, and he didn’t know where he was, so he had to take her to do something ‘good’.

The buildings on both sides of the street are like ruins, dilapidated, dried up with blood, and rotten bones can be seen everywhere, and there are also a few zombies dragging stiff steps, wandering aimlessly.

These zombies are all old, weak and sick, their bodies are badly decomposed, they emit a foul smell, and they have even given birth to maggots, which look disgusting. Their combat effectiveness, which is also somewhat threatening to ordinary people, has completely become the walking dead.

Of course, there is also an evolved zombie, holding a big rat, sitting on the side of the street and nibbling, with blood at the corners of its mouth and a lot of mouse hair.

At the root of the messy wall ahead, there is still a corpse, and there are several small snakes, shuttling through the rotting flesh and blood, which has become a paradise for snakes.

“It’s too dirty…” Lin

Dong felt that the snake pupil territory was not very hygienic, it was too sloppy, and it was built like a pig’s den.

Moreover, between the buildings, there are many cobwebs.

There were many flying insects and even mutant sparrows, which kept struggling, causing the spider webs to tremble, but they couldn’t break free.

Those cobwebs are superimposed on each other, and at a glance they look densely packed, and the people who look at it are densely phobic…

Ignoring so much, Lin Dong casually took out his mobile phone and began to text Cheng Luoyi.

“Where have you been?”

“Farmer’s Market, how about you?”

“I’ll be there soon.”

“Okay, let’s meet and talk, I’m busy.”

Cheng Luoyi slashed a zombie to death, and after sending a message with one hand, he put his mobile phone in his pocket.

Beside him, there were more than ten people, also fighting with zombies, including his partner Sun Xiaoqiang, and Chen Ming and others last time, who were responsible for carrying supplies.

Sun Xiaoqiang looked at Cheng Luoyi with wise eyes, and his face showed admiration.

“You actually text with one hand?”

“It’s good to be skillful.”

Cheng Luoyi said casually, holding a knife in both hands, and slashed off a zombie’s head.

Sun Xiaoqiang nodded, feeling that what she said made sense.

It’s like wiping his ass for 20 years, he hasn’t seen his eyes once, but he also wipes an accurate, without him … Familiar hands.

And the orphanage had taught him before, as long as he was willing to work hard, the iron pestle was sharpened into a needle, and the iron mountain relied on Chengkun.

You really should practice more….

Chen Ming and the others in the rear, holding alloy knives, are also fighting with zombies, fortunately, the zombies are some low-level small karami, three or five times are very easy to solve, there is no pressure.

They removed the nearby zombies so that supplies could be delivered later.

On the side of the street, there is a farmer’s market, and the roller shutter door is ajar, and the blood stains on it are faintly visible, and the blood of human scratching can be faintly seen.

Due to the rust of the roller shutter door, Cheng Luoyi stepped forward, slashed down with a knife in both hands, and only listened to the sound of ‘om’, like cutting tofu, cutting off the roller shutter door.

Cheng Luoyi, as the number 001 awakener, the weapon in his hand is specially made, this is a ‘chopping knife’, both the blade and the handle are very long, and it is already about the same height as her.

Moreover, on the handle of the knife, there is also a thunder crystal nucleus, slightly flashing with electric light, when fully urged, the electric light will cover the slender blade, increasing the speed and lethality.

This is the newly developed technology of the Vault – crystal nuclear weapons.

That’s the only one at the moment, and it looks very cool!

Who can refuse a knife that glows?

Cheng Luoyi carried the long knife on his shoulder and walked straight into the farmer’s market, the light inside was dim, the air smelled of heavy rot, and in some dark corners, there was a faint roar of zombies.

In the rear, Chen Ming touched his backpack, took out a bomb, and threw it forward hard.

The bomb was also specially made, with a flashing red light on it, and after falling to the ground and rolling twice, it also made a ‘dripping’ sound.

The sound was extremely penetrating and instantly spread throughout the farmer’s market.


A group of zombies were disturbed by the sound and ran towards the bomb.

At this time, the red light of the bomb flashed more and more violently, and the dripping sound became more urgent.

‘Didi Di Di Di Di With

a final bang, it exploded, and dazzling flames rose, engulfing the group of zombies.

The broken flesh of the stump crackled and fell, rising green smoke, and the stench of burnt stench was fragrant.

“Hey, hey, get it!”

Chen Ming was very proud, with the development of the shelter, many weapons against zombies were developed, which were very practical, of course, currently limited to low-level zombies.

Immediately, everyone went straight to the warehouse where the seeds were stored.

The journey was smooth, it seemed that the zombies had really been cleaned up, they were not in any danger, and it didn’t take long for them to come to a room.

Although the light is dim, you can still see large boxes stacked in front of you.

“Developed developed, developed… Let me see if there are any surprises inside.

One by one, the young people were excited, and the monkey hurriedly stepped forward, wanting to confirm the materials in front of him.

He grabbed the lid with both hands and lifted it abruptly, opening it.


There were two scarlet eyes in the box, staring straight at him, two sharp fangs, and constantly spitting letters in his mouth.

For a while, the two looked at each other.


The young man’s face was horrified, he found a snake entrenched in it, and now he wanted to hide, but it was too late.

“Swoosh-” The

snake burst out and bit the young man’s neck, and the sharp sting made him can’t help but wail.

When the people around saw this scene, they were also frightened.

There are snakes?

Cheng Luoyi’s eyes were quick, and he swung the long knife on his shoulder and went straight to the snake’s head.

The sharp knife pierced the air, but it was extremely accurate, almost cutting through the young man’s skin, scraping off his sweat.

The ferocious snake was also cut away in response.

The young man covered his neck and pedaled back a few steps, feeling that he was passing by the Grim Reaper, and he was almost frightened and stupid.

But the sharp pain in his neck reminded him, and when he took his hand down, he saw that it was stained with jet black blood.

“This snake is poisonous!”

“The search team was destroyed here last time, of course there is danger, everyone be careful!”

Chen Ming hurriedly reminded.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of crackling throughout the warehouse, and countless long black snakes crawled out from the bottom of the box, or in the gap, enveloping everyone in the middle.

For creatures like snakes, humans have an instinctive fear, which is engraved in their genes.

When everyone saw the foreground, they suddenly felt their scalps numb.


Seeing several snakes twisting and crawling, Cheng Luoyi swung his knife and chopped, and the sharp long blade was cut in two.

The rest of the men also clenched their weapons and fought the snakes.

But at this moment, above everyone’s heads, there was also a squirming sound.

Chen Ming looked up, and immediately looked horrified, because there were more snakes encircled on the beams, one after another, and they launched attacks at this time, like a rain of snakes falling.


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