The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 10 - Discovery of Ero Boost

Raeparth's Academy.

The Academy holds pride in the number of school clubs and other extra-curricular activities it has. It especially holds it's head high with the number of martial arts related clubs it holds. Due to the Academy's relation with Raeparth's University: College of Defense, the Academy wishes to assist their students whose aim is to apply in one of Earth's leading military colleges in the fight against the Invaders. Inviting high-level instructors, considered masters in their own field, to teach their students, Raeparth's Academy holds one of the highest-rated combat curricula the world has ever seen, second only to military colleges.

While joining a martial arts related club is not a requirement for students to enroll in the College of Defense, it can be said that over 80% of students enrolled there had once been part of a martial arts club or school during highschool.

Everything is for the sake to protect humanity from our one 'true' enemy, the Invaders.




"…What am I going to do now?"

Ever since I checked how the point reward system was calculated by the Ero Masseuse System, I couldn't sleep well at all. As a result, I woke up early, unable to fall back asleep.

Normally at this time, I would be preparing myself to do my morning exercise routine like I always do. But due to my lack of sleep, I decided it would do me more bad than good to exercise in this state so I quit while I was ahead.

Feeling the futility of it all, I decided to arrive at school early.

By the time I got there, there are hardly any students that come to school this early.

From the few that I could see, it seems they are in the middle of doing morning practice for their sports clubs.

Classrooms are usually locked when not in use. As I had arrived too early, all classrooms are currently locked. Seems I have to waste time loitering around.

When I got bored, I began to take another good look at Reward System message that made me unable to sleep last night.




Point Reward System

Point calculation in progress…

Normal Points

• Non-erogenous zone orgasms: 10 times. First-time multiplier.

• Erogenous zone orgasm: 1 time. First-time multiplier.

• Clitoral orgasm: 1 time. First-time multiplier.

Bonus Points

• Touch a woman's bare skin: 1 time

• Removed a woman's item of clothing: 1 time


Normal Points: 25 points

Bonus Points: 15 points

Total: 40 points





The 'First-time multiplier'...

I had made Katie experience and orgasm for every one of these conditions for the first time ever. That's what my System is trying to say right?

Well, I have no idea if what the System is saying is true at all. In the long history ever since the first System was granted, there had been only a few examples of Systems being wrong or off-base. While only a few, it still is a chance.

It's not like Katie told me anything about that.

If what the System says is actually not correct but I start acting as if I did… wouldn't that make me delusional person?

'Hey, I made you c.u.m like that for the first-time, right? So how did it feel?'

'What? Ewww… What kind of misunderstanding is that? As expected of a v.i.r.g.i.n, thinking my acting was me being serious.'

As I imagine what would happen if I were to ask Katie about it, I took some unintentional damage.

It couldn't be that….right?

It wouldn't be that the whole time she was faking, right?

If so, it would seem that, first, my System is easy to fool and, second, I am a naïve v.i.r.g.i.n just like my delusion is telling me.

Depression….it stings.

As I continue to mope from self-damage, I began to hear a very familiar voice behind me.

"Hey! HEY! Daniel! Stop right there! Don't move from that spot!"

Katie, who was far away, was yelling at the top of her lungs while running full speed towards me.

The students that were in the middle of morning practice looked our direction, not knowing what's going on.

Eh? EH!?

W-what is it? What the hell is going on!?

Is she mad? She must be. There is no other explanation.

Should I run? But she told me to stay still. If I run now wouldn't she get even angrier?

My mind became a chaotic mess as I continue to fight the various voices in my head.

While still in confusion, Katie already got close enough that I could see her face.

Eh? She doesn't look mad? She kind of looks….excited?

Further confused by the new information I got, I wasn't able to react when Katie grabbed my hand and pulled me into the direction of the back of the school.

S-so strong! Did her Stats increase or something? I can't seem to throw her off, but more importantly….

Eh? Isn't this the direction of where we did 'it'?

Don't tell me…. she wants to do it again!?

After a short moment of her dragging me, we've arrived at a familiar area.

Katie immediately let go as soon as she arrived.

In my mind I was split into two trains of thought.

One, if she asks me to do it again, what should I say?

Two, if she asks me to do it again, what should I do?

Yeah, complicated. I know.

Caught between these two 'dilemmas', I was waiting for Katie to open her mouth.

Hmm? Now that I take a good look at her…her eyes are kinda bloodshot and the bags under her eyes are so dark.

Eh? Did she too not get enough sleep?

Before I could think more about this question, Katie suddenly grabbed both of my shoulders and leaned face first towards me.

Woah! Close! Too close! W-what is trying to do? Is it a k---?

"Daniel, did you know? Did you? You must have known. No, you have to have known it's your System. This thing---this amazing thing----you knew about it right? Right!?"

Katie looked into my eyes, her face up close, yet the only that happen is her spitting out incomprehensible words that I don't understand. Is it the 'high' you get when you don't sleep at all, she is way too excited.

"W-wait! Wait just a moment. Katie lets calm down and talk this out. What do you mean 'I know it'? Explain it from the beginning."

"Don't lie to me! You know it! Stats! It's the Stats. It's amazing-----!!"

Houston, we have a problem. It seems that she is way too excited to calm down. What should I do?

….It seems I have no choice. Katie…don't hate for this.

While Katie kept rambling on and on about who knows what, I raised my right hand and placed it on her forehead.


I began slowly stroking her head.

With the [Healing Touch (H)] I will use its healing properties to try to restore Katie back too normal.

While it does have the side effect of making a person horny, as long as I let go after she calms down she should not experience it anymore…. I think.

Apparently it working because Katie stopped being overly excited and is much calmer now.

Her cheeks are a little red though. I'll ignore it.

After a little while, I stopped stroking Katie,

Released from my stroking, Katie's dark bags under her eyes are now gone and her eyes are little less bloodshot. She still seems a bit tired, but not as much anymore. Her cheeks are still red though.

"T-thank you."

"…You're welcome."

Well, at least now, we can have a normal conversation.

"…So what were you thinking of dragging me here and accosting me so early in the morning?"

"AH! That's right! Daniel, my Stats! My Stats became amazing!"

And we are back to where we were before.

"Like I said, I don't know what you mean, so start from the beginning. What do you mean by your Stats?"

"I mean my Stats, my Status Window! Last night, I checked it out on whim and saw that my parameters have increased! Isn't it amazing!?"

"O-oh… That is amazing, but what does that have to do with me?"

The event where the Stat parameters, such as STR or HP, are seen to have increased, while it is a good thing, is not particularly a rare or an amazing event.

Through leveling your P-Lvl, Personal Level or Player Level, it is common to see the various parameters in your Status Window increase around 1-4 points at random (HP or MP increase 20-50 points on average each level up).

Raising your personal level can be done by doing actions that are related to your System to get Exp. points,

This is not to be confused with the 'Point Earning Method' as the amount of Exp. points you get does not depend on doing any of the actions specified under it.

As long as you do something for the sake of your System, it doesn't matter what you do, you will get Exp. points.

Let's make Katie as an example.

Her Peerless Valkyrie System apparently has a Point earning method of doing certain physical activities in a certain time period like 'do 1000 push-ups in 4 days' or '5,000 sit-ups in 3 weeks'.

But Katie could get Exp. points by just participating in her Tae Kwon Do Club. How does that work? As long as the concept of doing Tae Kwon Do is related to increasing her ability to do those physical activities in that time period, thus helping her complete her System's conditions, she will get Exp. points.

So by saying that her parameters have increased, she is also implying she had leveled up last night.

"No, it's not what you think. I didn't level up last night, but my parameters increased. Wait! Let me just visualize it for you."

From the bag she was carrying, Katie took out one of the notebooks she uses for school and a pen.

She began writing on a blank sheet.

A few seconds later she finished and ripped the page out of the notebook.

"Here is my Status Window from yesterday and the Status Window from today compared together."



Katie Campbell (16)

Gender: [Female]

Current Level: [2] (360/2000)

Race: Human (Earth)

Title: [Club Ace]

Job: [Tae Kwon Do: 2nd degree Black Belt] [Campbell's Spearmanship: Initiate]

HP: [210]

MP: [100]

STR: [17]

DEF: [15]

VIT: [20]

INT: [18]

AGI: [22]

LUK: [10]

SKILLS: [Kick Mastery LV3], [Martial Mind {PASSIVE}], [Weapon Mastery LV3]



Katie Campbell (16)

Gender: [Female]

Current Level: [2] (380/2000)

Race: Human (Earth)

Title: [Club Ace] [Ero Masseuse's Prisoner]

Job: [Tae Kwon Do: 2nd degree Black Belt] [Campbell's Spearmanship: Initiate]

State: [Ero Boost](Permanent)

HP: [210]+40 (Permanent)

MP: [100]

STR: [17] ]+2 (Permanent)

DEF: [15]

VIT: [20] ]+1 (Permanent)

INT: [18]

AGI: [22] ]+4 (Permanent)

LUK: [10]

SKILLS: [Kick Mastery LV3], [Martial Mind {PASSIVE}], [Weapon Mastery LV3]







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